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it helps to pass the time

  • 1 pass

    [pɑ:s, Am pæs] n <pl - es>
    ( road) Pass m;
    one of the highest \passes in Europe einer der höchsten Pässe in Europa;
    mountain \pass [Gebirgs]pass m
    2) fball, sports ( of a ball) Pass m, Vorlage f (für ein Tor);
    that was a beautiful \pass to the centre forward das war ein gekonnter Pass zum Mittelstürmer
    3) ( sweep) by a plane [Darüber]streichen nt kein pl;
    they had seen the aircraft flying low in a \pass over the ski resort sie hatten gesehen, wie das Flugzeug sehr tief über das Skigebiet hinwegflog; by a magician, conjuror [Hand]bewegung f;
    the magician made some \passes with his hands over her body der Zauberer fuhr mit der Hand mehrmals über ihren Körper
    4) (fam: sexual advance) Annäherungsversuch m;
    to make a \pass [at sb] einen Annäherungsversuch [bei jdm] machen, sich akk an jdn ranmachen ( fam)
    5) ( Brit) sch, univ ( exam success) Bestehen nt kein pl (einer Prüfung);
    to achieve grade A \passes sehr gute Noten bekommen;
    to get/obtain a \pass in an exam eine Prüfung bestehen;
    (Am) ( grade) Bestehen nt kein pl (einer Prüfung);
    in those courses they don't grade students - they just get a \pass or fail in diesen Kursen bekommen die Studenten keine Noten, sie können nur entweder bestehen oder durchfallen;
    ( proof of completion) Bestanden nt
    6) ( permit) Passierschein m;
    only people with a \pass are allowed to enter the nuclear power station nur Personen mit einem entsprechenden Ausweis dürfen das Kernkraftwerk betreten; for a festival Eintritt m, Eintrittskarte f; for public transport [Wochen-/Monats-/Jahres-]karte f;
    bus \pass Busfahrkarte f (die über einen bestimmten Zeitraum gültig ist);
    free \pass Freikarte f;
    disabled people have a free \pass for the public transport system Behinderte können die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel kostenlos benutzen;
    ( esp Am) sch; to leave class Entschuldigung f (für das Fernbleiben vom Unterricht);
    why aren't you at the math class? - I've got a \pass warum bist du nicht im Matheunterricht? - ich hab eine Entschuldigung
    7) no pl ( predicament) Notlage f, kritische Lage;
    this is a \pass - we can't get back into the hotel da haben wir uns ja was Schönes eingebrockt - wir können nicht ins Hotel zurück ( fam)
    to come to a pretty \pass ziemlich übel [für jdn] aussehen ( fam)
    it's come to a pretty \pass when you can't even have a few quiet drinks with friends wenn man nicht mal mehr in aller Ruhe mit seinen Freunden ein paar Gläschen trinken kann, dann stimmt was nicht ( fam)
    to reach a \pass außer Kontrolle geraten, ausufern vt
    1) ( go past)
    to \pass sb/ sth an jdm/etw vorbeikommen;
    if you \pass a supermarket, can you get me some milk? würdest du mir Milch mitbringen, wenn du beim Supermarkt vorbeikommst?
    2) ( exceed)
    it \passes all belief that he could have been so selfish es ist doch wirklich nicht zu fassen, dass er dermaßen selbstsüchtig sein konnte;
    to \pass a closing date/ sell-by date verfallen;
    don't buy goods which have \passed their sell-by date kauf keine Waren, deren Verfallsdatum bereits abgelaufen ist;
    to \pass a limit eine Grenze überschreiten;
    to \pass the time limit das Zeitlimit überschreiten;
    I'm sorry, you've \passed the time limit es tut mir leid, aber Sie haben überzogen
    3) ( hand to)
    to \pass sth to sb jdm etw [herüber]reichen;
    ( bequeath to) jdm etw vererben;
    could you \pass the salt please? könnten Sie mir bitte mal das Salz [herüber]reichen?;
    I asked if I could see the letter, so she \passed it to me reluctantly ich fragte, ob ich den Brief mal sehen könnte, also gab sie ihn mir widerwillig;
    the deceased's estate was \passed to his distant relatives der Besitz des Verstorbenen fiel an seine entfernten Verwandten;
    Gerald \passed the note to me Gerald gab mir die Notiz;
    to \pass the hat [around] ( fig) den Hut herumgehen lassen;
    to be \passed to sb auf jdn übergehen;
    the responsibility was gradually \passed to the British government die Verantwortung wurde nach und nach der britischen Regierung übertragen
    to \pass money Geld in Umlauf bringen;
    I saw someone get caught trying to \pass forged five pound notes in the supermarket ich sah, wie jemand dabei erwischt wurde, als er versuchte im Supermarkt mit gefälschten Fünfpfundnoten zu bezahlen;
    I haven't trusted him since he \passed me a forged fiver ich trau ihm einfach nicht mehr, seit er versucht hat, mir einen gefälschten Fünfer anzudrehen ( fam)
    5) fball, sports
    to \pass the ball to sb jdm den Ball zuspielen;
    the crowd were shouting at the player to \pass the basketball die Zuschauermenge schrie dem Basketballspieler zu, er solle den Ball abgeben;
    to \pass the baton to sb den Stab an jdn abgeben;
    the timing of the athletes in a relay race must be perfect to \pass the baton smoothly das Timing beim Staffellauf muss absolut stimmen, damit der Stab sauber übergeben werden kann
    the cook \passed the carrots through the mixer der Koch pürierte die Karotten im Mixer;
    to \pass the water through the filter das Wasser durch den Filter laufen lassen
    7) sch, univ ( succeed)
    to \pass an exam/ a test eine Prüfung/eine Arbeit bestehen;
    (fig: meet requirements) eine Prüfung bestehen, gut genug sein;
    she \passed the oral but failed the written exam die mündliche Prüfung hat sie bestanden, aber in der schriftlichen ist sie durchgefallen;
    why the questions? - am I supposed to \pass some silly imaginary test? warum fragst du mich das? soll das vielleicht so eine Art Prüfung für mich sein?;
    to \pass muster akzeptabel sein;
    new teams won't be admitted to the league if their stadiums don't \pass muster neue Mannschaften werden nur dann in die Liga aufgenommen, wenn ihre Stadien auf dem erforderlichen Stand sind
    8) ( of time)
    to \pass one's days/ holiday [or (Am) vacation] / time doing sth seine Tage/Ferien/Zeit mit etw dat verbringen;
    it was a long train journey, but they managed to \pass three hours playing cards es war eine lange Zugfahrt, aber sie haben drei Stunden davon mit Kartenspielen herumgebracht ( fam)
    to \pass the time sich dat die Zeit vertreiben;
    I'm not very good at drawing but it helps to \pass the time ich kann zwar nicht sehr gut zeichnen, aber es ist doch ein ganz schöner Zeitvertreib;
    I just wanted to \pass the time of day with her, but she completely ignored me ich wollte wirklich nur kurz guten Tag sagen und ein wenig mit ihr plaudern, aber sie hat mich völlig links liegen lassen
    9) pol ( approve)
    to \pass sth etw verabschieden;
    they are hoping to \pass legislation which will forbid drivers aged under 25 to drink alcohol man hofft darauf, ein Gesetz einzuführen, das Fahrern unter 25 den Genuss von Alkohol verbieten würde;
    to \pass a bill/ law ein Gesetz verabschieden;
    to \pass a motion einen Antrag genehmigen;
    to \pass a resolution eine Resolution verabschieden;
    to \pass sb/ sth as fit [or suitable] jdn/etw [als] geeignet erklären;
    the restaurant was serving meat that had not been \passed as fit for human consumption in dem Restaurant wurde Fleisch serviert, das nicht für den Verzehr freigegeben war;
    he was \passed fit for military service er wurde für wehrdiensttauglich erklärt;
    the censors \passed the film as suitable for children die Zensurstelle gab den Film für Kinder frei
    to \pass a comment einen Kommentar abgeben, sich akk äußern;
    to \pass a comment on sb eine Bemerkung über jdn machen;
    to \pass judgement [on sb/sth] [über jdn/etw] urteilen [o ein Urteil fällen];
    the jury at the film festival \passed judgement on the films they had seen die Jury gab beim Filmfestival ihr Urteil über die Filme ab, die sie gesehen hatte;
    to \pass one's opinion seine Meinung sagen;
    to \pass a remark eine Bemerkung machen;
    I heard she'd been \passing remarks about me behind my back ich hörte, dass sie hinter meinem Rücken über mich hergezogen war;
    to \pass sentence [on sb] law das Urteil [über jdn] fällen
    11) med (form: excrete)
    to \pass sth etw ausscheiden;
    to \pass blood Blut im Stuhl/Urin haben;
    to \pass faeces Kot ausscheiden;
    to \pass urine urinieren;
    to \pass water Wasser lassen
    to \pass the buck [to sb/sth] (sth]) ( fam) die Verantwortung abschieben, jdm/etw den Schwarzen Peter zuschieben;
    the government has simply \passed the buck to the local authorities without offering any support die Regierung hat die Verantwortung ganz einfach auf die Kommunen abgewälzt, ohne ihnen irgendeine Unterstützung anzubieten vi
    1) ( move by) vorbeigehen, vorbeikommen;
    I was just \passing so I thought I'd drop in for a chat ich bin gerade vorbeigekommen und dachte, ich schau mal kurz auf ein paar Worte rein;
    we often \passed on the stairs wir sind uns oft im Treppenhaus begegnet;
    the road will \pass near the village die Straße wird nahe am Dorf vorbeiführen;
    the marchers \passed by without stopping die Demonstranten zogen vorüber, ohne anzuhalten;
    not one car \passed while I was there während ich dort war, fuhr nicht ein einziges Auto vorbei;
    the Queen \passed among the crowd die Königin mischte sich unter die Menge;
    he \passed nearby our group without even knowing we were there er lief nicht weit von unserer Gruppe entfernt vorbei, völlig ohne mitzukriegen, dass wir da waren;
    you'll have to \pass not far from where we'll be standing du musst sowieso ganz in der Nähe von wo wir stehen vorbei;
    the planes \passed noisily overhead die Flugzeuge donnerten vorbei ( fam)
    the bullet \passed between her shoulder blades die Kugel ging genau zwischen ihren Schulterblättern durch; ( fig)
    a momentary look of anxiety \passed across his face für einen kurzen Moment überschattete ein Ausdruck der Besorgnis seine Miene;
    to \pass unnoticed unbemerkt bleiben, überhaupt nicht auffallen;
    to \pass over sth über etw akk gleiten; plane über etw akk hinwegfliegen;
    to \pass under sth unter etw dat hindurchfahren [o gehen];
    the road \passes under the railway line die Straße führt unter einer Eisenbahnbrücke hindurch
    2) ( enter) eintreten, hereinkommen;
    may I \pass? kann ich hereinkommen?;
    that helps prevent fats \passing into the bloodstream das verhindert, dass Fette in die Blutbahn gelangen;
    to let sb [or allow sb to] \pass jdn durchlassen;
    they shall not \pass! sie werden nicht durchkommen! (Kampfruf der Antifaschisten)
    3) ( go away) vergehen, vorübergehen, vorbeigehen;
    it'll soon \pass das geht schnell vorbei;
    I felt a bit nauseous, but the mood \passed mir war ein bisschen schlecht, aber es war gleich wieder vorbei
    4) ( change)
    to \pass from sth to sth von etw dat zu etw dat übergehen;
    wax \passes from solid to liquid when you heat it beim Erhitzen wird festes Wachs flüssig;
    the water \passes from a liquid state to a solid state when frozen Wasser wird fest, wenn es gefriert
    5) ( move into)
    gradually all these English words have \passed into the German language mit der Zeit sind all diese englischen Wörter in die deutsche Sprache eingegangen
    6) ( exchange)
    no words have \passed between us since our divorce seit unserer Scheidung haben wir kein einziges Wort miteinander gewechselt;
    the looks \passing between them suggested they had a very close relationship die Blicke, die sie miteinander wechselten, ließen darauf schließen, dass sie sich sehr nahe standen;
    greetings were always \passed between them, despite their mutual animosity obwohl sie sich gegenseitig nicht ausstehen konnten, grüßten sie sich immer
    7) fball ( of a ball) zuspielen, [den Ball] abgeben;
    he's a good player but he should \pass more er ist ein guter Spieler, aber er sollte den Ball auch öfter einmal den anderen zuspielen
    8) sch ( succeed) bestehen, durchkommen;
    after taking his driving test four times he \passed at the fifth attempt last week nachdem er viermal durch die Fahrprüfung gefallen war, bestand er sie letzte Woche beim fünften Anlauf
    the resolution was \passed unanimously die Resolution wurde einstimmig angenommen;
    ‘motion \passed by a clear majority,’ said the speaker of the house „Antrag mit deutlicher Mehrheit angenommen“, sagte der Parlamentspräsident
    10) ( go by) vergehen, verstreichen;
    the evening \passed without any great disasters der Abend verlief ohne größere Zwischenfälle;
    time seems to \pass so slowly when you're in school wenn man in der Schule ist, scheint die Zeit unheimlich langsam zu vergehen;
    I saw that I had let a golden opportunity \pass ich merkte, dass ich eine wirklich einmalige Gelegenheit ungenutzt hatte verstreichen lassen;
    for a moment she thought he was going to kiss her, but the moment \passed einen kurzen Augenblick lang dachte sie, er würde sie küssen - aber dieser Moment verstrich, und nichts geschah;
    11) (fig: not answer) passen [müssen];
    what's happened here? - I'll have to \pass, I don't know either was ist denn hier passiert? - fragen Sie mich nicht, ich weiß es auch nicht;
    \pass - I don't know the answer ich passe - ich weiß es nicht;
    the second contestant \passed on four questions der zweite Wettbewerbsteilnehmer musste bei vier Fragen passen;
    12) (fig fam: not consume)
    to \pass on sth auf etw akk verzichten;
    thanks, but I think I'll \pass on the chocolates since I'm dieting danke, aber ich verzichte lieber auf die Pralinen, weil ich eine Diät mache
    I really want to go to the film, but I don't think I'd \pass as 18 ich will den Film unbedingt sehen, aber die glauben mir nie, dass ich 18 bin;
    do you think this non-matching jacket and trousers could \pass as a suit? meinst du, ich kann diese Jacke und die Hose als Anzug anziehen, obwohl sie nicht zusammengehören?;
    they recruited somebody they hoped would \pass as a German in the film für den Film haben sie jemanden engagiert, von dem sie hoffen, dass er als Deutscher durchgeht

    English-German students dictionary > pass

  • 2 pass

    1) (passing of an examination) bestandene Prüfung

    get a pass in mathsdie Mathematikprüfung bestehen

    ‘pass’ — (mark or grade) Ausreichend, das

    2) (written permission) Ausweis, der; (for going into or out of a place also) Passierschein, der; (Mil.): (for leave) Urlaubsschein, der; (for free transportation) Freifahrschein, der; (for free admission) Freikarte, die
    3) (critical position) Notlage, die

    things have come to a pretty pass [when...] — es muss schon weit gekommen sein[, wenn...]

    4) (Football) Pass, der (fachspr.); Ballabgabe, die; (Fencing) Ausfall, der

    make a pass to a player — [den Ball] zu einem Spieler passen (fachspr.) od. abgeben


    make a pass at somebody(fig. coll.): (amorously) jemanden anmachen (ugs.)

    6) (in mountains) Pass, der
    2. intransitive verb
    1) (move onward) [Prozession:] ziehen; [Wasser:] fließen; [Gas:] strömen; (fig.) [Redner:] übergehen (to zu)

    pass further along or down the bus, please! — bitte weiter durchgehen!

    2) (go) passieren; [Zug, Reisender:] fahren ( through durch)

    pass over(in plane) überfliegen [Ort]

    let somebody passjemanden durchlassen od. passieren lassen

    3) (be transported, lit. or fig.) kommen

    pass into history/oblivion — in die Geschichte eingehen/in Vergessenheit geraten

    the title/property passes to somebody — der Titel/Besitz geht auf jemanden über

    4) (change) wechseln
    5) (go by) [Fußgänger:] vorbeigehen; [Fahrer, Fahrzeug:] vorbeifahren; [Prozession:] vorbeiziehen; [Zeit, Sekunde:] vergehen; (by chance) [Person, Fahrzeug:] vorbeikommen

    let somebody/a car pass — jemanden/ein Auto vorbeilassen (ugs.)

    6) (be accepted as adequate) durchgehen; hingehen

    let it/the matter pass — es/die Sache durch- od. hingehen lassen

    7) (come to an end) vorbeigehen; [Fieber:] zurückgehen; [Ärger, Zorn, Sturm:] sich legen; [Gewitter, Unwetter:] vorüberziehen
    8) (happen) passieren; (between persons) vorfallen
    9) (be accepted) durchgehen (as als, for für)
    10) (satisfy examiner) bestehen
    11) (Cards) passen

    pass! — [ich] passe!

    3. transitive verb
    1) (move past) [Fußgänger:] vorbeigehen an (+ Dat.); [Fahrer, Fahrzeug:] vorbeifahren an (+ Dat.); [Prozession:] vorbeiziehen an (+ Dat.)
    2) (overtake) vorbeifahren an (+ Dat.) [Fahrzeug, Person]
    3) (cross) überschreiten [Schwelle, feindliche Linien, Grenze, Marke]
    4) (reach standard in) bestehen [Prüfung]
    5) (approve) verabschieden [Gesetzentwurf]; annehmen [Vorschlag]; [Zensor:] freigeben [Film, Buch, Theaterstück]; bestehen lassen [Prüfungskandidaten]
    6) (be too great for) überschreiten, übersteigen [Auffassungsgabe, Verständnis]
    7) (move) bringen
    8) (Footb. etc.) abgeben (to an + Akk.)
    9) (spend) verbringen [Leben, Zeit, Tag]
    10) (hand)

    would you pass the salt, please? — gibst od. reichst du mir bitte das Salz?

    11) (utter) fällen, verkünden [Urteil]; machen [Bemerkung]
    12) (discharge) lassen [Wasser]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/53812/pass_away">pass away
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to move towards and then beyond (something, by going past, through, by, over etc): I pass the shops on my way to work; The procession passed along the corridor.) vorbeigehen
    2) (to move, give etc from one person, state etc to another: They passed the photographs around; The tradition is passed (on/down) from father to son.) weitergeben
    3) (to go or be beyond: This passes my understanding.) übersteigen
    4) ((of vehicles etc on a road) to overtake: The sports car passed me at a dangerous bend in the road.) überholen
    5) (to spend (time): They passed several weeks in the country.) verbringen
    6) ((of an official group, government etc) to accept or approve: The government has passed a resolution.) annehmen
    7) (to give or announce (a judgement or sentence): The magistrate passed judgement on the prisoner.) fällen
    8) (to end or go away: His sickness soon passed.) vorübergehen
    9) (to (judge to) be successful in (an examination etc): I passed my driving test.) bestehen
    2. noun
    1) (a narrow path between mountains: a mountain pass.) der Paß
    2) (a ticket or card allowing a person to do something, eg to travel free or to get in to a building: You must show your pass before entering.) der Paß
    3) (a successful result in an examination, especially when below a distinction, honours etc: There were ten passes and no fails.) das Bestehen
    4) ((in ball games) a throw, kick, hit etc of the ball from one player to another: The centre-forward made a pass towards the goal.) der Paß
    - passable
    - passing
    - passer-by
    - password
    - in passing
    - let something pass
    - let pass
    - pass as/for
    - pass away
    - pass the buck
    - pass by
    - pass off
    - pass something or someone off as
    - pass off as
    - pass on
    - pass out
    - pass over
    - pass up
    * * *
    [pɑ:s, AM pæs]
    I. NOUN
    <pl -es>
    1. (road) Pass m
    the Khyber \pass der Khaiberpass
    mountain \pass [Gebirgs]pass m
    2. SPORT (of a ball) Pass m (to auf + akk), Vorlage f (für ein Tor)
    3. (sweep: by magician, conjuror) [Hand]bewegung f
    the magician made some \passes with his hands over her body der Zauberer fuhr mit der Hand mehrmals über ihren Körper
    to make a \pass over sth über etw akk fliegen
    the aircraft flew low in a \pass over the ski resort das Flugzeug flog sehr tief über das Skigebiet hinweg
    5. ( fam: sexual advance) Annäherungsversuch m
    to make a \pass at sb sich akk an jdn ranmachen, ÖSTERR bes mit jdm anbandeln fam
    6. BRIT SCH, UNIV (exam success) Bestehen nt einer Prüfung; AM (grade) „Bestanden“
    students just get a \pass or fail in these courses in diesen Kursen können die Studenten nur entweder bestehen oder durchfallen
    to achieve grade A \passes nur Einser bekommen
    to get/obtain a \pass in an exam eine Prüfung bestehen
    7. (permit) Passierschein m; (for a festival) Eintritt m, Eintrittskarte f; (for public transport) [Wochen-/Monats-/Jahres-]karte f
    only people with a \pass are allowed to enter the nuclear power station nur Personen mit einem entsprechenden Ausweis dürfen das Kernkraftwerk betreten
    free \pass Freikarte f
    disabled people have a free \pass for the public transport system Behinderte können die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel kostenlos benutzen
    8. esp AM SCH (letter of excuse) Entschuldigung f (für das Fernbleiben vom Unterricht)
    9. no pl (predicament) Notlage f, kritische Lage
    this is a \pass — we can't get back into the hotel da haben wir uns ja was Schönes eingebrockt — wir können nicht ins Hotel zurück fam
    it has come to a pretty \pass when... es ist schon weit gekommen, wenn...
    to reach a \pass außer Kontrolle geraten, ausufern
    10. (in fencing) Ausfall m fachspr
    1. (go past)
    to \pass sb/sth an jdm/etw vorbeigehen; (in car) an jdm/etw vorbeifahren
    if you \pass a supermarket, can you get me some milk? würdest du mir Milch mitbringen, wenn du bei einem Supermarkt vorbeikommst?
    to \pass sb/sth jdn/etw überholen
    3. (cross)
    to \pass a frontier eine Grenze überqueren
    not a word \passed his lips kein Wort kam über seine Lippen
    4. (exceed)
    to \pass sth:
    it \passes all belief that... es ist doch wirklich nicht zu fassen, dass...
    don't buy goods which have \passed their sell-by date kauf keine Waren, deren Verfallsdatum bereits abgelaufen ist
    to \pass a limit eine Grenze überschreiten
    to \pass the time limit das Zeitlimit überschreiten
    I'm sorry, you've \passed the time limit es tut mir leid, aber Sie haben überzogen
    5. (hand to)
    to \pass sth to sb [or sb sth] jdm etw geben, jdm etw [herüber]reichen bes geh; (bequeath to) jdm etw vererben
    could you \pass the salt please? könntest du mir bitte mal das Salz geben?
    to \pass the hat [around] ( fig) den Hut herumgehen lassen fig
    to be \passed to sb auf jdn [o in jds Besitz] übergehen
    the responsibility was gradually \passed to the British government die Verantwortung wurde nach und nach der britischen Regierung übertragen
    6. (put into circulation)
    to \pass money Geld in Umlauf bringen
    she was caught trying to \pass forged five pound notes sie wurde dabei erwischt, als sie versuchte, mit gefälschten Fünfpfundnoten zu bezahlen
    he once \passed me a forged fiver er hat mir einmal einen gefälschten Fünfer angedreht fam
    to \pass the ball den Ball abgeben [o abspielen]
    to \pass the ball to sb jdm den Ball zuspielen
    to \pass the baton to sb SPORT den Stab an jdn abgeben
    the baton was \passed smoothly der Stab wurde sauber übergeben
    8. (succeed)
    to \pass an exam/a test eine Prüfung/eine Arbeit bestehen
    to \pass muster akzeptabel sein
    to \pass one's days/holiday [or AM vacation] /time doing sth seine Tage/Ferien/Zeit mit etw dat verbringen
    to \pass the time sich dat die Zeit vertreiben
    to \pass the time of day with sb jdn [nur] kurz grüßen
    I just wanted to \pass the time of day with her, but... ich wollte wirklich nur kurz guten Tag sagen und ein wenig mit ihr plaudern, doch...
    to be \passed law verabschiedet werden
    to \pass a motion einen Antrag genehmigen
    “motion \passed by a clear majority” „Antrag mit deutlicher Mehrheit angenommen“
    to \pass a resolution eine Resolution verabschieden
    the resolution was \passed unanimously die Resolution wurde einstimmig angenommen
    to \pass sb/sth as fit [or suitable] jdn/etw [als] geeignet erklären
    meat \passed as fit for human consumption Fleisch, das für den Verzehr freigegeben wurde
    he was \passed fit for military service er wurde für wehrdiensttauglich erklärt
    the censors \passed the film as suitable for children die Zensurstelle gab den Film für Kinder frei
    to \pass a comment einen Kommentar abgeben
    to \pass a comment on sb eine Bemerkung über jdn machen
    to \pass judgement on sb/sth ein Urteil über jdn/etw fällen, über jdn/etw ein Urteil abgeben
    to \pass one's opinion seine Meinung sagen
    to \pass a remark eine Bemerkung machen
    she's been \passing remarks about me behind my back sie ist hinter meinem Rücken über mich hergezogen
    to \pass sentence [on sb] LAW das Urteil [über jdn] fällen
    12. MED ( form: excrete)
    to \pass blood Blut im Stuhl/Urin haben
    to \pass faeces Kot ausscheiden
    to \pass urine urinieren
    to \pass water Wasser lassen
    13. FIN
    to \pass a dividend eine Dividende ausfallen lassen
    to \pass the buck to sb/sth ( fam) die Verantwortung auf jdn/etw abwälzen fam, jdm/etw den Schwarzen Peter zuschieben fam
    1. (move by) vorbeigehen, vorbeilaufen, vorbeikommen; road vorbeiführen; parade vorbeiziehen, vorüberziehen; car vorbeifahren
    we often \passed on the stairs wir sind uns oft im Treppenhaus begegnet
    the Queen \passed among the crowd die Königin mischte sich unter die Menge
    the planes \passed noisily overhead die Flugzeuge donnerten vorbei fam
    the bullet \passed between her shoulder blades die Kugel ging genau zwischen ihren Schulterblättern durch
    if you \pass by a chemist... wenn du an einer Apotheke vorbeikommst...
    a momentary look of anxiety \passed across his face ( fig) für einen kurzen Moment überschattete ein Ausdruck der Besorgnis seine Miene
    to \pass out of sight außer Sichtweite geraten
    to \pass unnoticed unbemerkt bleiben
    to \pass over sth plane über etw akk hinwegfliegen
    to \pass under sth unter etw dat hindurchgehen; (by car) unter etw dat hindurchfahren; road unter etw dat hindurchführen
    2. (overtake) überholen
    3. (enter) eintreten, hereinkommen
    may I \pass? kann ich hereinkommen?
    that helps prevent fats \passing into the bloodstream das verhindert, dass Fette in die Blutbahn gelangen
    to allow sb to [or let sb] \pass jdn durchlassen
    they shall not \pass! sie werden nicht durchkommen! (Kampfruf der Antifaschisten)
    4. (go away) vergehen, vorübergehen, vorbeigehen
    it'll soon \pass das ist bald vorüber
    I felt a bit nauseous, but the feeling \passed mir war ein bisschen schlecht, aber das ging auch wieder vorbei
    for a moment she thought she'd die but the moment \passed für einen kurzen Moment lang dachte sie, sie würde sterben
    I let a golden opportunity \pass ich habe mir eine einmalige Gelegenheit entgehen lassen
    to \pass from sth to sth von etw dat zu etw dat übergehen
    wax \passes from solid to liquid when you heat it beim Erhitzen wird festes Wachs flüssig
    the water \passes from a liquid state to a solid state when frozen Wasser wird fest, wenn es gefriert
    all these English words have \passed into the German language all diese englischen Wörter sind in die deutsche Sprache eingegangen
    to \pass into oblivion in Vergessenheit geraten
    no words have \passed between us since our divorce seit unserer Scheidung haben wir kein einziges Wort miteinander gewechselt
    the looks \passing between them suggested that... die Blicke, die sie miteinander wechselten, ließen darauf schließen, dass...
    greetings were \passed between them sie begrüßten sich
    8. SPORT (of a ball) zuspielen, [den Ball] abgeben [o abspielen
    9. SCH (succeed) bestehen, durchkommen
    he \passed at the fifth attempt er bestand die Prüfung im fünften Anlauf
    10. (go by) time vergehen, verstreichen
    the evening \passed without incident der Abend verlief ohne Zwischenfälle
    11. (not answer) passen [müssen]
    \pass — I don't know the answer ich passe — ich weiß es nicht
    the contestant \passed on four questions der Wettbewerbsteilnehmer musste bei vier Fragen passen
    12. (forgo)
    to \pass on sth auf etw akk verzichten
    I don't think you'll \pass as 18 keiner wird dir abnehmen, dass du 18 bist
    do you think this jacket and trousers could \pass as a suit? meinst du, ich kann diese Jacke und die Hose als Anzug anziehen?
    he could \pass as a German in our new film für unseren neuen Film könnte er als Deutscher durchgehen
    14. CARDS passen
    15. ( old)
    and it come to \pass that... und da begab es sich, dass...
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= permit) Ausweis m; (MIL ETC) Passierschein m

    a free pass — eine Freikarte; (permanent) ein Sonderausweis m

    2) (Brit UNIV) Bestehen nt einer Prüfung

    to get a pass in German — seine Deutschprüfung bestehen; (lowest level) seine Deutschprüfung mit "ausreichend" bestehen

    3) (GEOG, SPORT) Pass m; (FTBL, for shot at goal) Vorlage f
    4) (FENCING) Ausfall m
    5) (= movement by conjurer, hypnotist) Bewegung f, Geste f

    the conjurer made a few quick passes with his hand over the top of the hat — der Zauberer fuhr mit der Hand ein paar Mal schnell über dem Hut hin und her


    things had come to such a pass that... — die Lage hatte sich so zugespitzt, dass...

    things have come to a pretty pass when... — so weit ist es schon gekommen, dass...

    8) (AVIAT)

    on its fourth pass over the area the plane was almost hit —

    the pilot made two passes over the landing strip before deciding to come down — der Pilot passierte die Landebahn zweimal, ehe er sich zur Landung entschloss

    2. vt
    1) (= move past) vorbeigehen/-fahren/-fliegen an (+dat)
    2) (= overtake) athlete, car überholen
    3) (= cross) frontier etc überschreiten, überqueren, passieren; deadline überschreiten
    4) (= reach, hand) reichen

    pass (me) the salt, please

    the characteristics which he passed to his son — die Eigenschaften, die er an seinen Sohn weitergab


    it passes my comprehension that... —

    love which passes all understanding — Liebe, die jenseits allen Verstehens liegt

    6) (UNIV ETC) exam bestehen; candidate bestehen lassen
    8) (= approve) motion annehmen; plan gutheißen, genehmigen; (PARL) verabschieden
    9) (SPORT)

    you should learn to pass the ball and not hang on to it — du solltest lernen abzuspielen, statt am Ball zu kleben

    10) forged bank notes weitergeben

    he passed his hand across his foreheader fuhr sich (dat) mit der Hand über die Stirn

    12) (= spend) time verbringen

    he did it just to pass the timeer tat das nur, um sich (dat) die Zeit zu vertreiben

    13) remark von sich geben; opinion abgeben; (JUR) sentence verhängen; judgement fällen
    14) (= discharge) excrement, blood absondern, ausscheiden
    3. vi
    1) (= move past) vorbeigehen/-fahren

    the street was too narrow for the cars to passdie Straße war so eng, dass die Wagen nicht aneinander vorbeikamen

    we passed in the corridor —

    2) (= overtake) überholen

    (= move, go) no letters passed between them — sie wechselten keine Briefe

    if you pass by the grocer's... —

    the procession passed down the street —

    the virus passes easily from one person to another —

    expressions which have passed into/out of the language — Redensarten, die in die Sprache eingegangen sind/aus der Sprache verschwunden sind

    to pass into history/legend — in die Geschichte/Legende eingehen

    to pass out of sight —

    he passed out of our liveser ist aus unserem Leben verschwunden

    everything he said just passed over my head — was er sagte, war mir alles zu hoch

    I'll just pass quickly over the main points again —

    the crown always passes to the eldest son —

    he passed under the archway — er ging/fuhr durch das Tor

    4) (time) vergehen; (deadline) verfallen
    5) (= disappear, end anger, hope, era etc) vorübergehen, vorbeigehen; (storm) (= go over) vorüberziehen; (= abate) sich legen; (rain) vorbeigehen
    6) (= be acceptable) gehen

    let it pass! — vergiss es!, vergessen wirs!

    7) (= be considered, be accepted) angesehen werden (for or as sth als etw)

    this little room has to pass for an office —

    8) (in exam) bestehen

    did you pass in chemistry?hast du deine Chemieprüfung bestanden?

    9) (SPORT) abspielen

    to pass to sb — jdm zuspielen, an jdn abgeben

    10) (CARDS) passen

    pass (in quiz etc)passe!

    11) (old

    = happen) to come to pass — sich begeben

    and it came to pass in those days... — und es begab sich zu jener Zeit...

    12) (US euph = die) sterben
    * * *
    pass [pɑːs; US pæs]
    A v/t
    1. a) etwas passieren, vorbei-, vorübergehen, -fahren, -fließen, -kommen, -reiten, -ziehen an (dat)
    b) Tennis: jemanden passieren
    2. vorbeifahren an (dat), überholen ( auch AUTO):
    3. fig übergehen, -springen, keine Notiz nehmen von
    4. WIRTSCH eine Dividende ausfallen lassen
    5. eine Schranke, ein Hindernis passieren
    6. durch-, überschreiten, durchqueren, -reiten, -reisen, -ziehen, passieren:
    pass a river einen Fluss überqueren
    7. durchschneiden (Linie)
    8. a) ein Examen bestehen
    b) einen Prüfling bestehen oder durchkommen lassen:
    pass sb (as) fit ( oder ready) for work MED jemanden gesundschreiben
    c) etwas durchgehen lassen
    9. fig hinausgehen über (akk), übersteigen, -schreiten, -treffen:
    it passes my comprehension ( oder understanding) es geht über meinen Verstand oder Horizont;
    just passing seventeen gerade erst siebzehn Jahre alt
    10. (durch etwas) hindurchleiten, -führen (beide, auch TECH), auch die Hand gleiten lassen:
    he passed his hand over his forehead er fuhr sich mit der Hand über die Stirn
    11. (durch ein Sieb) passieren, durchseihen
    12. vorbei-, durchlassen, passieren lassen
    13. Zeit ver-, zubringen:
    pass the time reading sich die Zeit mit Lesen vertreiben; time A 4
    14. einen Gegenstand reichen, geben, ( auch JUR Falschgeld) weitergeben:
    pass me the salt, please reichen Sie mir bitte das Salz; buck1 A 8, hat Bes Redew
    15. übersenden, auch einen Funkspruch befördern
    16. SPORT den Ball abspielen, passen ( beide:
    to zu):
    pass the ball auch abspielen
    17. JUR Eigentum, einen Rechtstitel übertragen, (letztwillig) zukommen lassen
    18. einen Vorschlag durchbringen, -setzen, ein Gesetz verabschieden, eine Resolution annehmen
    19. abgeben, übertragen:
    pass the chair den Vorsitz abgeben ( to sb an jemanden)
    20. rechtskräftig machen
    21. (als gültig) anerkennen, gelten lassen, genehmigen
    22. (on, upon) eine Meinung äußern (über akk), eine Bemerkung fallen lassen oder machen, einen Kommentar geben (zu), ein Kompliment machen:
    pass criticism on Kritik üben an (dat);
    pass an opinion on auch sich äußern über (akk) oder zu
    23. ein Urteil abgeben, fällen, JUR auch sprechen ( alle:
    on, upon über akk)
    24. MED
    a) Eiter, Nierensteine etc ausscheiden
    b) den Darm entleeren
    c) Wasser lassen
    25. ein Türschloss öffnen
    B v/i
    1. sich (fort)bewegen, (von einem Ort zu einem andern) gehen, reiten, fahren, ziehen etc
    2. vorbei-, vorübergehen, -fahren, -ziehen etc (by an dat), AUTO überholen:
    let sb pass jemanden vorbei- oder durchlassen
    3. fahren etc ( through durch):
    it has just passed through my mind fig es ist mir eben durch den Kopf gegangen
    4. übergehen (to auf akk; into the hands of in die Hände gen), übertragen werden (to auf akk), fallen (to an akk):
    it passes to the heirs es geht auf die Erben über, es fällt an die Erben
    5. durchkommen, (die Prüfung) bestehen
    6. übergehen:
    pass from a solid (in)to a liquid state vom festen in den flüssigen Zustand übergehen
    7. vergehen, vorübergehen (Zeit etc, auch Schmerz etc), verstreichen (Zeit):
    the pain will pass der Schmerz wird vergehen;
    fashions pass Moden kommen und gehen
    8. euph entschlafen
    9. sich zutragen, sich abspielen, vor sich gehen, passieren:
    it came to pass that … besonders BIBEL es begab sich oder es geschah, dass …;
    bring sth to pass etwas bewirken
    10. harsh words passed between them es fielen harte Worte zwischen ihnen oder bei ihrer Auseinandersetzung
    11. (for, as) gelten (für, als), gehalten werden (für), angesehen werden (für):
    he passes for a much younger man er wird für viel jünger gehalten;
    this passes for gold das soll angeblich Gold sein
    12. a) an-, hingehen, leidlich sein
    b) durchgehen, unbeanstandet bleiben, geduldet werden:
    let sth pass etwas durchgehen oder gelten lassen;
    let that pass reden wir nicht mehr davon
    13. PARL etc durchgehen, bewilligt oder zum Gesetz erhoben werden, Rechtskraft erlangen
    14. angenommen werden, gelten, (als gültig) anerkannt werden
    15. gangbar sein, Geltung finden (Grundsätze, Ideen)
    16. JUR gefällt werden, ergehen (Urteil, Entscheidung)
    17. MED abgehen, abgeführt oder ausgeschieden werden
    18. SPORT (den Ball) abspielen oder passen (to zu):
    pass back to the goalkeeper (Fußball) zum Torhüter zurückspielen
    19. Kartenspiel: passen:
    (I) pass! a. fig ich passe!;
    I pass on that! fig da muss ich passen!
    C s
    1. a) (Gebirgs)Pass m:
    (narrow) pass Engpass;
    hold the pass fig obs sich behaupten;
    sell the pass fig obs abtrünnig werden
    b) Durchfahrt f
    c) schiffbarer Kanal
    2. a) Ausweis m, Passier-, Erlaubnisschein m
    b) besonders free pass Freikarte f, BAHN etc Freifahrkarte f, -schein m
    3. MIL Urlaubsschein m
    4. besonders Br Bestehen n (einer Prüfung):
    get a pass in physics seine Physikprüfung bestehen
    5. fig
    a) Schritt m, Abschnitt m
    b) umg (schlimme) Lage:
    things have come to a fine ( oder pretty, sorry) pass es ist ganz schön weit gekommen
    6. make a pass over fig etwas überfliegen
    7. a) Handbewegung f (eines Zauberkünstlers)
    b) manueller (Zauber)Trick
    8. Bestreichung f, Strich m (beim Hypnotisieren etc)
    9. Maltechnik: Strich m
    10. SPORT Pass m, Ab-, Zuspiel n:
    from a pass by auf Pass von
    11. Kartenspiel: Passen n
    12. Fechten: Ausfall m
    13. make a pass at umg Annäherungsversuche machen bei
    14. TECH Durchlauf m (abgeschlossener Arbeitszyklus)
    * * *
    1) (passing of an examination) bestandene Prüfung

    ‘pass’ — (mark or grade) Ausreichend, das

    2) (written permission) Ausweis, der; (for going into or out of a place also) Passierschein, der; (Mil.): (for leave) Urlaubsschein, der; (for free transportation) Freifahrschein, der; (for free admission) Freikarte, die
    3) (critical position) Notlage, die

    things have come to a pretty pass [when...] — es muss schon weit gekommen sein[, wenn...]

    4) (Football) Pass, der (fachspr.); Ballabgabe, die; (Fencing) Ausfall, der

    make a pass to a player — [den Ball] zu einem Spieler passen (fachspr.) od. abgeben


    make a pass at somebody(fig. coll.): (amorously) jemanden anmachen (ugs.)

    6) (in mountains) Pass, der
    2. intransitive verb
    1) (move onward) [Prozession:] ziehen; [Wasser:] fließen; [Gas:] strömen; (fig.) [Redner:] übergehen (to zu)

    pass further along or down the bus, please! — bitte weiter durchgehen!

    2) (go) passieren; [Zug, Reisender:] fahren ( through durch)

    pass over (in plane) überfliegen [Ort]

    let somebody passjemanden durchlassen od. passieren lassen

    3) (be transported, lit. or fig.) kommen

    pass into history/oblivion — in die Geschichte eingehen/in Vergessenheit geraten

    the title/property passes to somebody — der Titel/Besitz geht auf jemanden über

    4) (change) wechseln
    5) (go by) [Fußgänger:] vorbeigehen; [Fahrer, Fahrzeug:] vorbeifahren; [Prozession:] vorbeiziehen; [Zeit, Sekunde:] vergehen; (by chance) [Person, Fahrzeug:] vorbeikommen

    let somebody/a car pass — jemanden/ein Auto vorbeilassen (ugs.)

    6) (be accepted as adequate) durchgehen; hingehen

    let it/the matter pass — es/die Sache durch- od. hingehen lassen

    7) (come to an end) vorbeigehen; [Fieber:] zurückgehen; [Ärger, Zorn, Sturm:] sich legen; [Gewitter, Unwetter:] vorüberziehen
    8) (happen) passieren; (between persons) vorfallen
    9) (be accepted) durchgehen (as als, for für)
    10) (satisfy examiner) bestehen
    11) (Cards) passen

    pass! — [ich] passe!

    3. transitive verb
    1) (move past) [Fußgänger:] vorbeigehen an (+ Dat.); [Fahrer, Fahrzeug:] vorbeifahren an (+ Dat.); [Prozession:] vorbeiziehen an (+ Dat.)
    2) (overtake) vorbeifahren an (+ Dat.) [Fahrzeug, Person]
    3) (cross) überschreiten [Schwelle, feindliche Linien, Grenze, Marke]
    4) (reach standard in) bestehen [Prüfung]
    5) (approve) verabschieden [Gesetzentwurf]; annehmen [Vorschlag]; [Zensor:] freigeben [Film, Buch, Theaterstück]; bestehen lassen [Prüfungskandidaten]
    6) (be too great for) überschreiten, übersteigen [Auffassungsgabe, Verständnis]
    7) (move) bringen
    8) (Footb. etc.) abgeben (to an + Akk.)
    9) (spend) verbringen [Leben, Zeit, Tag]
    10) (hand)

    would you pass the salt, please? — gibst od. reichst du mir bitte das Salz?

    11) (utter) fällen, verkünden [Urteil]; machen [Bemerkung]
    12) (discharge) lassen [Wasser]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (§ pl.: passes)
    = Arbeitsgang m.
    Ausweis -e m.
    Durchgang m.
    Durchlauf m.
    Pass ¨-e m. (US) v.
    überholen v. (by) (time) v.
    verfließen (Zeit) v. (by) v.
    vorbeigehen (an) v. v.
    ablaufen v.
    absolvieren (Prüfung) v.
    passieren v.

    English-german dictionary > pass

  • 3 pass\ away

    1. I
    his old friends have all passed away его старых друзей теперь нет в живых /уже не стало/; kingdoms fade and pass away целые царства приходят в упадок и исчезают
    2. II
    pass away in some manner pass away peacefully мирно скончаться; pass away at some time he passed away last week он скончался на прошлой неделе; all that trouble (his illness, the pain, etc.) will soon pass away все эти неприятности и т.д. скоро кончатся; this generation is now beginning to pass away это поколение уже уходит
    3. III
    pass away smth. /smth. away/ pass away the time проводить время; reading helps to pass away the time чтение помогает скоротать время
    4. IV
    pass away smth. /smth. away/ in some manner pass away one's time pleasantly (gaily, etc.) приятно и т.д. проводить время
    5. XVI
    pass away during (in, into, etc.) smth. pass away during the night (in her sleep, etc.) скончаться ночью и т.д.; the event is now passing away into history это событие уже становится историей
    6. XXII
    pass away smth. /smth. away/ in doing smth. pass away one's time (one's Sundays, one's evenings, etc.) in reading (in singing, in dancing, etc.) проводить время и т.д. за чтением и т.д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > pass\ away

  • 4 aider

    aider [ede]
    ➭ TABLE 1
    1. transitive verb
    il n'est pas aidé ! (inf) nature hasn't been kind to him!
    2. intransitive verb
    l'alcool aidant, il se mit à parler helped on by the alcohol, he began to speak
    3. reflexive verb
    * * *
    1) ( prêter son concours à) to help ( à faire to do)
    2) ( subventionner) to aid [industrie, déshérités]; to give aid to [pays pauvre]

    aider à verbe transitif indirect

    aider àto help toward(s) [compréhension, financement]

    s'aider verbe pronominal
    1) ( soi-même)

    s'aider deto use [dictionnaire, outil]

    2) ( les uns les autres) to help each other
    * * *
    ede vt

    aider à qch — to help towards sth, to help sth

    * * *
    aider verb table: aimer
    A vtr
    1 ( prêter son concours à) to help; il n'aide jamais he never helps; aider qn à faire to help sb to do; en quoi puis-je vous aider? how can I help you?; aider qn financièrement gén to help sb financially; ( une fois) to help sb out financially; se faire aider par qn to get help from sb; aider qn de ses conseils to give sb helpful advice; il m'a aidé par sa présence the fact he was there helped me; le vin/la fatigue aidant wine/tiredness playing its part; le temps aidant with time;
    2 ( subventionner) to aid [industrie, déshérités]; to give aid to [pays pauvre].
    B aider à vtr ind to help toward(s) [compréhension, insertion sociale, financement]; aider à faire to help in doing.
    C s'aider vpr
    1 ( soi-même) s'aider de to use [dictionnaire, tableau, outil]; marcher en s'aidant d'une canne to walk with the help of a stick;
    2 ( les uns les autres) to help each other.
    aide-toi le Ciel t'aidera Prov God helps those who help themselves Prov.
    [ede] verbe transitif
    1. [apporter son concours à] to help
    il a aidé la vieille dame à monter/descendre he helped the old lady up/down
    2. [financièrement] to help out, to aid, to assist
    3. (en usage absolu) [favoriser]
    des diplômes, ça aide qualifications come in handy
    la fatigue aidant, je me suis endormi tout de suite helped by exhaustion, I fell asleep right away
    elle l'oubliera, le temps aidant she'll forget him in time
    aider à verbe plus préposition
    s'aider verbe pronominal (emploi réfléchi)
    s'aider verbe pronominal (emploi réciproque)
    s'aider de verbe pronominal plus préposition

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > aider

  • 5 scacciapensieri

    1 ( strumento musicale) Jew's harp
    2 (fig. non com.) ( passatempo) distraction, pastime: questo libro è un buon scacciapensieri, this book helps to pass the time away.
    * * *
    sostantivo maschile invariabile = Jew's harp
    * * *
    = Jew's harp.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > scacciapensieri

  • 6 ir

    1 to go.
    ir hacia el sur/al cine to go south/to the cinema
    ir en autobús/coche to go by bus/car
    ir andando to go on foot, to walk
    ¡vamos! let's go!
    2 to be gradually.
    ir haciendo algo to be (gradually) doing something
    va anocheciendo it's getting dark
    3 to go.
    le va bien en su nuevo trabajo things are going well for him in his new job
    su negocio va mal his business is going badly
    ¿cómo te va? how are you doing?
    4 to go.
    estas tazas van con estos platos these cups go with these saucers
    5 to go, to belong.
    esto no va ahí that doesn't go o belong there
    6 to go, to leave (marcharse).
    irse a to go to
    ¡vete! go away!
    El bus va por el camino The bus goes down the road.
    7 to go (to search).
    ir (a) por algo/alguien to go and get something/somebody, to go and fetch something/somebody (peninsular Spanish)
    8 to go (to consume, to disappear).
    se ha ido la luz there's been a power cut
    9 to be going (intención).
    ir a hacer algo to be going to do something
    te voy a echar de menos I'm going to miss you
    10 to get (to change).
    ir a mejor/peor to get better/worse
    11 to work.
    la manivela va floja the crank is loose
    la televisión no va the television isn't working
    12 to be meant (comentario, indirecta).
    ir por alguien to be meant for somebody, to be aimed at somebody
    13 to suit (clothes).
    irle (bien) a alguien to suit somebody
    esta camisa no va con esos pantalones this shirt doesn't go with these trousers
    14 to do (tratamiento).
    irle bien a alguien to do somebody good
    15 to like, to care.
    no me va el pop I don't like pop music (peninsular Spanish)
    ni me va ni me viene I don't care one way or the other
    16 to attend.
    Ricardo va en las tardes Richard attends in the afternoons.
    17 to be doing, to make out.
    Me va bien I am doing well.
    18 to keep on, to keep.
    Ir caminando Keep on walking.
    19 to go for.
    Me va bien el negocio The business goes well for me
    20 to match.
    Estas medias van These socks match.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Past Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    ve (tú), vaya (él/Vd.), vayamos (nos.), id (vos.), vayan (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    - ir a pie
    - irse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones ir de vacaciones, ir de veras, ir dado, irse de la lengua, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=marchar)
    a) [indicando movimiento, acción] to go

    ¿has ido alguna vez a Quito? — have you ever been to Quito?

    ¿a qué colegio vas? — what school do you go to?

    esta carretera va a Huesca — this road goes to Huesca, this is the road to Huesca

    ir con tiento — to go carefully {o} cautiously

    ¡ya voy!, ¡ahora voy! — coming!, I'll be right there!

    ¿quién va? — (Mil) who goes there?

    b) [indicando la forma de transporte]

    ir [andando] — to walk, go on foot

    tuvimos que ir andando — we had to walk {o} go on foot

    ¿vas a ir andando o en autobús? — are you walking or going by bus?

    ir en [avión] — to fly

    ir en [bicicleta] — to ride

    ir a [caballo] — to ride

    fui en [coche] — I went by car, I drove

    ir a [pie] — to walk, go on foot

    fui en [tren] — I went by train {o} rail

    c) [con complemento]

    ir (a) [por] — to go and get

    voy por el médico — I'll go and fetch {o} get the doctor

    voy a por él[a buscarle] I'll go and get him; [a atacarle] I'm going to get him

    solo van a por las pelas* they're only in it for the money

    2) [indicando proceso]
    a) [persona]

    ¿cómo va el paciente? — how's the patient doing?

    el enfermo va mejor — the patient is improving {o} doing better

    b) [acción, obra] to go

    ¿cómo va el ensayo? — how's the essay going?, how are you getting on with the essay?

    ¿cómo va el partido? — what's the score?

    ¿cómo va eso? — how are things (going)?

    todo va bien — everything's fine, everything's going well

    los resultados van a mejor — the results are improving {o} getting better


    ir [por], ¿te has leído ya el libro? ¿por dónde vas? — have you read the book yet? whereabouts are you? {o} how far have you got?

    3) [indicando manera, posición]
    4) (=extenderse) to go, stretch

    la pradera va desde la montaña hasta el mar — the grasslands go {o} stretch from the mountains to the sea

    [en lo que] va de año — so far this year

    5) [indicando distancia, diferencia]

    ¡lo que va del padre al hijo! — what a difference there is between father and son!, father and son are nothing like each other!

    de 7 a 9 van 2 — the difference between 7 and 9 is 2; [en resta] 7 from 9 leaves 2

    6) [indicando acumulación]
    7) [en apuestas]

    ¿cuánto va? — how much do you bet?

    8) (=vestir)

    ¿con qué ropa {o} cómo fuiste a la boda? — what did you wear to the wedding?

    iba de rojo — she was dressed in red, she was wearing red

    etiqueta 2)

    irle a algn —

    a) [indicando importancia]
    b) [indicando situación]

    ¿cómo te va? — how are things?, how are you doing?

    ¿cómo te va en los estudios? — how are you getting on with your studies?

    ¡que te vaya bien! — take care!

    c) (=sentar) to suit

    ¿me va bien esto? — does this suit me?

    d) * (=gustar)

    le va al Cruz Azul Méx (Dep) he supports Cruz Azul

    10) [seguido de preposición]
    ir con (=acompañar, combinar) to go with ir de

    ¿de qué va la película? — what's the film about?

    no sabe de qué va el rollo* he doesn't know what it's all about

    va de intelectual por la vida* he acts the intellectual all the time

    ¿de qué vas? — * what are you on about? *

    ir para

    va para los 40 — he's getting on for 40, he's knocking on 40

    ir por [indicando intención]

    eso no va por usted — I wasn't referring to you, that wasn't meant for you

    ¡va por los novios! — (here's) to the bride and groom!

    ir tras to go after
    11) [otras locuciones]

    [a lo que] iba — as I was saying

    ir a algn [con] algo, siempre le iba con sus problemas — he always went to her with his problems

    [¿dónde] vas?, -¿le regalamos un equipo de música? -¿dónde vas? con un libro tiene bastante — "shall we give him a stereo?" - "what do you mean? a book is fine"

    -¿le pido disculpas? -¿dónde vas? deja que sea él quien se disculpe — "shall I apologize?" - "what are you talking about? let him be the one to apologize"

    si vamos a [eso] — for that matter

    pues, a eso voy — that's what I mean, that's what I'm getting at

    es el [no] va más — * it's the ultimate

    ir de mal en [peor] — to go from bad to worse

    ir a lo [suyo] — to do one's own thing; pey to look after Number One

    ir y [venir], era un constante ir y venir de ambulancias — ambulances were constantly coming and going

    cuando tú vas, yo ya he venido — I've been there before, I've seen it all before

    ir [y], ahora va y me dice que no viene — now he goes and tells me he's not coming

    fue y se marchó Méx * he just upped and left *

    lejos 1., 1)
    12) [exclamaciones]
    ¡vaya! [indicando sorpresa] well!; [indicando enfado] damn!

    ¡vaya! ¿qué haces tú por aquí? — well, what a surprise! what are you doing here?

    ¡vaya, vaya! — well I'm blowed! *

    ¡vaya coche! — what a car!, that's some car!

    ¡vaya susto que me pegué! — I got such a fright!, what a fright I got!

    ¡vaya con el niño! — that damn kid! *

    ¡vamos! [dando ánimos] come on!; [para ponerse en marcha] let's go!

    ¡vamos! ¡di algo! — come on! say something!

    vamos, no es difícil — come on, it's not difficult

    una chica, vamos, una mujer — a girl, well, a woman

    es molesto, pero ¡vamos! — it's a nuisance, but there it is

    ¡qué va!

    -¿no me vas a echar la bronca? -no, qué va — "you're not going to tell me off, are you?" - "of course I'm not"

    ¿perder la liga? ¡qué va, hombre! — lose the league? you must be joking!

    ir a ({+ infin}) to go

    vamos a hacerlo[afirmando] we are going to do it; [exhortando] let's do it

    ¿cómo lo iba a tener? — how could he have had it?

    ¡no lo va a saber! — of course he knows!

    ¿no irás a decirme que no lo sabías? — you're not going to tell me you didn't know?

    ¿no irá a soplar? — ** I hope he's not going to split on us *

    no vaya a [ser] que..., no salgas no vaya a ser que venga — don't go out in case she comes

    ir ({+ gerund})

    ¿quién va ganando? — who's winning?

    ¡voy corriendo! — I'll be right there!

    id pensando en el tema que queréis tratar — be {o} start thinking about the subject you want to deal with

    voy comprendiendo que... — I am beginning to see that...

    ir ({+ participio})
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (trasladarse, desplazarse) to go

    iban a caballo/a pie — they were on horseback/on foot

    Fernando! - voy!Fernando! - (just) coming! o I'll be right there!

    voy al mercado — I'm going to the market, I'm off to the market (colloq)

    ¿adónde va este tren? — where's this train going (to)?

    ¿tú vas a misa? — do you go to church?

    ir de compras/de caza — to go shopping/hunting

    ¿por dónde se va a...? — how do you get to...?

    a eso voyI'm just coming o getting to that

    ¿dónde vas/va/van? — (Esp fam) ( frente a una exageración)

    ¿dónde vas con tanto pan? — what are you doing with all that bread?

    ¿dejamos 500 de propina? - dónde vas! — shall we leave 500 as a tip? - you must be joking o kidding!

    ir a por alguien — (Esp)

    ha ido a por su madre — he's gone to get his mother, he's gone to pick his mother up

    ten cuidado, que va a por ti — watch out, he's out to get you o he's after you

    ir por or (Esp) a por algo: voy (a) por pan I'm going to get some bread; no irla con algo (RPl fam): no la voy con tanta liberalidad I don't go along with all this liberalism; no me/le va ni me/le viene (fam) (no me, le concierne) it's none of my/his/her business; (ne me, le afecta) it doesn't affect me/him/her; allí donde fueres haz lo que vieres — when in Rome, do as the Romans do

    b) ( asistir) to go to

    ya va al colegio/a la universidad — she's already at school/university

    ir a + inf: ¿has ido a verla? have you been to see her?; ve a ayudarla — go and help her; ver tb v aux I


    irle a alguien con algo: no le vayas con tus problemas don't bother him with your problems; le fue a la maestra con el chisme — she went and told the story to the teacher

    a) (al arrojar algo, arrojarse)

    tírate del trampolín - allá voy! — jump off the board! - here I go/come!

    b) (Jueg)

    ahí van otros $2.000 — there's another $2,000

    ahí va! — (Esp fam)

    eso va por ti tambiénthat goes for you too o and the same goes for you

    6) ( estar en juego) (+ me/te/le etc)
    7) (fam) (hablando de acciones imprevistas, sorprendentes)

    ¿van cómodos? — are you comfortable?

    ¿irán bien aquí los vasos? — will the glasses be safe here?

    ir de algo: iban de largo they wore long dresses; voy a ir de Drácula I'm going to go as Dracula; iba de verde — she was dressed in green

    ¿de qué vas, tía? ¿te crees que somos tontos o qué? — (Esp arg) hey, what are you playing at? do you think we're stupid or something?

    va de guapo/genio por la vida — (Esp arg) he really thinks he's good-looking/clever

    11) (Esp fam) ( tratar)

    ¿de qué va la novela? — what's the novel about?

    12) camino/sendero ( llevar)

    ir a algo — to lead to something, to go to something

    13) (extenderse, abarcar)
    14) (marchar, desarrollarse)

    ¿cómo va el enfermo/el nuevo trabajo? — how's the patient doing/the new job going?

    va de mal en peor — it's going from bad to worse;; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿cómo te va? — how's it going?, how are things? (colloq), what's up? (AmE colloq)

    ¿cómo les fue en Italia? — how was Italy?, how did you get on in Italy?

    me fue mal/bien en el examen/la entrevista — I did badly/well in the exam/the interview

    ¿cómo le va con el novio? — how's she getting on with her boyfriend?

    15) (en juegos, competiciones)

    ¿cómo van? - 3-1 — what's the score? - 3-1

    voy ganando yo — I'm ahead, I'm winning

    ir por algo: ¿por dónde van en historia? where have you got (up) to in history?; ¿todavía vas por la página 20? — are you still on page 20?

    ir para algo: vamos para viejos! we're getting on o old!; va para los cincuenta she's going on fifty; ya va para dos años que... — it's getting on for two years since...

    18) (sumar, hacer)

    con éste van seis — six, counting this one

    en lo que va del or (Esp) de año/mes — so far this year/month

    lo que va de un hermano a otro! — (fam) it's amazing the difference between the two brothers! (colloq)

    21) (CS) (depender, radicar)
    a) ( deber colocarse) to go

    ¿dónde van las toallas? — where do the towels go?

    qué va! — (fam)

    ¿has terminado? - qué va! — have you finished? - you must be joking!

    ¿se disgustó? - qué va! — did she get upset? - not at all!

    ¿va con mayúscula? — is it written with a capital letter?

    ¿va con acento? — does it have an accent?

    c) (RPl) ( estar incluido)
    a) ( combinar)
    b) (sentar, convenir) (+ me/te/le etc)
    24) (Esp arg) ( gustar) (+ me/te/le etc)
    25) (Méx) (tomar partido por, apoyar)

    irle a algo/alguien — to support something/somebody

    26) vamos
    a) (expresando incredulidad, fastidio)

    vamos! ¿eso quién se lo va a creer? — come off it o come on! who do you think's going to believe that?

    b) (intentando tranquilizar, animar, dar prisa)

    vamos, mujer, dile algo — go on, say something to him

    vamos, date prisa! — come on, hurry up!

    dar el vamos a algo — (Chi) to inaugurate something

    desde el vamos — (RPl fam) from the word go

    c) (al aclarar, resumir)

    eso sería un disparate, vamos, digo yo — that would be a stupid thing to do, well, that's what I think anyway

    vamos, que no es una persona de fiar — basically, he's not very trustworthy

    es mejor que el otro, vamos — it's better than the other one, anyway

    27) vaya
    a) (expresando sorpresa, contrariedad)

    vaya! se me ha vuelto a caer!oh no o (colloq) damn! it's fallen over again!

    b) (Esp) ( para enfatizar)
    c) (al aclarar, resumir)

    vaya, que los hay peores — well, I mean there are plenty worse

    ir v aux

    ir a + inf —

    a) (para expresar tiempo futuro, propósito) to be going to + inf

    va a hacer dos años que... — it's getting on for two years since...

    b) (en propuestas, sugerencias)

    vamos a ver ¿cómo dices que te llamas? — now then, what did you say your name was?

    bueno, vamos a trabajar — all right, let's get to work

    a) (al prevenir, hacer recomendaciones)

    cuidado, no te vayas a caer — mind you don't fall (colloq)

    lleva el paraguas, no vaya a ser que llueva — take the umbrella in case it rains

    ¿qué iba a pensar el pobre? — what was the poor man supposed o meant to think?

    ¿quién iba a ser si no? — who else could it have been?

    ¿no irá a hacer alguna tontería? — you don't think she'll go and do something stupid, do you?


    ¿te acuerdas? - no me voy a acordar! — do you remember - of course I do o how could I forget?

    ¿dormiste bien? - qué voy a dormir! — did you sleep well?- how could I?

    ¿por qué la voy a ayudar? — why should I help her?

    ir + ger: poco a poco irá aprendiendo she'll learn little by little; a medida que va subiendo as it rises; tú puedes ir comiendo you can start eating; ya puedes ir haciéndote a la idea you'd better get used to the idea; la situación ha ido empeorando — the situation has been getting worse and worse

    irse v pron
    1) ( marcharse) to leave

    ¿por qué te vas tan temprano? — why are you leaving o going so soon?

    bueno, me voy — right then, I'm taking off (AmE) o (BrE) I'm off

    se han ido de viaje — they're away, they've gone away

    anda, vete por ahí — (fam) get lost! (colloq); (+ me/te/le etc)

    no te me vayas, quiero hablar contigo — (fam) don't run away, I want to talk to you (colloq)

    2) (consumirse, gastarse)

    cómo se va el dinero! — I don't know where the money goes!; (+ me/te/le etc)

    3) ( desaparecer) mancha/dolor to go

    se ha ido la luz — the electricity's gone off; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿se te ha ido el dolor de cabeza? — has your headache gone?

    4) (salirse, escaparse) líquido/gas to escape; (+ me/te/le etc)
    5) (euf) ( morirse) to slip away (euph)
    6) (caerse, perder el equilibrio) (+ compl)

    irse de boca/espaldas — to fall flat on one's face/back

    7) (andarse, actuar) (+ compl)

    vete con cuidado/tacto — be careful/tactful

    a) (CS) ( en naipes) to go out
    b) (RPl) ( en una asignatura) tb
    9) (Andes, Ven) medias to run
    * * *
    = attend, go, run, go over, saunter, come, go forth.
    Ex. He was awarded the bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, from Harvard University, and he attended Rutgers Library School where he graduated first in his class.
    Ex. It was 'exceedingly inconvenient' because the books were entered in it 'where no person who goes to consult the catalogue would expect to find them'.
    Ex. Arabic numerals are used to denote further divisions, in an integral manner, running from 1 to 9999, as necessary.
    Ex. Compassion shadowed the trustee's face -- she could see he was desperate -- and compassion was in her voice as she answered: 'All right, I'll go over this afternoon'.
    Ex. She sauntered back to her desk, intending to work, and was a little perturbed to find that she could not work.
    Ex. This article urges children's librarians to attack 'aliteracy' (lack of a desire to read) as well as illiteracy by taking programmes, e.g. story hours, to children who do not come to libraries.
    Ex. Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.
    * algo va mal = something is amiss.
    * ¡allá voy! = here I come!.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * cosas + ir bien = things + go well.
    * descanso para ir al baño = bathroom break.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * donde fueres haz lo que vieres = when in Rome (do as the Romans do).
    * el no va más = the be all and end all.
    * empezar a ir bien = fall into + place.
    * empezar a irse al garete = be on the skids.
    * empezar a irse al garete, empezar a empeorar = hit + the skids.
    * grupo de usuarios al que va dirigido = target user group.
    * ir a = get to, turn to, refer to, be out to, head for, come to, take + a trip to, go to.
    * ir a casa de = make + house calls.
    * ir acompañado de = come with.
    * ir a continuación de = follow in + the footsteps of.
    * ir a contra reloj = race against + time, race against + the clock.
    * ir a cuestas de = piggyback [piggy-back].
    * ir a dar un paseo = go for + a stroll.
    * ir a + Infinitivo = be to + Infinitivo.
    * ir a jucio = stand + trial, stand for + trial.
    * ir a jucio, ser juzgado, ser procesado = stand for + trial.
    * ir a la baja = be down.
    * ir a la bancarrota = go + belly up.
    * ir a la cárcel = serve + time.
    * ir a la escuela = go to + school.
    * ir a la guerra = go to + war.
    * ir a la par = proceed + in parallel.
    * ir a la par con = go + hand in hand (with), go + hand in glove with.
    * ir a las mil maravillas = go + great guns, go from + strength to strength, grow from + strength to strength, be fine and dandy.
    * ir a la zaga = trail, trail behind, lag + behind.
    * ir al centro = go + downtown.
    * ir al cine = go to + the cinema, movie-going.
    * ir al grano = cut to + the chase.
    * ir a lo seguro = play it + safe.
    * ir al pub = go to + the pub.
    * ir al teatro = go to + the theatre, theatre-going.
    * ir a + Lugar = trot off + Lugar.
    * ir al unísono = be hand in hand.
    * ir al unísono con = go + hand in hand (with), go + hand in glove with.
    * ir a otro sitio = go + elsewhere.
    * ir a pie = leg it.
    * ir a por = go for.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a tientas y a ciegas = bump around + in the dark, fumble.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir a un Lugar en coche = drive out to.
    * ir aun más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * ir a ver = drop in on, check out.
    * ir a ver a Alguien = say + hi.
    * ir a ver a Alguien a su casa = home-visiting.
    * ir bien = go + well, do + well, go + strong.
    * ir bien encaminado = be on the right track.
    * ir cada vez mejor = go from + strength to strength, grow from + strength to strength, go + great guns.
    * ir con = go with, come with.
    * ir con la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * ir con la nueva ola = ride + wave.
    * ir con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * ir con retraso con respecto a = lag + behind.
    * ir contracorriente = go against + the flow.
    * ir corriendo = hot-foot it to.
    * ir corriendo a = dash off to, run off to.
    * ir cuesta abajo = go + downhill.
    * ir de... a... = proceed from... to....
    * ir de... a = make + transition from... to..., range from... to..., go from... to..., work from... to, stretch from... to..., ricochet from... to.
    * ir de acampada = camp.
    * ir de aquí a allá = go out and about.
    * ir de aquí para allá = ply, bustle, jump, live out of + a suitcase, run + here and there.
    * ir de aquí para allá sin rumbo fijo = freewheel.
    * ir de compras = go + shopping.
    * ir de copas = go for + a drink.
    * ir de + Dirección = work from + Dirección.
    * ir de excursión = hike.
    * ir de excursión por la montaña = go + tracking.
    * ir de la mano = go + hand in hand (with), be hand in hand.
    * ir delante = lead + the way.
    * ir de mal en peor = go from + bad to worse.
    * ir demasiado lejos = overstate + case, go + too far.
    * ir de paquete = pillion riding, ride + pillion .
    * ir de perlas = come up + a treat, work + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * ir de putas = whoring.
    * ir descaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * ir de tranqui = play it + cool.
    * ir detrás de = chase after, lag + behind.
    * ir de un sitio a otro = shunt between.
    * ir de un sitio para otro = run around.
    * ir de vacaciones = go on + vacation, go on + holidays.
    * ir de viaje de novios = honeymoon.
    * ir dirigido a = be geared to, target, aim at.
    * ir en = ride.
    * ir en aumento = be on the increase.
    * ir en bici = bike.
    * ir en bicicleta = cycle.
    * ir encaminado hacia = be on + Posesivo + way to.
    * ir en caravana = go in + (a) convoy, drive in + (a) convoy.
    * ir en contra de = contravene, fly in + the face of, go against, militate against, stand in + contrast to, tell against, be at odds with, work at + cross purposes, be at cross purposes, turn against, play against, be contrary to, run up against, work against, set against, run + counter to, run + contrary to, be at loggerheads with, argue against, stand in + sharp contrast to, speak against, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * ir en contra de la corriente = go against + the flow.
    * ir en contra de la ley = be against the law.
    * ir en contra del reloj = race against + time, race against + the clock.
    * ir en contra del sentido común = violate + common sense.
    * ir en contra del sistema = buck + the system.
    * ir en contra del tiempo = race against + time, race against + the clock.
    * ir en contra de todos + Posesivo + principios = violate + principle.
    * ir en detrimento de los intereses = prejudice + interests.
    * ir en el asiento trasero = pillion riding, ride + pillion .
    * ir en moto = bike.
    * ir en paralelo con = run + parallel to.
    * ir entre = go between.
    * ir hacia = head for.
    * ir hacia atrás = page + backward.
    * ir hacia delante = page + forward.
    * ir hecho un desastre = look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus.
    * irle Algo a Alguien = fare.
    * irle a Uno = make out.
    * ir mal = go + wrong.
    * ir mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * ir marcha atrás = back up.
    * ir más allá = go + one stage further.
    * ir más allá de = go beyond, go + deeper than, transcend, get beyond, go far beyond, move + beyond, take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther, go + past.
    * ir más allá de las posibilidades de Alguien = be beyond + Posesivo + capabilities.
    * ir más despacio = slow down, slow up.
    * ir más lejos = go + one stage further.
    * ir montado en + Vehículo = ride + Vehículo.
    * ir muy atrasado = be way behind schedule.
    * ir muy por detrás de = be far behind.
    * ir pegado a = hug.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * ir por ahí = go + (a)round, be out and about, get out and about.
    * ir por buen camino = be on the right track.
    * ir por detrás = be behind, trail, trail behind, lag.
    * ir por detrás de = lag + behind.
    * ir por el buen camino = be right on track.
    * ir por mal camino = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * ir primero = lead + the way.
    * ir rápido = fly.
    * ir retrasado con el trabajo = be behind in + Posesivo + work.
    * ir rumbo a = be on the road to.
    * irse = depart, make + departure, quit + Lugar, take + departure, go off, wend + Posesivo + way, leave, go away, take + Posesivo + leave, be gone, head off, walk out, make + a quick getaway.
    * irse a casa = go + home.
    * irse a freír espárragos = naff off.
    * irse a la cama = retire + at night.
    * irse a la mierda = naff off.
    * irse a la porra = go + pear-shaped, go down + the tube, go down + the drain.
    * irse al carajo = go + pear-shaped, go to + shit.
    * irse al cuerno = naff off.
    * irse al diablo = naff off.
    * irse al garete = go + kaput, be kaput, be up the spout.
    * irse al traste = come + unstuck, go + kaput, be kaput, go down + the tube, go down + the drain, go to + shit, be up the spout.
    * irse al trasto = go + pear-shaped.
    * irse a paseo = naff off.
    * irse a pique = founder, bite + the dust, give up + the ghost, come + unstuck, go + pear-shaped, go + kaput, be kaput, go + haywire, go down + the tube, go down + the drain, be up the spout.
    * irse a tomar por culo = naff off.
    * irse corriendo = dash off, shoot off.
    * irse de casa = leave + home.
    * irse de jarana = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse de juerga = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse de la lengua = spill + the beans, shoot + Posesivo + mouth off, let + the cat out of the bag, blow + the gaff.
    * irse de marcha = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse de parranda = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse de picos pardos = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse derecho a = make + a beeline for.
    * irse de vacaciones = vacation.
    * irse enojado dando zapatazos = stomp away.
    * irse inadvertidamente = slip away.
    * irse la cabeza = go + bananas.
    * írsele a Uno Algo de las manos = get out of + hand.
    * írsele a Uno el santo al cielo = lose + track of time, it + go + right/straight out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * írsele la cabeza = go off + Posesivo + head.
    * írsele la mano a Uno = overplay + Posesivo + hand.
    * irse para siempre = go + forever.
    * irse por las ramas = go off + the track, get off + the track, go off on + another track, fly off on + a tangent, go off on + a tangent, wander off + track, wander off + topic, go off at + a tangent.
    * irse por la tangente = wander off + track, wander off + topic, go off on + a tangent, go off at + a tangent, go off + the track, get off + the track, fly off on + a tangent.
    * ir sobre ruedas = go off without + a hitch.
    * ir sobre seguro = be on secure ground, play it + safe.
    * ir tirando = get along + in the world, shuffle along, tick over, muddle along, keep + the wolves from the door.
    * ir todavía más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * ir unido a = go with + the territory (of), come with + the territory (of).
    * ir viento en popa = go from + strength to strength, grow from + strength to strength, go + great guns.
    * ir volando = hurtle, hot-foot it to.
    * ir y venir = come and go.
    * ir zumbando = whiz.
    * no tener que ir muy lejos = not have to look far.
    * no voy a aguantarlo más = not going to take it any more.
    * para que vayamos pensando = food for thought.
    * partido de ida = away game.
    * pendiente de ir a la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * persona que va al cine = moviegoer [movie-goer].
    * público al que va dirigido = intended audience, subject audience, target audience, targeted audience.
    * que van dirigidos hacia el exterior = outbound.
    * quién iba a decir entonces que... = little did + Verbo + then that....
    * ser hora de irse = be time to go.
    * ser lo que a Uno le va = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * situación + irse de las manos = things + get out of hand.
    * si vamos a eso = for that matter.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * va a = gonna [going to].
    * vete a la mierda = fuck off.
    * véte al carajo = drop dead!.
    * véte al cuerno = drop dead!.
    * vete a tomar por culo = fuck off.
    * ya ir siendo hora de que = be high time (that/to/for), be about time (that).
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) (trasladarse, desplazarse) to go

    iban a caballo/a pie — they were on horseback/on foot

    Fernando! - voy!Fernando! - (just) coming! o I'll be right there!

    voy al mercado — I'm going to the market, I'm off to the market (colloq)

    ¿adónde va este tren? — where's this train going (to)?

    ¿tú vas a misa? — do you go to church?

    ir de compras/de caza — to go shopping/hunting

    ¿por dónde se va a...? — how do you get to...?

    a eso voyI'm just coming o getting to that

    ¿dónde vas/va/van? — (Esp fam) ( frente a una exageración)

    ¿dónde vas con tanto pan? — what are you doing with all that bread?

    ¿dejamos 500 de propina? - dónde vas! — shall we leave 500 as a tip? - you must be joking o kidding!

    ir a por alguien — (Esp)

    ha ido a por su madre — he's gone to get his mother, he's gone to pick his mother up

    ten cuidado, que va a por ti — watch out, he's out to get you o he's after you

    ir por or (Esp) a por algo: voy (a) por pan I'm going to get some bread; no irla con algo (RPl fam): no la voy con tanta liberalidad I don't go along with all this liberalism; no me/le va ni me/le viene (fam) (no me, le concierne) it's none of my/his/her business; (ne me, le afecta) it doesn't affect me/him/her; allí donde fueres haz lo que vieres — when in Rome, do as the Romans do

    b) ( asistir) to go to

    ya va al colegio/a la universidad — she's already at school/university

    ir a + inf: ¿has ido a verla? have you been to see her?; ve a ayudarla — go and help her; ver tb v aux I


    irle a alguien con algo: no le vayas con tus problemas don't bother him with your problems; le fue a la maestra con el chisme — she went and told the story to the teacher

    a) (al arrojar algo, arrojarse)

    tírate del trampolín - allá voy! — jump off the board! - here I go/come!

    b) (Jueg)

    ahí van otros $2.000 — there's another $2,000

    ahí va! — (Esp fam)

    eso va por ti tambiénthat goes for you too o and the same goes for you

    6) ( estar en juego) (+ me/te/le etc)
    7) (fam) (hablando de acciones imprevistas, sorprendentes)

    ¿van cómodos? — are you comfortable?

    ¿irán bien aquí los vasos? — will the glasses be safe here?

    ir de algo: iban de largo they wore long dresses; voy a ir de Drácula I'm going to go as Dracula; iba de verde — she was dressed in green

    ¿de qué vas, tía? ¿te crees que somos tontos o qué? — (Esp arg) hey, what are you playing at? do you think we're stupid or something?

    va de guapo/genio por la vida — (Esp arg) he really thinks he's good-looking/clever

    11) (Esp fam) ( tratar)

    ¿de qué va la novela? — what's the novel about?

    12) camino/sendero ( llevar)

    ir a algo — to lead to something, to go to something

    13) (extenderse, abarcar)
    14) (marchar, desarrollarse)

    ¿cómo va el enfermo/el nuevo trabajo? — how's the patient doing/the new job going?

    va de mal en peor — it's going from bad to worse;; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿cómo te va? — how's it going?, how are things? (colloq), what's up? (AmE colloq)

    ¿cómo les fue en Italia? — how was Italy?, how did you get on in Italy?

    me fue mal/bien en el examen/la entrevista — I did badly/well in the exam/the interview

    ¿cómo le va con el novio? — how's she getting on with her boyfriend?

    15) (en juegos, competiciones)

    ¿cómo van? - 3-1 — what's the score? - 3-1

    voy ganando yo — I'm ahead, I'm winning

    ir por algo: ¿por dónde van en historia? where have you got (up) to in history?; ¿todavía vas por la página 20? — are you still on page 20?

    ir para algo: vamos para viejos! we're getting on o old!; va para los cincuenta she's going on fifty; ya va para dos años que... — it's getting on for two years since...

    18) (sumar, hacer)

    con éste van seis — six, counting this one

    en lo que va del or (Esp) de año/mes — so far this year/month

    lo que va de un hermano a otro! — (fam) it's amazing the difference between the two brothers! (colloq)

    21) (CS) (depender, radicar)
    a) ( deber colocarse) to go

    ¿dónde van las toallas? — where do the towels go?

    qué va! — (fam)

    ¿has terminado? - qué va! — have you finished? - you must be joking!

    ¿se disgustó? - qué va! — did she get upset? - not at all!

    ¿va con mayúscula? — is it written with a capital letter?

    ¿va con acento? — does it have an accent?

    c) (RPl) ( estar incluido)
    a) ( combinar)
    b) (sentar, convenir) (+ me/te/le etc)
    24) (Esp arg) ( gustar) (+ me/te/le etc)
    25) (Méx) (tomar partido por, apoyar)

    irle a algo/alguien — to support something/somebody

    26) vamos
    a) (expresando incredulidad, fastidio)

    vamos! ¿eso quién se lo va a creer? — come off it o come on! who do you think's going to believe that?

    b) (intentando tranquilizar, animar, dar prisa)

    vamos, mujer, dile algo — go on, say something to him

    vamos, date prisa! — come on, hurry up!

    dar el vamos a algo — (Chi) to inaugurate something

    desde el vamos — (RPl fam) from the word go

    c) (al aclarar, resumir)

    eso sería un disparate, vamos, digo yo — that would be a stupid thing to do, well, that's what I think anyway

    vamos, que no es una persona de fiar — basically, he's not very trustworthy

    es mejor que el otro, vamos — it's better than the other one, anyway

    27) vaya
    a) (expresando sorpresa, contrariedad)

    vaya! se me ha vuelto a caer!oh no o (colloq) damn! it's fallen over again!

    b) (Esp) ( para enfatizar)
    c) (al aclarar, resumir)

    vaya, que los hay peores — well, I mean there are plenty worse

    ir v aux

    ir a + inf —

    a) (para expresar tiempo futuro, propósito) to be going to + inf

    va a hacer dos años que... — it's getting on for two years since...

    b) (en propuestas, sugerencias)

    vamos a ver ¿cómo dices que te llamas? — now then, what did you say your name was?

    bueno, vamos a trabajar — all right, let's get to work

    a) (al prevenir, hacer recomendaciones)

    cuidado, no te vayas a caer — mind you don't fall (colloq)

    lleva el paraguas, no vaya a ser que llueva — take the umbrella in case it rains

    ¿qué iba a pensar el pobre? — what was the poor man supposed o meant to think?

    ¿quién iba a ser si no? — who else could it have been?

    ¿no irá a hacer alguna tontería? — you don't think she'll go and do something stupid, do you?


    ¿te acuerdas? - no me voy a acordar! — do you remember - of course I do o how could I forget?

    ¿dormiste bien? - qué voy a dormir! — did you sleep well?- how could I?

    ¿por qué la voy a ayudar? — why should I help her?

    ir + ger: poco a poco irá aprendiendo she'll learn little by little; a medida que va subiendo as it rises; tú puedes ir comiendo you can start eating; ya puedes ir haciéndote a la idea you'd better get used to the idea; la situación ha ido empeorando — the situation has been getting worse and worse

    irse v pron
    1) ( marcharse) to leave

    ¿por qué te vas tan temprano? — why are you leaving o going so soon?

    bueno, me voy — right then, I'm taking off (AmE) o (BrE) I'm off

    se han ido de viaje — they're away, they've gone away

    anda, vete por ahí — (fam) get lost! (colloq); (+ me/te/le etc)

    no te me vayas, quiero hablar contigo — (fam) don't run away, I want to talk to you (colloq)

    2) (consumirse, gastarse)

    cómo se va el dinero! — I don't know where the money goes!; (+ me/te/le etc)

    3) ( desaparecer) mancha/dolor to go

    se ha ido la luz — the electricity's gone off; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿se te ha ido el dolor de cabeza? — has your headache gone?

    4) (salirse, escaparse) líquido/gas to escape; (+ me/te/le etc)
    5) (euf) ( morirse) to slip away (euph)
    6) (caerse, perder el equilibrio) (+ compl)

    irse de boca/espaldas — to fall flat on one's face/back

    7) (andarse, actuar) (+ compl)

    vete con cuidado/tacto — be careful/tactful

    a) (CS) ( en naipes) to go out
    b) (RPl) ( en una asignatura) tb
    9) (Andes, Ven) medias to run
    * * *
    = attend, go, run, go over, saunter, come, go forth.

    Ex: He was awarded the bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, from Harvard University, and he attended Rutgers Library School where he graduated first in his class.

    Ex: It was 'exceedingly inconvenient' because the books were entered in it 'where no person who goes to consult the catalogue would expect to find them'.
    Ex: Arabic numerals are used to denote further divisions, in an integral manner, running from 1 to 9999, as necessary.
    Ex: Compassion shadowed the trustee's face -- she could see he was desperate -- and compassion was in her voice as she answered: 'All right, I'll go over this afternoon'.
    Ex: She sauntered back to her desk, intending to work, and was a little perturbed to find that she could not work.
    Ex: This article urges children's librarians to attack 'aliteracy' (lack of a desire to read) as well as illiteracy by taking programmes, e.g. story hours, to children who do not come to libraries.
    Ex: Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.
    * algo va mal = something is amiss.
    * ¡allá voy! = here I come!.
    * a punto de irse a pique = on the rocks.
    * cosas + ir bien = things + go well.
    * descanso para ir al baño = bathroom break.
    * despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.
    * donde fueres haz lo que vieres = when in Rome (do as the Romans do).
    * el no va más = the be all and end all.
    * empezar a ir bien = fall into + place.
    * empezar a irse al garete = be on the skids.
    * empezar a irse al garete, empezar a empeorar = hit + the skids.
    * grupo de usuarios al que va dirigido = target user group.
    * ir a = get to, turn to, refer to, be out to, head for, come to, take + a trip to, go to.
    * ir a casa de = make + house calls.
    * ir acompañado de = come with.
    * ir a continuación de = follow in + the footsteps of.
    * ir a contra reloj = race against + time, race against + the clock.
    * ir a cuestas de = piggyback [piggy-back].
    * ir a dar un paseo = go for + a stroll.
    * ir a + Infinitivo = be to + Infinitivo.
    * ir a jucio = stand + trial, stand for + trial.
    * ir a jucio, ser juzgado, ser procesado = stand for + trial.
    * ir a la baja = be down.
    * ir a la bancarrota = go + belly up.
    * ir a la cárcel = serve + time.
    * ir a la escuela = go to + school.
    * ir a la guerra = go to + war.
    * ir a la par = proceed + in parallel.
    * ir a la par con = go + hand in hand (with), go + hand in glove with.
    * ir a las mil maravillas = go + great guns, go from + strength to strength, grow from + strength to strength, be fine and dandy.
    * ir a la zaga = trail, trail behind, lag + behind.
    * ir al centro = go + downtown.
    * ir al cine = go to + the cinema, movie-going.
    * ir al grano = cut to + the chase.
    * ir a lo seguro = play it + safe.
    * ir al pub = go to + the pub.
    * ir al teatro = go to + the theatre, theatre-going.
    * ir a + Lugar = trot off + Lugar.
    * ir al unísono = be hand in hand.
    * ir al unísono con = go + hand in hand (with), go + hand in glove with.
    * ir a otro sitio = go + elsewhere.
    * ir a pie = leg it.
    * ir a por = go for.
    * ir a por todas = go for + broke, shoot (for) + the moon.
    * ir a tientas y a ciegas = bump around + in the dark, fumble.
    * ir a toda velocidad = hurtle.
    * ir a un Lugar en coche = drive out to.
    * ir aun más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * ir a un Sitio sin prisa = mosey.
    * ir a ver = drop in on, check out.
    * ir a ver a Alguien = say + hi.
    * ir a ver a Alguien a su casa = home-visiting.
    * ir bien = go + well, do + well, go + strong.
    * ir bien encaminado = be on the right track.
    * ir cada vez mejor = go from + strength to strength, grow from + strength to strength, go + great guns.
    * ir con = go with, come with.
    * ir con la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * ir con la nueva ola = ride + wave.
    * ir con mucho ojo = keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * ir con retraso con respecto a = lag + behind.
    * ir contracorriente = go against + the flow.
    * ir corriendo = hot-foot it to.
    * ir corriendo a = dash off to, run off to.
    * ir cuesta abajo = go + downhill.
    * ir de... a... = proceed from... to....
    * ir de... a = make + transition from... to..., range from... to..., go from... to..., work from... to, stretch from... to..., ricochet from... to.
    * ir de acampada = camp.
    * ir de aquí a allá = go out and about.
    * ir de aquí para allá = ply, bustle, jump, live out of + a suitcase, run + here and there.
    * ir de aquí para allá sin rumbo fijo = freewheel.
    * ir de compras = go + shopping.
    * ir de copas = go for + a drink.
    * ir de + Dirección = work from + Dirección.
    * ir de excursión = hike.
    * ir de excursión por la montaña = go + tracking.
    * ir de la mano = go + hand in hand (with), be hand in hand.
    * ir delante = lead + the way.
    * ir de mal en peor = go from + bad to worse.
    * ir demasiado lejos = overstate + case, go + too far.
    * ir de paquete = pillion riding, ride + pillion.
    * ir de perlas = come up + a treat, work + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * ir de putas = whoring.
    * ir descaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * ir de tranqui = play it + cool.
    * ir detrás de = chase after, lag + behind.
    * ir de un sitio a otro = shunt between.
    * ir de un sitio para otro = run around.
    * ir de vacaciones = go on + vacation, go on + holidays.
    * ir de viaje de novios = honeymoon.
    * ir dirigido a = be geared to, target, aim at.
    * ir en = ride.
    * ir en aumento = be on the increase.
    * ir en bici = bike.
    * ir en bicicleta = cycle.
    * ir encaminado hacia = be on + Posesivo + way to.
    * ir en caravana = go in + (a) convoy, drive in + (a) convoy.
    * ir en contra de = contravene, fly in + the face of, go against, militate against, stand in + contrast to, tell against, be at odds with, work at + cross purposes, be at cross purposes, turn against, play against, be contrary to, run up against, work against, set against, run + counter to, run + contrary to, be at loggerheads with, argue against, stand in + sharp contrast to, speak against, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * ir en contra de la corriente = go against + the flow.
    * ir en contra de la ley = be against the law.
    * ir en contra del reloj = race against + time, race against + the clock.
    * ir en contra del sentido común = violate + common sense.
    * ir en contra del sistema = buck + the system.
    * ir en contra del tiempo = race against + time, race against + the clock.
    * ir en contra de todos + Posesivo + principios = violate + principle.
    * ir en detrimento de los intereses = prejudice + interests.
    * ir en el asiento trasero = pillion riding, ride + pillion.
    * ir en moto = bike.
    * ir en paralelo con = run + parallel to.
    * ir entre = go between.
    * ir hacia = head for.
    * ir hacia atrás = page + backward.
    * ir hacia delante = page + forward.
    * ir hecho un desastre = look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus.
    * irle Algo a Alguien = fare.
    * irle a Uno = make out.
    * ir mal = go + wrong.
    * ir mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * ir marcha atrás = back up.
    * ir más allá = go + one stage further.
    * ir más allá de = go beyond, go + deeper than, transcend, get beyond, go far beyond, move + beyond, take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther, go + past.
    * ir más allá de las posibilidades de Alguien = be beyond + Posesivo + capabilities.
    * ir más despacio = slow down, slow up.
    * ir más lejos = go + one stage further.
    * ir montado en + Vehículo = ride + Vehículo.
    * ir muy atrasado = be way behind schedule.
    * ir muy por detrás de = be far behind.
    * ir pegado a = hug.
    * ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.
    * ir por ahí = go + (a)round, be out and about, get out and about.
    * ir por buen camino = be on the right track.
    * ir por detrás = be behind, trail, trail behind, lag.
    * ir por detrás de = lag + behind.
    * ir por el buen camino = be right on track.
    * ir por mal camino = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * ir primero = lead + the way.
    * ir rápido = fly.
    * ir retrasado con el trabajo = be behind in + Posesivo + work.
    * ir rumbo a = be on the road to.
    * irse = depart, make + departure, quit + Lugar, take + departure, go off, wend + Posesivo + way, leave, go away, take + Posesivo + leave, be gone, head off, walk out, make + a quick getaway.
    * irse a casa = go + home.
    * irse a freír espárragos = naff off.
    * irse a la cama = retire + at night.
    * irse a la mierda = naff off.
    * irse a la porra = go + pear-shaped, go down + the tube, go down + the drain.
    * irse al carajo = go + pear-shaped, go to + shit.
    * irse al cuerno = naff off.
    * irse al diablo = naff off.
    * irse al garete = go + kaput, be kaput, be up the spout.
    * irse al traste = come + unstuck, go + kaput, be kaput, go down + the tube, go down + the drain, go to + shit, be up the spout.
    * irse al trasto = go + pear-shaped.
    * irse a paseo = naff off.
    * irse a pique = founder, bite + the dust, give up + the ghost, come + unstuck, go + pear-shaped, go + kaput, be kaput, go + haywire, go down + the tube, go down + the drain, be up the spout.
    * irse a tomar por culo = naff off.
    * irse corriendo = dash off, shoot off.
    * irse de casa = leave + home.
    * irse de jarana = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse de juerga = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse de la lengua = spill + the beans, shoot + Posesivo + mouth off, let + the cat out of the bag, blow + the gaff.
    * irse de marcha = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse de parranda = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse de picos pardos = paint + the town red, go out on + the town.
    * irse derecho a = make + a beeline for.
    * irse de vacaciones = vacation.
    * irse enojado dando zapatazos = stomp away.
    * irse inadvertidamente = slip away.
    * irse la cabeza = go + bananas.
    * írsele a Uno Algo de las manos = get out of + hand.
    * írsele a Uno el santo al cielo = lose + track of time, it + go + right/straight out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * írsele la cabeza = go off + Posesivo + head.
    * írsele la mano a Uno = overplay + Posesivo + hand.
    * irse para siempre = go + forever.
    * irse por las ramas = go off + the track, get off + the track, go off on + another track, fly off on + a tangent, go off on + a tangent, wander off + track, wander off + topic, go off at + a tangent.
    * irse por la tangente = wander off + track, wander off + topic, go off on + a tangent, go off at + a tangent, go off + the track, get off + the track, fly off on + a tangent.
    * ir sobre ruedas = go off without + a hitch.
    * ir sobre seguro = be on secure ground, play it + safe.
    * ir tirando = get along + in the world, shuffle along, tick over, muddle along, keep + the wolves from the door.
    * ir todavía más lejos = go + a/one step further.
    * ir todo bien = be fine.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * ir unido a = go with + the territory (of), come with + the territory (of).
    * ir viento en popa = go from + strength to strength, grow from + strength to strength, go + great guns.
    * ir volando = hurtle, hot-foot it to.
    * ir y venir = come and go.
    * ir zumbando = whiz.
    * no tener que ir muy lejos = not have to look far.
    * no voy a aguantarlo más = not going to take it any more.
    * para que vayamos pensando = food for thought.
    * partido de ida = away game.
    * pendiente de ir a la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * persona que va al cine = moviegoer [movie-goer].
    * público al que va dirigido = intended audience, subject audience, target audience, targeted audience.
    * que van dirigidos hacia el exterior = outbound.
    * quién iba a decir entonces que... = little did + Verbo + then that....
    * ser hora de irse = be time to go.
    * ser lo que a Uno le va = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * situación + irse de las manos = things + get out of hand.
    * si vamos a eso = for that matter.
    * todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.
    * va a = gonna [going to].
    * vete a la mierda = fuck off.
    * véte al carajo = drop dead!.
    * véte al cuerno = drop dead!.
    * vete a tomar por culo = fuck off.
    * ya ir siendo hora de que = be high time (that/to/for), be about time (that).

    * * *
    ir [ I27 ]
    ■ ir (verbo intransitivo)
    A trasladarse, desplazarse
    B expresando propósito
    C irle a alguien con algo
    1 al arrojar algo, arrojarse
    2 Juegos
    E con comentarios
    F estar en juego
    G hablando de acciones imprevistas
    A ir + complemento
    B refiriéndose al atuendo
    C en calidad de
    D tratar
    A llevar a
    B extenderse, abarcar
    A marchar, desarrollarse
    B en juegos, competiciones
    C en el desarrollo de algo
    D estar en camino
    E sumar, hacer
    F haber transcurrido
    G haber una diferencia
    H depender, radicar
    1 deber colocarse
    2 deber escribirse
    3 estar incluido
    1 combinar
    2 sentar, convenir
    3 ir en contra de algo
    C gustar
    D tomar partido por, apoyar
    1 expresando incredulidad etc
    2 intentando tranquilizar, animar
    3 al aclarar, resumir
    1 expresando sorpresa, contrariedad
    2 para enfatizar
    3 al aclarar, resumir
    ■ ir (verbo auxiliar)
    1 para expresar tiempo futuro
    2 expresando intención, propósito
    3 en propuestas, sugerencias
    B al prevenir, hacer recomendaciones
    C expresando inevitabilidad
    D expresando incredulidad
    1 en afirmaciones enfáticas
    2 al contradecir
    Sentido II expresando un proceso paulatino
    ■ irse (verbo pronominal)
    A marcharse
    B consumirse, gastarse
    C desaparecer: mancha, dolor
    D salirse, escaparse
    E morirse
    F caerse, perder el equilibrio
    G andarse, actuar
    1 en naipes
    2 en una asignatura
    I las medias
    A (trasladarse, desplazarse) to go
    ¿vamos en taxi? shall we go by taxi?
    iban a caballo/a pie they were on horseback/on foot
    ir por mar to go by sea
    ¡Fernando! — ¡voy! Fernando! — (just) coming! o I'll be right with you! o I'll be with you right away!
    es la tercera vez que te llamo — ¡ya va or voy! this is the third time I've called you — alright, alright, I'm (just) coming!
    ¿quién va? who goes there?
    lo oía ir y venir por la habitación I could hear him pacing up and down the room
    el ir y venir de la gente por la avenida the to-ing and fro-ing of people along the avenue
    el ir y venir de los invitados the coming and going of the guests
    no he hecho más que ir y venir de un lado para otro sin conseguir nada I've done nothing but run around without getting anything done
    voy al mercado I'm going to the market, I'm off to the market ( colloq)
    vamos a casa let's go home
    ¿adónde va este tren? where's this train going (to)?
    ¿tú vas a misa? do you go to church?
    nunca va a clase he never goes to o attends class
    ir de compras/de caza to go shopping/hunting
    ya vamos para allá we're on our way
    ¿para dónde vas? where are you headed (for)?, where are you heading (for)? ( BrE)
    ¿por dónde se va a la estación? how do you get to the station?
    fuimos por el camino de la costa we went along o took the coastal route
    no vayas por ese lado, es más largo don't go that way, it's longer
    a eso voy/vamos I'm/we're just coming o getting to that
    ¿dónde vas/va/van? (frente a una exageración) ( fam): ¿dónde vas con tanto pan? what are you doing with all that bread?
    ¿dejamos 500 de propina? — ¡dónde vas! con 100 hay de sobra shall we leave 500 as a tip? — you must be joking o kidding! 100 will be more than enough
    ¡eh, dónde vas! te dije un poquito steady on o easy! I said I wanted a little bit
    ir a dar a un lugar: ¿quién sabe dónde fue a dar la pelota? who knows where the ball got to o went?
    nos tomamos un tren equivocado y fuimos a dar a Maroñas we took the wrong train and ended up in Maroñas
    ir a por algn ( Esp): ha ido a por su madre he's gone to get o fetch his mother, he's gone to pick his mother up
    ten cuidado, que va a por ti watch out, he's out to get you o he's after you
    el perro fue a por él the dog went for him
    ir por or ( Esp) a por algo: voy (a) por pan I'm going to get some bread, I'm off to get some bread ( colloq)
    no irla con algo ( RPl fam): no la voy con tanta liberalidad I don't hold with o I don't go along with all this liberalism
    no me/le va ni me/le viene ( fam); I'm/he's not in the least bit bothered, I don't/he doesn't mind at all
    allí donde fueres haz lo que vieres when in Rome, do as the Romans do
    ¿has ido a verla? have you been to see her?
    ve a ayudarla go and help her
    fue a ayudarla he went to help her
    ¿me irías a comprar el pan? would you go and buy the bread for me?
    irle a algn con algo: no le vayas con tus problemas don't bother him with your problems
    a la maestra no le gusta que le vayan con chismes the teacher doesn't like people telling on each other o people coming to her with tales
    (al arrojar algo, arrojarse): tírame la llave — ¡allá va! throw me the key — here it comes o there you go!
    tírate del trampolín — bueno ¡allá voy! jump off the board! — here I go/come!
    2 ( Juegos):
    ahí van otros $2.000 there's another $2,000
    ¡no va más! no more bets!
    ver tb no1 (↑ no (1))
    ¡ahí va! ( Esp fam): ¡ahí va! me he olvidado el dinero oh no! I've forgotten the money
    David ganó 20 millones en la lotería — ¡ahí va! David won 20 million in the lottery — wow o ( AmE) gee whiz! ( colloq)
    «comentario»: no iba con mala intención it wasn't meant unkindly, I didn't mean it nastily
    ten cuidado con él, que esta vez va en serio be careful, this time he's serious o he means business
    ir POR algn:
    y eso va por ti también and that goes for you too o and the same goes for you o and I'm referring to you too
    F (estar en juego) (+ me/te/le etc):
    se puso como si le fuera la vida en ello she acted as if her life depended on it o was at stake
    le va el trabajo en esto his job depends on this, his job is on the line
    G ( fam)
    (hablando de acciones imprevistas, sorprendentes): fue y le dio un puñetazo she went and o she upped and punched him
    y la tonta va y se lo cree and like an idiot she believed him, and the idiot went and believed him ( BrE colloq)
    fueron y se sentaron justo donde estaba recién pintado they went and sat down right where it had just been painted
    A (+ complemento)
    (sin énfasis en el movimiento): los caminantes iban cantando por el camino the walkers sang as they went along
    ¿van cómodos allí atrás? are you comfortable back there?
    ¿irán bien aquí los vasos? will the glasses be safe here?
    ella iba dormida en el asiento de atrás she was asleep in the back seat
    por lo menos íbamos sentados at least we were sitting down
    el niño iba sentado en el manillar the child was sitting o riding on the handlebars
    iba por la calle hablando solo he talked to himself as he walked along the street
    vas que pareces un pordiosero you look like some sort of beggar
    se notaba que iba con miedo you could see that she was afraid
    el tren iba llenísimo the train was packed
    déjame que te ayude que vas muy cargada you have a lot to carry, let me help you
    el ciclista colombiano va a la cabeza the Colombian cyclist is in the lead
    no vayas tan rápido, que te vas a equivocar don't do it o go so fast or you'll make a mistake
    hay que ir con los ojos bien abiertos you have to keep your eyes open
    va de chasco en chasco he's had one disappointment after another, he seems to lurch from one disappointment to another
    iban de largo they wore long dresses
    voy a ir de Drácula I'm going to go as Dracula
    iba de verde she was dressed in green, she was wearing green
    C (en calidad de) ir DE algo to go (along) AS sth
    yo fui de intérprete, porque él no habla inglés I went along as an interpreter, because he doesn't speak English
    ¿de qué vas, tía? ¿te crees que somos tontos o qué? ( Esp arg); hey, what are you playing at? do you think we're stupid or something?
    va de guapo por la vida ( Esp arg); he really thinks he's something special, he really fancies himself ( BrE colloq)
    ( Esp fam) (tratar) ir DE algo: no me voy a presentar al examen, no sé ni de qué va I'm not going to sit the exam, I don't even know what it's on
    ¿de qué va la novela? what's the novel about?
    A «camino» (llevar a) ir A algo; to lead TO sth, to go TO sth
    el camino que va a la playa the road that goes down to o leads to the beach
    (extenderse, abarcar): la autopista va desde Madrid hasta Valencia the highway goes o stretches from Madrid to Valencia
    lo que hay que traducir va de la página 82 a la 90 the part to be translated starts on page 82 and ends on page 90, the part to be translated is from page 82 to page 90
    el período que va desde la Edad Media hasta el Renacimiento the period from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
    estados de ánimo que van de la excitación desmedida a la abulia moods ranging from over-excitement to complete lethargy
    (marchar, desarrollarse): ¿cómo va el nuevo trabajo? how's the new job going?
    el negocio va de mal en peor the business is going from bad to worse
    ¿qué tal va la tesis? how's the thesis coming along o going?
    ¿cómo va el enfermo? how's the patient doing?
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿cómo te va? how's it going?, how are things? ( colloq), what's up? ( AmE colloq)
    ¿cómo les fue en Italia? how did you get on in Italy?, how was Italy?
    me fue mal en el examen the exam went badly, I did badly in the exam
    ¡adiós! ¡que te vaya bien! bye! all the best! o take care!
    ¡que te vaya bien (en) el examen! good luck in the exam, I hope the exam goes well
    ¿cómo le va con el novio? how's she getting on with her boyfriend?, how are things going between her and her boyfriend?
    (en juegos, competiciones): ¿cómo van? — 3-1 what's the score? — 3-1
    voy ganando yo I'm ahead o I'm winning o I'm in the lead
    ya va perdiendo casi $8.000 he's already lost almost $8,000
    ¿por dónde van en el programa de historia? how far have you got in the history syllabus?, where have you got (up) to in history?
    ¿todavía vas por la página 20? are you still on page 20?
    estoy por terminar, ya voy por las mangas I've nearly finished, I'm just doing the sleeves now
    D (estar en camino) ir PARA algo:
    ¿qué quieres? ¡vamos para viejos! what do you expect? we're getting on! o we're getting old!
    ya va para los cincuenta she's going on fifty, she's not far off fifty
    ya va para dos años que no lo veo it's getting on for two years since I last saw him
    iba para médico he was going to be a doctor
    (sumar, hacer): ya van tres veces que te lo digo this is the third time I've told you
    ¿cuántos has leído? — con éste van seis how many have you read? — six, counting this one o six, including this one o this one makes six o this is the sixth one
    ya van tres pasteles que se come that makes three cakes he's eaten now
    (haber transcurrido): en lo que va del or ( Esp) de año/mes so far this year/month
    (haber una diferencia): de tres a ocho van cinco eight minus three is five
    ¡lo que va de un hermano a otro! ( fam); it's amazing the difference between the two brothers! ( colloq)
    H (CS) (depender, radicar) ir EN algo; to depend ON sth
    no sé en qué irá I don't know what it depends on
    eso va en gustos that's a question of taste
    ¿sabes dónde va esta pieza? do you know where this piece goes?
    ¿dónde van las toallas? where do the towels go?
    ¡qué va! ( fam): ¿has terminado? — ¡qué va! todavía tengo para rato have you finished? — you must be joking! I still have a while to go yet
    ¿se disgustó? — ¡qué va! todo lo contrario did she get upset? — not at all! quite the opposite in fact
    vamos a perder el avión — ¡qué va! ¡si hay tiempo de sobra! we're going to miss the plane — nonsense! we have more than enough time
    (deber escribirse): ¿va con mayúscula? is it written with a capital letter?
    ¿va con acento? does it have an accent?
    ( RPl) (estar incluido): todo esto va para el examen all of this will be included in the exam
    1 (combinar) ir CON algo to go WITH sth
    esos zapatos no van (bien) con esa falda those shoes don't go with that skirt
    2 (sentar, convenir) (+ me/te/le etc):
    el negro no te va bien black doesn't suit you
    te irá bien una semanita de vacaciones a week's vacation will do you good
    ir en contra de algo to go against sth
    esto va en contra de sus principios this goes against her principles
    ( Esp arg) (gustar) (+ me/te/le etc): a mí esa música no me va that music does nothing for me o leaves me cold
    marcha f H. (↑ marcha)
    D ( Méx) (tomar partido por, apoyar) irle A algo/algn; to support sth/sb
    mucha gente le va al equipo peruano a lot of people support o are backing o are rooting for the Peruvian team
    (expresando incredulidad, fastidio): ¡vamos! ¿eso quién se lo va a creer? come off it o come on! who do you think's going to believe that?
    ¿cómo que le vas a ganar? ¡vamos! what do you mean you're going to beat him? come off it!
    (intentando tranquilizar, animar, dar prisa): vamos, mujer, dile algo, no seas vergonzosa go on, say something to him, don't be shy
    ¡vamos! ¡ánimo, que falta poco! come on! keep going! it's not far now!
    ¡vamos, date prisa! come on, hurry up!
    ¡vamos, vamos! ¡circulen! OK o come on, move along now please!
    dar el vamos a algo ( Chi); to inaugurate sth
    desde el vamos ( RPl fam); from the word go
    (al aclarar, resumir): eso sería un disparate, vamos, digo yo that would be a stupid thing to do, well, at least that's what I think anyway
    podrías haberte disculpado, vamos, no habría sido mucho pedir you could have apologized, I mean that's not much to ask
    vamos, que no es una persona de fiar basically, he's not very trustworthy
    es mejor que el otro, vamos it's better than the other one, anyway
    (expresando sorpresa, contrariedad): ¡vaya! ¡tú por aquí! what a surprise! what are you doing here?, well! fancy seeing you here! ( BrE)
    ¡vaya! ¡se ha vuelto a caer! oh no! it's fallen over again!
    ¡vaya! nos quedamos sin saber cómo termina la película damn! now we won't know how the film ends ( colloq)
    (para enfatizar): ¡vaya cochazo se ha comprado! that's some car he's bought himself!
    ¡vaya contigo! ¡no hay manera de hablarte! what on earth's the matter with you? you're so touchy!
    ¿vaya día! what a day!
    ¡vaya película me has traído a ver! ( iró); this is a really great movie you've brought me to see ( iro)
    ¡vaya si le voy a decir lo que pienso! you bet I'm going to tell him what I think!
    ¡vaya (que) si la conozco! you bet I know her!
    (al aclarar, resumir): tampoco es tan torpe, vaya, los hay peores he isn't totally stupid, well, I mean there are plenty worse
    Sentido I ir A + INF
    (para expresar tiempo futuro): ¡te vas a caer! you're going to fall!
    a este paso no van a terminar nunca they'll never finish at this rate
    el barco va a zarpar the boat's about to set sail
    dijo que lo iba a pensar she said she was going to think it over
    ya van a ser las cuatro it's almost o nearly four o'clock
    va a hacer dos años que no nos vemos we haven't seen each other for nearly two years, it's getting on for two years since we saw each other
    esto no te va a gustar you're not going to like this
    no te preocupes, ya se va a solucionar don't worry, it'll sort itself out
    tenía miedo de que se fuera a olvidar I was afraid he'd forget
    (expresando intención, propósito): se lo voy a decir I'm going to tell him
    lo voy a conseguir, sea como sea I'll get it one way or another
    me voy a tomar unos días libres en abril I'm going to take a few days off in April
    vamos a ir a verla esta tarde we're going to go and see her this evening
    (en propuestas, sugerencias): vamos a ver ¿cómo dices que te llamas? now then, what did you say your name was?
    siéntate, vamos a discutir el asunto have a seat and let's discuss the matter
    bueno, vamos a trabajar all right, let's get to work
    (al prevenir, hacer recomendaciones): que no se te vaya a escapar delante de ella make sure you don't blurt it out in front of her
    ten cuidado, no te vayas a caer mind you don't fall ( colloq), be careful or you'll fall
    lleva el paraguas, no vaya a ser que llueva take the umbrella in case it rains
    (expresando inevitabilidad): ¡qué voy a hacer! what else can I do?
    ¡qué le iba a decir! what else could I tell her?
    ¿qué iba a pensar el pobre hombre? what was the poor man supposed o meant to think?
    ¿seguro que fue ella? — ¿quién iba a ser si no? are you sure it was her? — who else could it have been?
    (expresando incredulidad): ¡no irás a darle la razón a él! surely you're not going to say he was right!
    está muy deprimida — ¿no irá a hacer alguna tontería? she's really depressed — you don't think she'll go and do something stupid, do you?
    (en afirmaciones enfáticas): ¿te acuerdas de él? — ¡no me voy a acordar! do you remember him — of course I do o how could I forget?
    (al contradecir): ¿dormiste bien? — ¡qué voy a dormir! did you sleep well?— how could I?
    ¡cómo iba a saberlo, si nadie me dijo nada! how was I supposed to know? no one told me anything
    ¿por qué lo voy a ayudar? ¡si él a mí nunca me ayuda! why should I help him? he never helps me!
    poco a poco va a ir aprendiendo she'll learn little by little
    ha ido cambiando con el tiempo he's changed as time has passed
    tú puedes ir pelando las cebollas you could start peeling the onions
    ahora les toca a ustedes, vayan preparándose it's your turn now, so start getting ready
    como te iba diciendo as I was saying
    ya puedes ir haciéndote a la idea you can start o you'd better start getting used to the idea, you'd better get used to the idea
    la voz parecía irse alejando cada vez más the voice seemed to grow more and more distant
    la situación ha ido empeorando the situation has been getting worse and worse
    (marcharse): ¿por qué te vas tan temprano? why are you leaving o going so soon?
    vámonos, que se hace tarde let's go, it's getting late
    bueno, me voy right then, I'm taking off ( AmE) o ( BrE) I'm off
    el tren ya se ha ido the train's already gone
    se quiere ir a vivir a Escocia she wants to go (off) and live in Scotland
    se han ido todos a la plaza everybody's gone down to the square
    vete a la cama go to bed
    se fue de casa she left home
    vete de aquí get out of here
    se ha ido de la empresa she's left the company
    se han ido de viaje they're away, they've gone away
    anda, vete por ahí ( fam); get lost! ( colloq)
    (+ me/te/le etc): la mayor se nos ha ido a vivir a Florida our eldest daughter's gone (off) to live in Florida
    no te me vayas, quiero hablar contigo ( fam); don't run away, I want to talk to you ( colloq)
    (consumirse, gastarse): ¡cómo se va el dinero! I don't know where the money goes!, the money just disappears!, we get through money so quickly
    (+ me/te/le etc): se me va medio sueldo en el alquiler half my salary goes on the rent
    se nos ha ido el día en tonterías we've spent o wasted the whole day messing around
    ¿te das cuenta de lo rápido que se nos ha ido la tarde? hasn't the evening gone quickly?
    C (desaparecer) «mancha/dolor» to go
    se ha ido la luz the electricity's gone off
    (+ me/te/le etc): no se me va el mareo I'm still feeling queasy
    ¿se te ha ido el dolor de cabeza? has your headache gone?
    D (salirse, escaparse) «líquido/gas» to escape
    (+ me/te/le etc): se le está yendo el aire al globo the balloon's losing air o going down
    que no se te vaya la leche por el fuego don't let the milk boil over
    tápalo para que no se le vaya la fuerza put the top on so that the fizz doesn't go out of it o so that it doesn't lose its fizz
    cuando empezó la música se me iban los pies once the music began I couldn't stop my feet tapping o I couldn't keep my feet still
    lengua, mano1 (↑ mano (1))
    E ( euf) (morirse) to slip away ( euph)
    creo que se nos va I think he's slipping away, I think we're losing him
    F (caerse, perder el equilibrio) (+ compl):
    irse de boca/espaldas to fall flat on one's face/back
    me daba la impresión de que me iba para atrás I felt as if I was falling backwards
    frenó y nos fuimos todos para adelante he braked and we all went flying forwards
    G (andarse, actuar) (+ compl):
    vete con cuidado/tacto be careful/tactful
    1 (CS) (en naipes) to go out
    ( RPl) (en una asignatura) tb irse a examen to have to take an exam
    I ( Col) «medias» to run
    * * *


    ir ( conjugate ir) verbo intransitivo
    a) (trasladarse, desplazarse) to go;

    iban a caballo/a pie they were on horseback/on foot;
    ir por mar to go by sea;
    ¡Fernando! — ¡voy! Fernando! — (just) coming! o I'll be right there!;
    el ir y venir de los invitados the coming and going of the guests;
    vamos a casa let's go home;
    ¿adónde va este tren? where's this train going (to)?;
    ir de compras/de caza to go shopping/hunting;
    ya vamos para allá we're on our way;
    ¿por dónde se va a …? how do you get to …?;
    ir por or (Esp) a por algo/algn to go to get sth/sb;
    voy (a) por pan I'm going to get some bread

    ya va al colegio she's already at school
    2 ( expresando propósito) ir a + inf:
    ¿has ido a verla? have you been to see her?;

    ve a ayudarla go and help her;
    ver tb ir v aux 1
    3 (al arrojar algo, arrojarse):
    tírame la llave — ¡allá va! throw me the key — here you are o there you go!;

    tírate del trampolín — ¡allá voy! jump off the board! — here I go/come!
    4 [ comentario]:

    eso va por ti también that goes for you too, and the same goes for you
    1 (+ compl) ( sin énfasis en el movimiento):

    ¿van cómodos? are you comfortable?;
    íbamos sentados we were sitting down;
    vas muy cargada you have a lot to carry;
    yo iba a la cabeza I was in the lead
    2 ( refiriéndose al atuendo):

    voy a ir de Drácula I'm going to go as Dracula;
    iba de verde she was dressed in green
    3 ( en calidad de) ir de algo to go (along) as sth;

    1 [camino/sendero] ( llevar) ir a algo to lead to sth, to go to sth
    2 (extenderse, abarcar):

    el período que va desde … hasta … the period from … to …
    1 (marchar, desarrollarse):
    ¿cómo va el nuevo trabajo? how's the new job going?;

    va de mal en peor it's going from bad to worse;
    ¿cómo te va? how's it going?, how are things? (colloq), what's up? (AmE colloq);
    ¿cómo les fue en Italia? how was Italy?, how did you get on in Italy?;
    me fue mal/bien en el examen I did badly/well in the exam;
    ¡que te vaya bien! all the best!, take care!;
    ¡que te vaya bien (en) el examen! good luck in the exam
    2 ( en competiciones):
    ¿cómo van? — 3-1 what's the score?3-1;

    voy ganando yo I'm ahead, I'm winning
    3 ( en el desarrollo de algo):
    ¿por dónde van en historia? where have you got (up) to in history?;

    ¿todavía vas por la página 20? are you still on page 20?
    4 ( estar en camino):
    ¡vamos para viejos! we're getting on o old!;

    va para los cincuenta she's going on fifty;
    ya va para dos años que … it's getting on for two years since …
    5 (sumar, hacer):

    con este van seis six, counting this one
    6 ( haber transcurrido): en lo que va del or (Esp) de año/mes so far this year/month
    1 ( deber colocarse) to go;
    ¿dónde van las toallas? where do the towels go?;

    ¡qué va! (fam): ¿has terminado? — ¡qué va! have you finished?you must be joking!;
    ¿se disgustó? — ¡qué va! did she get upset?not at all!;
    vamos a perder el avión — ¡qué va! we're going to miss the planeno way!
    a) ( combinar) ir con algo to go with sth

    b) (sentar bien, convenir) (+ me/te/le etc):

    te irá bien un descanso a rest will do you good
    3 (Méx) (tomar partido por, apoyar) irle a algo/algn to support sth/sb;


    a) (expresando incredulidad, fastidio):

    ¡vamos! ¿eso quién se lo va a creer? come off it o come on! who do you think's going to believe that?

    b) (intentando tranquilizar, animar, dar prisa):

    vamos, mujer, dile algo go on, say something to him;

    ¡vamos, date prisa! come on, hurry up!
    c) (al aclarar, resumir):

    eso sería un disparate, vamos, digo yo that would be a stupid thing to do, well, that's what I think anyway;

    vamos, que no es una persona de fiar basically, he's not very trustworthy;
    es mejor que el otro, vamos it's better than the other one, anyway

    a) (expresando sorpresa, contrariedad):

    ¡vaya! ¡tú por aquí! what a surprise! what are you doing here?;

    ¡vaya! ¡se ha vuelto a caer! oh no o (colloq) damn! it's fallen over again!
    b) (Esp) ( para enfatizar):

    ¡vaya cochazo! what a car!

    ir v aux ir a + inf:
    a) (para expresar tiempo futuro, propósito) to be going to + inf;

    va a hacer dos años que … it's getting on for two years since …
    b) (en propuestas, sugerencias):

    vamos a ver ¿cómo dices que te llamas? now then, what did you say your name was?;

    bueno, vamos a trabajar all right, let's get to work
    2 (al prevenir, hacer recomendaciones):

    cuidado, no te vayas a caer mind you don't fall (colloq);
    lleva el paraguas, no vaya a ser que llueva take the umbrella, in case it rains
    3 ( expresando un proceso paulatino):

    ya puedes ir haciéndote a la idea you'd better get used to the idea;
    la situación ha ido empeorando the situation has been getting worse and worse
    irse verbo pronominal
    1 ( marcharse) to leave;
    ¿por qué te vas tan temprano? why are you leaving o going so soon?;

    vámonos let's go;
    bueno, me voy right then, I'm taking off (AmE) o (BrE) I'm off;
    no te vayas don't go;
    vete a la cama go to bed;
    se fue de casa/de la empresa she left home/the company;
    vete de aquí get out of here;
    se han ido de viaje they're away, they've gone away
    2 (consumirse, gastarse):
    ¡cómo se va el dinero! I don't know where the money goes!;

    se me va medio sueldo en el alquiler half my salary goes on the rent
    3 ( desaparecer) [mancha/dolor] to go;

    (+ me/te/le etc)
    ¿se te ha ido el dolor de cabeza? has your headache gone?

    4 (salirse, escaparse) [líquido/gas] to escape;
    se le está yendo el aire al globo the balloon's losing air o going down

    5 (caerse, perder el equilibrio) (+ compl):
    irse de boca/espaldas to fall flat on one's face/back;

    me iba para atrás I was falling backwards;
    frenó y nos fuimos todos para adelante he braked and we all went flying forwards
    I verbo intransitivo
    1 (dirigirse a un lugar) to go: ¡vamos!, let's go!
    voy a París, I'm going to Paris ➣ Ver nota en go
    2 (acudir regularmente) to go: va al colegio, he goes to school
    van a misa, they go to church
    3 (conducir a) to lead, go to: el sendero va a la mina, the path goes to the mine
    esta carretera va a Londres, this road leads to London
    4 (abarcar) to cover: la finca va desde la alambrada al camino, the estate extends from the wire fence to the path
    las lecciones que van desde la página 1 a la 53, the lessons on pages 1 to 53
    5 (guardarse habitualmente) va al lado de éste, it goes beside this one
    6 (mantener una posición) to be: va el primero, he's in first place
    7 (tener un estado de ánimo, una apariencia) to be: iba furioso/radiante, he was furious/radiant
    vas muy guapa, you look very smart o pretty
    8 (desenvolverse) ¿cómo te va?, how are things? o how are you doing?
    ¿cómo te va en el nuevo trabajo?, how are you getting on in your new job?
    9 (funcionar) to work (properly): el reloj no va, the clock doesn't go o work
    10 (sentar bien) to suit: ese corte de pelo no te va nada, that haircut doesn't suit you at all
    11 (combinar) to match, go: el rojo no va con el celeste, red doesn't go with pale blue
    12 (vestir) to wear
    ir con abrigo, to wear a coat
    ir de negro/de uniforme, to be dressed in black/in uniform
    la niña irá de enfermera, the little girl will dress up as a nurse
    13 fam (importar, concernir) to concern: eso va por ti también, and the same goes for you
    ni me va ni me viene, I don't care one way or the other
    14 (apostar) to bet: va un café a que no viene, I bet a coffee that he won't come
    15 (ir + de) fam (comportarse de cierto modo) to act
    ir de listo por la vida, to be a smart ass
    (tratar) to be about: ¿de qué va la película?, what's the film about?
    16 (ir + detrás de) to be looking for: hace tiempo que voy detrás de un facsímil de esa edición, I've been after a facsimile of that edition for a long time
    17 (ir + por) ir por la derecha, to keep (to the) right
    (ir a buscar) ve por agua, go and fetch some water
    (haber llegado) voy por la página noventa, I've got as far as page ninety
    18 (ir + para) (tener casi, estar cercano a) va para los cuarenta, she's getting on for forty
    ya voy para viejo, I'm getting old
    (encaminarse a) iba para ingeniero, she was studying to be an engineer
    este niño va para médico, this boy's going to become a doctor
    II verbo auxiliar
    1 (ir + gerundio) va mejorando, he's improving
    ir caminando, to go on foot
    2 (ir + pp) ya van estrenadas tres películas de Almodóvar, three films by Almodovar have already been released
    3 ( ir a + infinitivo) iba a decir que, I was going to say that
    va a esquiar, she goes skiing
    va a nevar, it's going to snow
    vas a caerte, you'll fall
    ♦ Locuciones: a eso iba, I was coming to that
    ¡ahí va!, catch!
    en lo que va de año, so far this year
    ¡qué va!, of course not! o nothing of the sort!
    ¡vamos a ver!, let's see!
    van a lo suyo, they look after their own interests
    ¡vaya!, fancy that
    ¡vaya cochazo!, what a car!
    ir a parar, to end up
    'ir' also found in these entries:
    - acudir
    - andurriales
    - ánimo
    - antojarse
    - avión
    - avivar
    - bajar
    - bordear
    - brazo
    - busca
    - caer
    - calcular
    - camino
    - caza
    - cien
    - cine
    - coche
    - compra
    - comprensible
    - convenir
    - correr
    - corriente
    - danzar
    - deformación
    - deriva
    - descaminada
    - descaminado
    - descender
    - desgracia
    - deteriorarse
    - disposición
    - empecinada
    - empecinado
    - encaminada
    - encaminado
    - entrar
    - excursión
    - flojear
    - funesta
    - funesto
    - gaita
    - gatas
    - grano
    - gratis
    - gustar
    - haber
    - huevo
    - idea
    - ilusión
    - after
    - ahead
    - appealing
    - back
    - back up
    - be
    - beeline
    - bluster
    - bristle
    - camping
    - canter
    - career
    - catch
    - charge off
    - chase
    - check off
    - clean up after
    - cling
    - coast
    - collapse
    - come
    - come to
    - commute
    - consider
    - court
    - cross
    - cross-country
    - crowd
    - cycle
    - cycling
    - defensive
    - delay
    - dentist
    - deserve
    - detest
    - die off
    - dismiss
    - do
    - down
    - downhill
    - drag
    - drift
    - ease off
    - ease up
    - either
    - even
    - excursion
    - exercise
    - face
    * * *
    1. [desplazarse, dirigirse, acudir] to go;
    fuimos a caballo we went on horseback, we rode there;
    iremos andando we'll go on foot, we'll walk there;
    ir en autobús to go by bus, to take the bus;
    ir en automóvil to go by car, to drive;
    ir en taxi to go by taxi, to catch o take a taxi;
    ir en barco to go by boat;
    ir en avión to go by plane, to fly;
    ir por carretera/mar to go by road/sea;
    ir a casa/a la iglesia/al cine to go home/to church/to the cinema;
    ir a la escuela/al trabajo to go to school/work;
    los niños no tienen que ir a clase hoy children don't have to go to school today;
    me voy a clase, nos veremos luego I'm going to my lecture, see you later;
    ir de compras/de pesca to go shopping/fishing;
    ir de vacaciones to go on Br holiday o US vacation;
    ir hacia el sur/norte to go south/north;
    ¿adónde va este autocar? where's this coach going?;
    este tren va a o [m5] para Guadalajara this train is going to Guadalajara, this is the Guadalajara train;
    todas las mañanas voy de la estación a o [m5] hasta la fábrica every morning I go from the station to the factory;
    ¿para dónde vas? where are you heading (for)?;
    ahora mismo voy para allá I'm on my way there right now;
    ¿por dónde o [m5] cómo se va a la playa? how do you get to the beach from here?, could you tell me the way to the beach?;
    no vayas por ahí que hay mucho barro don't go that way, it's muddy;
    ¿eres alumno oficial? – no, sólo voy de oyente are you an official student? – no, I'm just sitting in on classes;
    fue a la zona como emisario de la ONU he travelled to the area on behalf of the UN;
    ¡ahí o [m5] allá va! [al lanzar una cosa] there you go;
    ahí va el informe que me pediste here's the report you asked for;
    ¡allá voy! [al lanzarse uno mismo] here goes!, here we go!;
    ¿quién va? who goes there?;
    ¡Sergio, te llaman por teléfono! – ¡voy! Sergio, there's a phone call for you! – (I'm) coming!;
    ¡ya voy!, ¡ya va! [cuando llaman a la puerta] (I'm) coming!;
    ir a alguien con algo [contar] to go to sb with sth;
    todos le van con sus problemas everyone goes to her with their problems;
    el autocar se salió de la calzada y fue a dar o [m5] a parar a un lago the coach came off the road and ended up in a lake;
    estuvimos de paseo y fuimos a dar a una bonita plaza we were out walking when we came across a beautiful square;
    Fam Fig
    ¿dónde vas con tantos aperitivos? luego no podremos con la comida steady on with the snacks or we won't be able to manage our dinner!;
    Fam Fig
    les habrá costado unas 100.000 – ¡dónde vas! mucho menos, hombre it must have cost them about 100,000 – what are you talking about, it was much less!;
    (allá) donde fueres haz lo que vieres when in Rome, do as the Romans do
    2. [conducir] [camino, calle, carretera] to lead, to go;
    esta es la calle que va al museo this is the road (that leads o goes) to the museum;
    esta calle va a dar al puerto this road leads to the harbour;
    el camino va desde el pueblo hasta la cima de la montaña the path leads o goes from the village to the top of the mountain
    3. [abarcar]
    la zona de fumadores va del asiento 24 al 28 the smoking area is between seats 24 and 28;
    el examen de arte va desde el Barroco hasta el Romanticismo the art exam will cover the Baroque period to the Romantic period;
    la mancha iba de un lado a otro del techo the stain stretched from one side of the ceiling to the other;
    las películas seleccionadas van desde la comedia urbana hasta el clásico western the films that have been selected range from urban comedies to classic westerns
    4. Esp [buscar]
    ir (a) por algo/alguien to go and get sth/sb, to go and fetch sth/sb;
    fui (a) por él al aeropuerto I went to meet him at the airport, I went to pick him up from the airport;
    ha ido (a) por leche a la tienda she's gone to the shop to get o for some milk;
    el perro fue a por él the dog went for him;
    tendrás que esconderte porque van a por ti you'll have to hide because they're (coming) after you;
    a eso voy/iba [al relatar] I am/was just getting to that
    5. [expresa estado, situación, posición]
    fue muy callada todo el camino she was very quiet throughout the journey;
    con esta bufanda irás calentito this scarf will keep you warm;
    el precio va impreso en la contraportada the price is printed on the back cover;
    la manivela va floja the crank is loose;
    iba tiritando de frío she was shivering with cold;
    ir a lo suyo to look out for oneself, to look after number one;
    iba en el tren pensando en sus cosas she was travelling on the train lost in thought;
    los niños iban armando jaleo en el asiento de atrás the children were kicking up a row in the back seat;
    ve con cuidado, es un barrio peligroso be careful, it's a dangerous area;
    tu caballo va tercero/en cabeza your horse is third/in the lead
    6. [expresa apoyo o rechazo]
    ir con to support;
    voy con el Real Madrid I support Real Madrid;
    ir contra algo, ir en contra de algo to be opposed to sth, to be against sth;
    ir en contra de la violencia to be opposed to violence, to be against violence;
    esta ley va contra la Constitución this act goes against o contravenes the Constitution;
    ir en beneficio de alguien to be to sb's benefit, to be in sb's interest;
    ir en perjuicio de alguien to be detrimental to o against sb's interests
    7. [vestir]
    ir con/en to wear;
    iba en camisa y corbata he was wearing a shirt and tie;
    aquí la gente va con o [m5] en bañador a todas partes people here go around in their swimsuits;
    ir de azul to be dressed in blue;
    ir de uniforme to be in uniform;
    iré (disfrazado) de Superman a la fiesta I'm going to the party (dressed up) as Superman;
    iba hecho un pordiosero he looked like a beggar
    8. [marchar, evolucionar] to go;
    le va bien en su nuevo trabajo things are going well for him in his new job;
    el niño va muy bien en la escuela the child's doing very well at school;
    ¿cómo va el negocio? how's business?;
    su negocio va mal, el negocio le va mal his business is going badly;
    ¿cómo te va? how are you doing?;
    ¿cómo te va en la universidad? how's university?, how are you getting on at university?;
    ¿cómo van? [en partido] what's the score?;
    [en carrera, juego] who's winning?;
    van empate a cero it's Br nil-nil o US zero-zero;
    vamos perdiendo we're losing;
    ¿qué tal te va con tus nuevos alumnos? how are you getting on with your new pupils?;
    ¿qué tal va esa paella? how's that paella coming along?;
    ¡hasta pronto! ¡que te vaya bien! see you later, take care!;
    ¡que te vaya muy bien con el nuevo empleo! I hope things go well for you in your new job!, the best of luck with your new job!
    9. [cambiar, encaminarse]
    ir a mejor/peor to get better/worse;
    el partido fue a más en la segunda parte the game improved o got better in the second half;
    como sigamos así, vamos a la ruina if we carry on like this we'll be heading for disaster;
    voy para viejo I'm getting old;
    esta chica va para cantante this girl has all the makings of a singer;
    va para un mes que no llueve it's getting on for o almost a month now since it last rained
    10. [alcanzar]
    va por el cuarto vaso de vino he's already on his fourth glass of wine;
    vamos por la mitad de la asignatura we've covered about half the subject;
    ¿por qué parte de la novela vas? which bit in the novel are you at?;
    aún voy por el primer capítulo I'm still on the first chapter
    11. [expresa cantidades, diferencias]
    con éste van cinco ministros destituidos por el escándalo that makes five ministers who have now lost their job as a result of the scandal;
    ya van dos veces que me tuerzo el tobillo that's the second time I've twisted my ankle;
    van varios días que no lo veo it's several days since I (last) saw him;
    en lo que va del o Esp [m5] de mes he ido tres veces al médico so far this month I've been to the doctor three times, I've already been to the doctor three times this month;
    de dos a cinco van tres the difference between two and five is three;
    va mucho de un apartamento a una casa there's a big difference between Br a flat o US an apartment and a house
    12. [corresponder] to go;
    estas tazas van con estos platos these cups go with these saucers;
    ¿con qué clase de tornillos va esta tuerca? what sort of screw does this nut take?
    13. [colocarse] to go, to belong;
    esto no va ahí that doesn't go o belong there;
    ¿en qué cajón van los calcetines? which drawer do the socks go in?
    14. [escribirse]
    “Edimburgo” va con “m” “Edimburgo” is written o spelt with an “m”;
    toda la oración va entre paréntesis the whole sentence goes in brackets;
    el “solo” adjetivo no va con acento “solo” doesn't have an accent when used as an adjective
    15. [sentar] [ropa]
    ¡qué bien te van los abrigos largos! long coats really suit you!;
    ir con algo to go with sth;
    esta camisa no va con esa falda this shirt doesn't go with this skirt
    16. [sentar] [vacaciones, tratamiento]
    irle bien a alguien to do sb good;
    esa infusión me ha ido muy bien that herbal tea did me a lot of good
    17. [funcionar] to work;
    la televisión no va the television isn't working;
    una radio que va a o [m5] con pilas a radio that uses batteries, a battery-powered radio;
    estas impresoras antiguas van muy lentas these old printers are very slow
    18. [depender]
    en aquel negocio le iba su futuro como director de la empresa his future as manager of the company depended on that deal;
    todos corrieron como si les fuera la vida en ello everyone ran as if their life depended on it;
    esto de la ropa va en gustos clothes are a matter of taste;
    ¿es fácil aprobar? – va en el profesor is it easy to pass? – it depends on the teacher
    19. [comentario, indirecta]
    ir con o [m5] por alguien to be meant for sb, to be aimed at sb;
    y eso va por ti también and that goes for you too;
    hizo como si no fuera con él he acted as if he didn't realize she was referring to him;
    lo que digo va por todos what I'm saying applies to o goes for all of you;
    va o [m5]voy en serio, no me gustan estas bromas I'm serious, I don't like this sort of joke
    20. Esp Fam [gustar]
    no me va el pop I'm not a big fan of pop music;
    a mí lo que me va es la cocina I'm really into cooking;
    ni me va ni me viene I don't care one way or the other
    21. Fam [costar]
    ir a to be, to cost;
    ¿a cómo o [m5] cuánto va el kilo de tomates? how much is a kilo of tomatoes?
    22. Esp Fam [tratar] [conferencia, película, novela]
    ir de to be about;
    ¿de qué va “1984”? what's “1984” about?
    23. Fam Esp
    ir de, RP [m5] irla de [dárselas] [persona] to think oneself;
    va de inteligente, RP [m5] la va de inteligente he thinks he's clever;
    ¿de qué vas?, RP [m5]¿de qué la vas? just who do you think you are?
    24. Fam [apostarse]
    ¿va una cerveza a que llevo razón? I bet you a beer I'm right
    25. [en frases] Fam
    fue y dijo que… he went and said that…;
    y de repente va y se echa a reír and suddenly she just goes and bursts out laughing;
    fue y se marchó sin mediar palabra she upped and went without a word;
    ¡ahí va! ¡qué paisaje tan bonito! wow, what beautiful scenery!;
    ¡ahí va! me he dejado el paraguas en casa oh no, I've left my umbrella at home!;
    ¡qué va! [por supuesto que no] not in the least!, not at all!;
    [me temo que no] I'm afraid not; [no digas tonterías] don't be ridiculous!;
    ¡no va más! [en el casino] no more bets!;
    ser el no va más to be the ultimate;
    este gimnasio es el no va más this gym is the ultimate;
    RP Fam
    desde el vamos [desde el principio] from the word go;
    me cayó mal desde el vamos I didn't like him from the word go;
    ¡dónde va a parar! there's no comparison!;
    sin ir más lejos: tu madre, sin ir más lejos we need look no further than your mother;
    sin ir más lejos, nos vimos ayer we saw each other only yesterday
    v aux
    1. [con gerundio] [expresa acción lenta o gradual]
    ir haciendo algo to be (gradually) doing sth;
    va anocheciendo it's getting dark;
    me voy haciendo viejo I'm getting old;
    voy mejorando mi estilo I'm gradually improving my style;
    su cine ha ido mejorando últimamente her movies o Br films have been getting better recently;
    fui metiendo las cajas en el almacén I began putting the crates in the warehouse;
    iremos aprendiendo de nuestros errores we'll learn from our mistakes;
    ve deshaciendo las maletas mientras preparo la cena you can be unpacking the suitcases while I get dinner;
    vete haciéndote a la idea you'd better start getting used to the idea;
    como iba diciendo… as I was saying…
    2. [con a + infinitivo] [expresa acción próxima, intención, situación futura]
    ir a hacer algo to be going to do sth;
    voy a hacerle una visita [ahora mismo] I'm about to go and visit him;
    [en un futuro próximo] I'm going to visit him;
    iré a echarte una mano en cuanto pueda I'll come along and give you a hand as soon as I can;
    ¡vamos a comer, tengo hambre! let's have lunch, I'm hungry!;
    el tren con destino a Buenos Aires va a efectuar su salida en el andén 3 the train for Buenos Aires is about to depart from platform 3;
    van a dar las dos it is nearly two o'clock;
    va a hacer una semana que se fue it's coming up to o nearly a week since she left;
    voy a decírselo a tu padre I'm going to tell your father;
    ¿no irás a salir así a la calle? surely you're not going to go out like that?;
    he ido a comprar pero ya habían cerrado I had intended to go shopping, but they were shut;
    te voy a echar de menos I'm going to miss you;
    vas a hacerte daño como no tengas cuidado you'll hurt yourself if you're not careful;
    todo va a arreglarse, ya verás it'll all sort itself out, you'll see;
    ¿qué van a pensar los vecinos? what will the neighbours think?;
    no le quise decir nada, no fuera a enfadarse conmigo I didn't want to say anything in case she got angry with me
    3. [con a + infinitivo] [en exclamaciones que expresan consecuencia lógica, negación]
    ¿qué voy a pensar si llevas tres días fuera de casa? what do you expect me to think if you don't come home for three days?;
    ¿la del sombrero es tu hermana? – ¿quién va a ser? ¡pues claro! is the woman with the hat your sister? – of course she is, who else could she be?;
    y ¿dónde fuiste? – ¿dónde iba a ir? ¡a la policía! and where did you go? – where do you think? to the police, of course!;
    ¡cómo voy a concentrarme con tanto ruido! how am I supposed to concentrate with all that noise?;
    ¡cómo voy a pagarte si estoy sin dinero! how do you expect me to pay you if I haven't got any money?;
    ¡cómo no me voy a reír con las cosas que dices! how can I fail to laugh o how can you expect me not to laugh when you say things like that!;
    ¿te ha gustado? – ¡qué me va a gustar! did you like it? – like it? you must be joking!
    irle a to support;
    le va al Nexaca he supports Nexaca
    * * *
    <part ido>
    I v/i
    1 go (a to);
    ir a pie walk, go on foot;
    ir en coche/en tren go by car/train;
    ir a por algo go and fetch sth;
    ¡ya voy! I’m coming!;
    ¿quién va? who goes there?
    2 ( vestir)
    iba de amarillo/de uniforme she was wearing yellow/a uniform
    van dos a dos DEP the score is two all
    4 ( tratar)
    ¿de qué va la película? what’s the movie about?;
    el libro va de vampiros the book’s about vampires
    5 ( agradar)
    el clima no me va the climate doesn’t suit me, I don’t like the climate;
    ella no me va she’s not my kind of person;
    no me va ni me viene I’m not bothered, I don’t care one way or the other
    ir bien/mal go well/badly
    7 ( abarcar)
    va de la página 12 a la 16 it goes from page 12 to page 16
    ¡qué va! you must be joking!;
    ¡vamos! come on!;
    ¡vaya! well!;
    ¿ha dicho eso? – ¡vamos! he said that? – no way!;
    ¡vaya una sorpresa! irón what a surprise!;
    a eso voy I’m just getting to that;
    eso va por ti también that goes for you too
    II v/aux
    va a llover it’s going to rain;
    va para abogado he’s going to be a lawyer
    ya voy comprendiendo I’m beginning to understand;
    ir para viejo be getting old;
    ya va anocheciendo it’s getting dark
    ya va para dos años it’s been almost two years now;
    van tirados 3.000 3,000 have been printed
    * * *
    ir {43} vi
    1) : to go
    ir a pie: to go on foot, to walk
    ir a caballo: to ride horseback
    ir a casa: to go home
    2) : to lead, to extend, to stretch
    el camino va de Cali a Bogotá: the road goes from Cali to Bogotá
    3) funcionar: to work, to function
    esta computadora ya no va: this computer doesn't work anymore
    4) : to get on, to get along
    ¿cómo te va?: how are you?, how's it going?
    el negocio no va bien: the business isn't doing well
    5) : to suit
    ese vestido te va bien: that dress really suits you
    ir con : to be
    ir con prisa: to be in a hurry
    ir por : to follow, to go along
    fueron por la costa: they followed the shoreline
    dejarse ir : to let oneself go
    ir a parar : to end up
    vamos a ver : let's see
    ir v aux
    ir caminando: to walk
    ¡voy corriendo!: I'll be right there!
    ir a : to be going to
    voy a hacerlo: I'm going to do it
    el avión va a despegar: the plane is about to take off
    * * *
    ir vb
    1. (en general) to go [pt. went; pp. gone]
    ¿adónde vas? where are you going?
    2. (marchar) to be / to get on / to go
    ¿cómo te va? how are you? / how's it going? / how are things?
    ¿cómo te va en el nuevo trabajo? how are you getting on in your new job?
    ¿cómo te fue en el examen? how did your exam go? / how did you get on in your exam?
    3. (estar) to be
    4. (sentar bien) to suit
    5. (gustar) to like / to be into
    6. (convenir) to do
    7. (funcionar) to work
    ¡vamos caminando! let's walk!
    ir con to go with / to match
    ir de (persona) to wear [pt. wore; pp. worn] (libro, película) to be about
    ¿de qué va la película? what's the film about?
    ir tirando to get by / to manage
    vamos tirando we get by / we're managing
    ¡qué va! no way! / not at all!
    ¡vamos a...! let's...!
    ¡vamos a bailar! let's dance!
    ¡vaya! well!
    ¡ya voy! I'm coming!

    Spanish-English dictionary > ir

  • 7 נשא

    נָשָׂא(b. h.; cmp. נָסָה) 1) to lift up, carry. Sot.35a נ׳ ארין את נוֹשְׂאָיו the Ark carried its carriers. Ab.ch.VI נוֹשֵׂא בעולוכ׳ helps his brother to bear his yoke. Ber.III, 1 נוֹשְׂאֵי המטה, v. מִטָּה. Meg.9a (one of the changes in translating the Bible into Greek) נוֹשֵׂא בני אדם a carrier of men (for חֲמֹר, Ex. 4:20); a. v. fr.Pesik. R. s. 6 אני מרומם ונושא את ראשם I will raise and elevate their head; v. infra.נ׳ כפים, v. בַּף.נ׳ פנים to lift up the face, to respect, favor, spare, be partial. Ḥag.14a (expl. נשוא פנים, Is. 3:3) זה שנוֹשְׂאִין פ׳ לדורו בעבורו he for whose sake his generation is favored in heaven. Sabb.13b שלא נ׳ פ׳ לתורה who spared him not for the sake of his scholarship. Yoma 87a שנָשְׂאוּ לו פ׳ בעה״ז that indulgence was shown him (by the Lord) in this world. Num. R. s. 11 לא אֶשָּׂא פ׳ מפניך shall I not favor thee for thy own sake? Ib. כשם שהם נוֹשְׂאִין ליוכ׳ as they (the Israelites) honor me (by saying grace even after a scanty meal), so do I favor them; a. fr.נ׳ נפש אל to lift up the soul to, to long for. Midr. Till. to Ps. 25:1 למה אתה נושא נפשך אלי why dost thou lift up thy soul to me (why dost thou depend on me)?; Yalk. ib. 701.נ׳ קרבן to offer up a sacrifice. Ib. 702 אדם חוטא ונושא ק׳ if a man sinned, he offered ; Midr. Till. l. c. נושא ומביא ק׳ (corr. acc.)Part. pass. נָשׂוּא, f. נְשׂוּאָה Ib. עכשו … הרי נפשנו נ׳ לך now that we have no sacrifloes, our soul is lifted up to thee. 2) to lift, remove. Pesik. R. l. c. (ref. to the double meaning of נ׳, to raise a. to remove) לכו שְׂאוּ את ראשו go and remove (or lift up) his head; a. fr.נ׳ עון to forgive. Y.Snh.X, beg., 27c (ref. to Ex. 34:7) נושא עוונות איןוכ׳ the text does not say, ‘removing iniquities, but ‘removing iniquity, the Lord takes away (from the scales) one bond of mans sins, and the merits prevail ; Y.Peah I, 16b bot. (corr. acc.); Yalk. Ex. 400; v. שְׁטַר. Pesik. R. s. 45; a. e. 3) to take, esp. נ׳ ונתן to take and give, to deal; to transact, argue. Sabb.31a נָשָׂאתָ ונתת באמונה hast thou (while on earth) been dealing honestly? B. Mets.48a הנושא ונותן בדברים he who concludes a bargain verbally. Tanḥ. Shmoth 18 כשם שנושאין ונותנין בהלכהוכ׳ as well as they debate on the law below, so do they above. Ib. שנושאין ונותנין בדיןוכ׳ they argue in court, and the Lord argues with them; a. fr. 4) נ׳ אשה, or נ׳ to take a wife into ones house, to marry. Keth.II, 1 בתולה נְשָׂאתַנִי thou hast married me as a virgin; אלמנה נְשָׂאתִיךְ I married thee as a widow. Yeb.37b לא יִשָּׂא אדםוכ׳ one may not marry in one country and go away M. Kat. I, 7 אין נושאין נשיםוכ׳ no marriages may take place during the festive week; a. v. fr.Part. pass. נָשׂוּי (followed by accus.) having married; f. נְשׂוּאָה (followed by ל) being married to; pl. נְשׂוּאִים, … אִין; נְשׂוּאוֹת. Yeb.III, 6 ואחד נ׳ נכרית one of them has married a stranger. Ib. ומתו הנ׳ את האחיות and those brothers who had married two sisters died. Ib. I, 2 (2b) היתה … נשואה לאחיו Y. ed. (Mish. ed. נשואת, corr. acc.; Bab. ed. נשואות) if his daughter or … was married to ; a. fr.Tosef. ib. VI, 5 נָשׂאוּי. Nif. נִישָּׂא 1) to be lifted up, removed Pesik. R. l. c. כבר … שיִנָּשְׂאוּ את ראשםוכ׳ it had been decreed that their head should be lifted (v. supra): turn its meaning and elevate their head. 2) f. נִישֵּׂאת, נִשֵּׂ׳, נִישֵּׂת, נִיסֵּת to be married. Keth.I, 1 בתולה נ׳וכ׳ a virgins marriage takes place on the fourth day of the week. Ib. V, 2 הגיע … ולא נִשְּׂאוּ if the time set for marriage expired and they were not taken in marriage. Yeb.II, 10 מותרות לִינָּשֵׂא להם they may marry them. Ib. 88b הרי זו לא תִנָּשֵׂא ואם ניסתוכ׳ she must not marry again, and if she does ; Keth.22b; a. v. fr. Hif. הִשִּׂיא 1) to lift up, to announce by signals (the New Moon). R. Hash. II, 2, a. e. מַשִּׂיאִין, v. מַשּׂוּאָה. Y. ib. II, 58a top אין משיאין לילי זמנו we do not raise signals in the night of the regular New Moon (from the 29th> to the 30th>) ; a. fr.Tosef. ib. II , 2 מַסִּיעִין את החדש ed. Zuck. (משיא׳ על, מסיא׳) we signalize the New Moon. 2) to transfer. Deut. R. s. 11 (ref. to ישא, Ps. 24:5) יַשִּׂיא ברכה לאחרים he will bring blessing upon others. 3) to move, remove, pass. Bets.III, 7 מַשִּׂיאָהּ על גבי חברתה he may pass one knife over the other (to whet it). Tosef.Par.X (IX), 3 הִשִּׂיאוֹ לדבר אחר he diverted his mind to wards another subject; Ab. Zar. II, 5. Y. ib. II, 41c bot. היה לו להַשִּׂיאוֹוכ׳, v. הֶשֵּׂיאָה. 4) to transfer, transcribe, translate. Tosef.Sot.VIII, 6 הִשִּׂיאוּ את הכתבוכ׳ they transcribed the inscription on the stones in seventy languages; Sot.35b; Y. ib. VII, 21d bot. 5) to give away in marriage; to cause to marry. Keth.111b כל המַשִּׂיא בתווכ׳ he who marries his daughter to a scholar. Ib. 67b top מַשִּׂיאִין את היתומהוכ׳ we must first help the fatherless maiden to marry, and then the fatherless lad. Kidd.29a האב חייב … ולהַשִּׂיאוֹ אשה a father is bound to …, and to provide a wife for him; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְנַשֵּׂא to be raised; to exalt ones self, to boast. Ab. Zar.44a, v. הָלַם. Ber.63b להִתְנַשֵּׂא, v. נָבַל; a. e.

    Jewish literature > נשא

  • 8 נָשָׂא

    נָשָׂא(b. h.; cmp. נָסָה) 1) to lift up, carry. Sot.35a נ׳ ארין את נוֹשְׂאָיו the Ark carried its carriers. Ab.ch.VI נוֹשֵׂא בעולוכ׳ helps his brother to bear his yoke. Ber.III, 1 נוֹשְׂאֵי המטה, v. מִטָּה. Meg.9a (one of the changes in translating the Bible into Greek) נוֹשֵׂא בני אדם a carrier of men (for חֲמֹר, Ex. 4:20); a. v. fr.Pesik. R. s. 6 אני מרומם ונושא את ראשם I will raise and elevate their head; v. infra.נ׳ כפים, v. בַּף.נ׳ פנים to lift up the face, to respect, favor, spare, be partial. Ḥag.14a (expl. נשוא פנים, Is. 3:3) זה שנוֹשְׂאִין פ׳ לדורו בעבורו he for whose sake his generation is favored in heaven. Sabb.13b שלא נ׳ פ׳ לתורה who spared him not for the sake of his scholarship. Yoma 87a שנָשְׂאוּ לו פ׳ בעה״ז that indulgence was shown him (by the Lord) in this world. Num. R. s. 11 לא אֶשָּׂא פ׳ מפניך shall I not favor thee for thy own sake? Ib. כשם שהם נוֹשְׂאִין ליוכ׳ as they (the Israelites) honor me (by saying grace even after a scanty meal), so do I favor them; a. fr.נ׳ נפש אל to lift up the soul to, to long for. Midr. Till. to Ps. 25:1 למה אתה נושא נפשך אלי why dost thou lift up thy soul to me (why dost thou depend on me)?; Yalk. ib. 701.נ׳ קרבן to offer up a sacrifice. Ib. 702 אדם חוטא ונושא ק׳ if a man sinned, he offered ; Midr. Till. l. c. נושא ומביא ק׳ (corr. acc.)Part. pass. נָשׂוּא, f. נְשׂוּאָה Ib. עכשו … הרי נפשנו נ׳ לך now that we have no sacrifloes, our soul is lifted up to thee. 2) to lift, remove. Pesik. R. l. c. (ref. to the double meaning of נ׳, to raise a. to remove) לכו שְׂאוּ את ראשו go and remove (or lift up) his head; a. fr.נ׳ עון to forgive. Y.Snh.X, beg., 27c (ref. to Ex. 34:7) נושא עוונות איןוכ׳ the text does not say, ‘removing iniquities, but ‘removing iniquity, the Lord takes away (from the scales) one bond of mans sins, and the merits prevail ; Y.Peah I, 16b bot. (corr. acc.); Yalk. Ex. 400; v. שְׁטַר. Pesik. R. s. 45; a. e. 3) to take, esp. נ׳ ונתן to take and give, to deal; to transact, argue. Sabb.31a נָשָׂאתָ ונתת באמונה hast thou (while on earth) been dealing honestly? B. Mets.48a הנושא ונותן בדברים he who concludes a bargain verbally. Tanḥ. Shmoth 18 כשם שנושאין ונותנין בהלכהוכ׳ as well as they debate on the law below, so do they above. Ib. שנושאין ונותנין בדיןוכ׳ they argue in court, and the Lord argues with them; a. fr. 4) נ׳ אשה, or נ׳ to take a wife into ones house, to marry. Keth.II, 1 בתולה נְשָׂאתַנִי thou hast married me as a virgin; אלמנה נְשָׂאתִיךְ I married thee as a widow. Yeb.37b לא יִשָּׂא אדםוכ׳ one may not marry in one country and go away M. Kat. I, 7 אין נושאין נשיםוכ׳ no marriages may take place during the festive week; a. v. fr.Part. pass. נָשׂוּי (followed by accus.) having married; f. נְשׂוּאָה (followed by ל) being married to; pl. נְשׂוּאִים, … אִין; נְשׂוּאוֹת. Yeb.III, 6 ואחד נ׳ נכרית one of them has married a stranger. Ib. ומתו הנ׳ את האחיות and those brothers who had married two sisters died. Ib. I, 2 (2b) היתה … נשואה לאחיו Y. ed. (Mish. ed. נשואת, corr. acc.; Bab. ed. נשואות) if his daughter or … was married to ; a. fr.Tosef. ib. VI, 5 נָשׂאוּי. Nif. נִישָּׂא 1) to be lifted up, removed Pesik. R. l. c. כבר … שיִנָּשְׂאוּ את ראשםוכ׳ it had been decreed that their head should be lifted (v. supra): turn its meaning and elevate their head. 2) f. נִישֵּׂאת, נִשֵּׂ׳, נִישֵּׂת, נִיסֵּת to be married. Keth.I, 1 בתולה נ׳וכ׳ a virgins marriage takes place on the fourth day of the week. Ib. V, 2 הגיע … ולא נִשְּׂאוּ if the time set for marriage expired and they were not taken in marriage. Yeb.II, 10 מותרות לִינָּשֵׂא להם they may marry them. Ib. 88b הרי זו לא תִנָּשֵׂא ואם ניסתוכ׳ she must not marry again, and if she does ; Keth.22b; a. v. fr. Hif. הִשִּׂיא 1) to lift up, to announce by signals (the New Moon). R. Hash. II, 2, a. e. מַשִּׂיאִין, v. מַשּׂוּאָה. Y. ib. II, 58a top אין משיאין לילי זמנו we do not raise signals in the night of the regular New Moon (from the 29th> to the 30th>) ; a. fr.Tosef. ib. II , 2 מַסִּיעִין את החדש ed. Zuck. (משיא׳ על, מסיא׳) we signalize the New Moon. 2) to transfer. Deut. R. s. 11 (ref. to ישא, Ps. 24:5) יַשִּׂיא ברכה לאחרים he will bring blessing upon others. 3) to move, remove, pass. Bets.III, 7 מַשִּׂיאָהּ על גבי חברתה he may pass one knife over the other (to whet it). Tosef.Par.X (IX), 3 הִשִּׂיאוֹ לדבר אחר he diverted his mind to wards another subject; Ab. Zar. II, 5. Y. ib. II, 41c bot. היה לו להַשִּׂיאוֹוכ׳, v. הֶשֵּׂיאָה. 4) to transfer, transcribe, translate. Tosef.Sot.VIII, 6 הִשִּׂיאוּ את הכתבוכ׳ they transcribed the inscription on the stones in seventy languages; Sot.35b; Y. ib. VII, 21d bot. 5) to give away in marriage; to cause to marry. Keth.111b כל המַשִּׂיא בתווכ׳ he who marries his daughter to a scholar. Ib. 67b top מַשִּׂיאִין את היתומהוכ׳ we must first help the fatherless maiden to marry, and then the fatherless lad. Kidd.29a האב חייב … ולהַשִּׂיאוֹ אשה a father is bound to …, and to provide a wife for him; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְנַשֵּׂא to be raised; to exalt ones self, to boast. Ab. Zar.44a, v. הָלַם. Ber.63b להִתְנַשֵּׂא, v. נָבַל; a. e.

    Jewish literature > נָשָׂא

  • 9 ἀπό

    ἀπό (Hom.+) prep. w. gen. (see the lit. on ἀνά, beg., also for ἀπό: KDieterich, IndogF 24, 1909, 93–158; LfgrE s.v.). Basic sense ‘separation from’ someone or someth., fr. which the other uses have developed. In the NT it has encroached on the domain of Att. ἐκ, ὑπό, παρά, and the gen. of separation; s. Mlt. 102; 246; Mlt-Turner 258f.
    a marker to indicate separation from a place, whether person or thing, from, away from
    w. all verbs denoting motion, esp. those compounded w. ἀπό: ἀπάγεσθαι, ἀπαλλάσσεσθαι, ἀπελαύνειν, ἀπέρχεσθαι, ἀπολύεσθαι, ἀποπλανᾶσθαι, ἀποστέλλειν, ἀποφεύγειν, ἀποχωρεῖν, ἀποχωρίζεσθαι; but also w. ἀνίστασθαι, διαστῆναι, διέρχεσθαι, ἐκδημεῖν, ἐκκινεῖν, ἐκπλεῖν, ἐκπορεύεσθαι, ἐξέρχεσθαι, ἐξωθεῖν, ἐπιδιδόναι, μεταβαίνειν, μετατίθεσθαι, νοσφίζειν, παραγίνεσθαι, πλανᾶσθαι, πορεύεσθαι, ὑπάγειν, ὑποστρέφειν, φεύγειν; s. the entries in question.
    w. all verbs expressing the idea of separation ἐκβάλλειν τὸ κάρφος ἀ. τοῦ ὀφθαλμοῦ remove the splinter fr. the eye Mt 7:4 v.l. (for ἐκ). ἐξέβαλον ἀπὸ τῆς πήρας αὐτῶν δῶρα they set forth gifts out of their travel bags GJs 21:3. ἀπολύεσθαι ἀ. ἀνδρός be divorced fr. her husband Lk 16:18, cp. Ac 15:33. ἀποκυλίειν, ἀπολαμβάνεσθαι, ἀποστρέφειν, ἐπιστρέφεσθαι, ἐπανάγειν, αἴρειν, ἀφαιρεῖν, ἀπολέσθαι, μερίζειν et al., s. the pertinent entries. So also κενὸς ἀ. τινος Hs 9, 19, 2. ἔρημος ἀ. τινος (Jer 51:2) 2 Cl 2:3. W. verbs which express the concept of separation in the wider sense, like loose, free, acquit et al. ἀπορφανίζειν, ἀποσπᾶν, διεγείρεσθαι, δικαιοῦν, ἐκδικοῦν, ἐλευθεροῦν, λούειν, λύειν, λυτροῦν, ῥαντίζειν, σαλεύειν, στέλλειν, σῴζειν, φθείρειν, s. the entries; hence also ἀθῷος (Sus 46 Theod. v.l.) Mt 27:24. καθαρὸς ἀ. τινος (Tob 3:14; but s. Dssm. NB 24 [BS 196; 216]) Ac 20:26; cp. Kuhring 54.
    verbs meaning be on guard, be ashamed, etc., take ἀπό to express the occasion or object of their caution, shame, or fear; so αἰσχύνεσθαι, βλέπειν, μετανοεῖν, προσέχειν, φοβεῖσθαι, φυλάσσειν, φυλάσσεσθαι; s. 5 below.
    w. verbs of concealing, hiding, hindering, the pers. from whom someth. is concealed is found w. ἀπό; so κρύπτειν τι ἀπό τινος, παρακαλύπτειν τι ἀπό τινος, κωλύειν τι ἀπό τινος; s. the entries.
    in pregnant constr. like ἀνάθεμα εἶναι ἀ. τοῦ Χριστοῦ be separated fr. Christ by a curse Ro 9:3. μετανοεῖν ἀ. τ. κακίας (Jer 8:6) Ac 8:22. ἀποθνῄσκειν ἀ. τινος through death become free from Col 2:20. φθείρεσθαι ἀ. τ. ἁπλότητος be ruinously diverted from wholehearted commitment 2 Cor 11:3. Cp. Hs 6, 2, 4.
    as a substitute for the partitive gen. (Hdt. 6, 27, 2; Thu. 7, 87, 6; PPetr III, 11, 20; PIand 8, 6; Kuhring 20; Rossberg 22; Johannessohn, Präp. 17) τίνα ἀ. τῶν δύο; Mt 27:21, cp. Lk 9:38; 19:39 (like PTebt 299, 13; 1 Macc 1:13; 3:24; Sir 6:6; 46:8). τὰ ἀ. τοῦ πλοίου pieces of the ship Ac 27:44. ἐκχεῶ ἀ. τοῦ πνεύματός μου Ac 2:17f (Jo 3:1f). λαμβάνειν ἀ. τ. καρπῶν get a share of the vintage Mk 12:2 (cp. Just., A I, 65, 5 μεταλαβεῖν ἀπὸ τοῦ … ἄρτου).—Of foods (as in Da 1:13, 4:33a; 2 Macc 7:1) ἐσθίειν ἀ. τ. ψιχίων eat some of the crumbs Mt 15:27; Mk 7:28. χορτάζεσθαι ἀ. τινος eat one’s fill of someth. Lk 16:21. αἴρειν ἀ. τῶν ἰχθύων pick up the remnants of the fish Mk 6:43. ἐνέγκατε ἀ. τ. ὀψαρίων bring some of the fish J 21:10 (the only instance of this usage in J; s. M-EBoismard, Le chapitre 21 de Saint Jean: RB 54 [’47] 492).—Of drink (cp. Sir 26:12) πίνειν ἀπὸ τ. γενήματος τῆς ἀμπέλου drink the product of the vine Lk 22:18.
    to indicate the point from which someth. begins, whether lit. or fig.
    of place from, out from (Just., D. 86, 1 ἀπὸ τῆς πέτρας ὕδωρ ἀναβλύσαν ‘gushing out of the rock’) σημεῖον ἀ. τ. οὐρανοῦ a sign fr. heaven Mk 8:11. ἀ. πόλεως εἰς πόλιν from one city to another Mt 23:34. ἀπʼ ἄκρων οὐρανῶν ἕως ἄκρων αὐτῶν (Dt 30:4; Ps 18:7) from one end of heaven to the other 24:31, cp. Mk 13:27. ἀπʼ ἄνωθεν ἕως κάτω from top to bottom Mt 27:51. ἀρξάμενοι ἀ. Ἰερουσαλήμ beginning in Jerusalem Lk 24:47 (s. also Lk 23:5; Ac 1:22; 10:37). ἀφʼ ὑμῶν ἐξήχηται ὁ λόγος τ. κυρίου the word of the Lord has gone out from you and sounded forth 1 Th 1:8. ἀπὸ βορρᾶ, ἀπὸ νότου in the north, in the south (PCairGoodsp 6, 5 [129 B.C.] ἐν τῷ ἀπὸ νότου πεδίῳ; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 11A col. 1, 12f [123 B.C.] τὸ ἀπὸ νότου τῆς πόλεως χῶμα; ln. 7 ἀπὸ βορρᾶ τῆς πόλεως; 70, 16 al.; Josh 18:5; 19:34; 1 Km 14:5) Rv 21:13.
    of time from … (on), since (POxy 523, 4; Mel., HE 4, 26, 8; s. Kuhring 54ff).
    α. ἀ. τῶν ἡμερῶν Ἰωάννου from the days of John Mt 11:12. ἀ. τῆς ὥρας ἐκείνης 9:22. ἀπʼ ἐκείνης τ. ἡμέρας (Jos., Bell. 4, 318, Ant. 7, 382) Mt 22:46; J 11:53. ἔτη ἑπτὰ ἀ. τῆς παρθενίας αὐτῆς for seven years fr. the time she was a virgin Lk 2:36. ἀ. ἐτῶν δώδεκα for 12 years 8:43. ἀ. τρίτης ὥρας τῆς νυκτός Ac 23:23. ἀ. κτίσεως κόσμου Ro 1:20. ἀ. πέρυσι since last year, a year ago 2 Cor 8:10; 9:2.—ἀπʼ αἰῶνος, ἀπʼ ἀρχῆς, ἀπʼ ἄρτι (also ἀπαρτί and ἄρτι), ἀπὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου, ἀπὸ τότε, ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν; s. the pertinent entries.
    β. w. the limits defined, forward and backward: ἀπὸ … ἕως (Jos., Ant. 6, 364) Mt 27:45. ἀπὸ … ἄχρι Phil 1:5. ἀπὸ … μέχρι Ac 10:30; Ro 5:14; 15:19.
    γ. ἀφʼ ἧς (sc. ὥρας or ἡμέρας, which is found Col 1:6, 9; but ἀφʼ ἧς became a fixed formula: ParJer 7:28; Plut., Pelop. [285] 15, 5; s. B-D-F §241, 2) since Lk 7:45 (Renehan ’75, 36f); Ac 24:11; 2 Pt 3:4 (cp. X., Hell. 4, 6, 6; 1 Macc 1:11). ἀφʼ οὗ (sc.—as in X., Cyr. 1, 2, 13—χρόνου; Att. ins in Meisterhans.3-Schw. and s. Witkowski, index 163; ἀφʼ οὗ is also a formula) since, when once (X., Symp. 4, 62; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 16 Jac.; Lucian, Dial. Mar. 15, 1; Ex 5:23 GrBar 3:6) Lk 13:25; 24:21; Rv 16:18 (cp. Da 12:1; 1 Macc 9:29; 16:24; 2 Macc 1:7; TestAbr B 13 p. 117, 23; GrBar; Jos., Ant. 4, 78). τρία ἔτη ἀφʼ οὗ (cp. Tob 5:35 S) Lk 13:7. ἀφότε s. ὅτε 1aγ end.
    the beg. of a series from … (on).
    α. ἀρξάμενος ἀ. Μωϋσέως καὶ ἀ. πάντων τ. προφητῶν beginning w. Moses and all the prophets Lk 24:27. ἕβδομος ἀ. Ἀδάμ Jd 14 (Diod S 1, 50, 3 ὄγδοος ὁ ἀπὸ τοῦ πατρός [ancestor]; Appian, Mithrid. 9 §29 τὸν ἕκτον ἀπὸ τοῦ πρώτου Μιθριδάτην; Arrian, Anab. 7, 12, 4; Diog. L. 3, 1: Plato in the line of descent was ἕκτος ἀπὸ Σόλωνος; Biogr. p. 31: Homer δέκατος ἀπὸ Μουσαίου). ἀ. διετοῦς καὶ κατωτέρω Mt 2:16 (cp. Num 1:20; 2 Esdr 3:8).
    β. w. both beg. and end given ἀπὸ … ἕως (Sir 18:26; 1 Macc 9:13) Mt 1:17; 23:35; Ac 8:10. Sim., ἀ. δόξης εἰς δόξαν fr. glory to glory 2 Cor 3:18.
    to indicate origin or source, from
    lit., with verbs of motion
    α. down from πίπτειν ἀ. τραπέζης Mt 15:27. καθεῖλεν δυνάστας ἀ. θρόνων God has dethroned rulers Lk 1:52.
    β. from ἔρχεσθαι ἀ. θεοῦ J 3:2; cp. 13:3; 16:30. παραγίνεται ἀ. τῆς Γαλιλαίας Mt 3:13; ἀ. ἀνατολῶν ἥξουσιν 8:11 (Is 49:12; 59:19); ἀ. τοῦ ἱεροῦ ἐπορεύετο 24:1; ἀ. Παμφυλίας Ac 15:38. ἐγείρεσθαι ἀ. τ. νεκρῶν be raised from the dead Mt 14:2.
    lit., to indicate someone’s local origin from (Hom. et al.; Soph., El. 701; Hdt. 8, 114; ins [RevArch 4 sér. IV 1904 p. 9 ἀπὸ Θεσσαλονίκης]; pap [HBraunert, Binnenwanderung ’64, 384, s.v.; PFlor 14, 2; 15, 5; 17, 4; 22, 13 al.]; Judg 12:8; 13:2; 17:1 [all three acc. to B]; 2 Km 23:20 al.; Jos., Bell. 3, 422, Vi. 217; Just., A I, 1 τῶν ἀπὸ Φλαουί̈ας Νέας πόλεως; s. B-D-F §209, 3; Rob. 578) ἦν ἀ. Βηθσαϊδά he was from B. J 1:44; cp. 12:21. ὄχλοι ἀ. τῆς Γαλιλαίας crowds fr. Galilee Mt 4:25. ἄνδρες ἀ. παντὸς ἔθνους Ac 2:5. ἀνὴρ ἀ. τοῦ ὄχλου a man fr. the crowd Lk 9:38. ὁ προφήτης ὁ ἀ. Ναζαρέθ Mt 21:11. οἱ ἀ. Κιλικίας the Cilicians Ac 6:9. οἱ ἀδελφοὶ οἱ ἀ. Ἰόππης 10:23 (Musaeus 153 παρθένος ἀπʼ Ἀρκαδίας; Just., A I, 58, 1 Μακρίωνα … τὸν ἀπὸ Πόντου). οἱ ἀ. Θεσσαλονίκης Ἰουδαῖοι 17:13. οἱ ἀ. τῆς Ἰταλίας the Italians Hb 13:24, who could be inside as well as outside Italy (cp. Dssm., Her. 33, 1898, 344, LO 167, 1 [LAE 200, 3]; Mlt. 237; B-D-F §437).—Rather denoting close association οἱ ἀ. τῆς ἐκκλησίας members of the church Ac 12:1; likew. 15:5 (cp. Plut., Cato Min. 4, 2 οἱ ἀπὸ τ. στοᾶς φιλόσοφοι; Ps.-Demetr. c. 68 οἱ ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ=his [Isocrates’] pupils; Synes., Ep. 4 p. 162b; 66 p. 206c; PTebt 33, 3 [112 B.C.], Ῥωμαῖος τῶν ἀπὸ συγκλήτου; Ar. 15, 1 Χριστιανοὶ γενεαλογοῦνται ἀπὸ … Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ; Ath.).—To indicate origin in the sense of material fr. which someth. is made (Hdt. 7, 65; Theocr. 15, 117; IPriene 117, 72 ἀπὸ χρυσοῦ; 1 Esdr 8:56; Sir 43:20 v.l.) ἔνδυμα ἀ. τριχῶν καμήλου clothing made of camel’s hair Mt 3:4.
    fig., w. verbs of asking, desiring, to denote the pers. of or from whom a thing is asked (Ar. 11, 3): δανίσασθαι ἀπό τινος borrow fr. someone Mt 5:42. ἐκζητεῖν ἀ. τῆς γενεᾶς ταύτης Lk 11:51. ἀπαιτεῖν τι ἀπό τινος Lk 12:20. ζητεῖν τι ἀπό τινος 1 Th 2:6. λαμβάνειν τι ἀπό τινος Mt 17:25f; 3J 7.
    fig., w. verbs of perceiving, to indicate source of the perception (Lysias, Andoc. 6; Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 6, 399b ἀπʼ αὐτῶν τῶν ἔργων θεωρεῖται ὁ θεός; Appian, Liby. 104 §493 ἀπὸ τῆς σφραγῖδος=[recognize a corpse] by the seal-ring; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 2, 1 στοχάζεσθαι ἀπὸ τῶν ὀνομάτων; Just., D. 60, 1 τοῦτο νοοῦμεν ἀπὸ τῶν λόγων τῶν προλελεγμένων; 100, 2 ἀπὸ τῶν γραφῶν): ἀ. τῶν καρπῶν αὐτῶν ἐπιγνώσεσθε αὐτούς by their fruits you will know them Mt 7:16, 20. μανθάνειν παραβολὴν ἀ. τῆς συκῆς learn a lesson from the fig tree 24:32; Mk 13:28. ἀπὸ τῶν σπερμάτων μὴ ποιεῖσθαι τὴν παραβολήν if we are not to derive our parable solely from reference to seeds (cp. 1 Cor 15:37) AcPlCor 2:28.—Also μανθάνειν τι ἀπό τινος learn someth. fr. someone Gal 3:2; Col 1:7.
    γράψαι ἀφʼ ὧν ἠδυνήθην, lit., write from what I was able, i.e. as well as I could B 21:9 (cp. Tat. 12, 5 οὐκ ἀπὸ γλώττης οὐδὲ ἀπὸ τῶν εἰκότων οὐδὲ ἀπʼ ἐννοιῶν etc.).
    to indicate distance fr. a point, away from, for μακρὰν ἀ. τινος far fr. someone, ἀπὸ μακρόθεν fr. a great distance s. μακράν, μακρόθεν. ἀπέχειν ἀπό τινος s. ἀπέχω 4. W. detailed measurements (corresp. to Lat. ‘a’, s. B-D-F §161, 1; Rob. 575; WSchulze, Graeca Latina 1901, 15ff; Hdb. on J 11:18; Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 12 §42; CB I/2, 390 no. 248) ἦν Βηθανία ἐγγὺς τῶν Ἱεροσολύμων ὡς ἀπὸ σταδίων δεκατέντε Bethany was near Jerusalem, about 15 stades (less than 3 km.) away J 11:18. ὡς ἀπὸ πηχῶν διακοσίων about 200 cubits (c. 90 meters) 21:8. ἀπὸ σταδίων χιλίων ἑξακοσίων about 1600 stades (c. 320 km.) Rv 14:20; cp. Hv 4, 1, 5 (for other examples of this usage, s. Rydbeck 68).—Hebraistically ἀπὸ προσώπου τινός (Gen 16:6; Jer 4:26; Jdth 2:14; Sir 21:2; 1 Macc 5:34; En 103:4; Just., A I, 37, 1 ἀπὸ προσώπου τοῦ πατρὸς ἐλέχθησαν διὰ Ἠσαίου … οἵδε οἱ λόγοι ‘in the name of the father … through Isaiah’; 38, 1 al.)=מִפְּנֵי פ׳ ( away) from the presence of someone 2 Th 1:9 (Is 2:10, 19, 21); Rv 12:14 (B-D-F §140; 217, 1; Mlt-H. 466).
    to indicate cause, means, or outcome
    gener., to show the reason for someth. because of, as a result of, for (numerous ref. in FBleek on Hb 5:7; PFay 111, 4; POxy 3314, 7 [from falling off a horse]; Jdth 2:20; 4 [6] Esdr [POxy 1010]; AscIs 3:13; Jos., Ant. 9, 56) οὐκ ἠδύνατο ἀ. τοῦ ὄχλου he could not because of the crowd Lk 19:3; cp. Mk 2:4 D. οὐκ ἐνέβλεπον ἀπὸ τῆς δόξης τοῦ φωτός I could not see because of the brilliance of the light Ac 22:11. ἀ. τοῦ πλήθους τ. ἰχθύων J 21:6 (M-EBoismard, ad loc.: s. 1f end). ἀ. τοῦ ὕδατος for the water Hs 8, 2, 8. ἀ. τῆς θλίψεως because of the persecution Ac 11:19. οὐαὶ τῷ κόσμῳ ἀ. τ. σκανδάλων Mt 18:7 (s. B-D-F §176, 1; Mlt. 246). εἰσακουσθεὶς ἀ. τῆς εὐλαβείας heard because of his piety Hb 5:7 (but the text may be corrupt; at any rate it is obscure and variously interpr.; besides the comm. s. KRomaniuk, Die Gottesfürchtigen im NT: Aegyptus 44, ’64, 84; B-D-F §211; Rob. 580; s. on εὐλάβεια).
    to indicate means with the help of, with (Hdt. et al.; Ael. Aristid. 37, 23 K.=2 p. 25 D.; PGM 4, 2128f σφράγιζε ἀπὸ ῥύπου=seal with dirt; En 97:8) γεμίσαι τὴν κοιλίαν ἀ. τ. κερατίων fill one’s stomach w. the husks Lk 15:16 v.l. (s. ἐκ 4aζ; cp. Pr 18:20). οἱ πλουτήσαντες ἀπʼ αὐτῆς Rv 18:15 (cp. Sir 11:18).
    to indicate motive or reason for, from, with (Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 13 §52 ἀπʼ εὐνοίας=with goodwill; 1 Macc 6:10; pap exx. in Kuhring 35) κοιμᾶσθαι ἀ. τῆς λύπης sleep from sorrow Lk 22:45. ἀ. τῆς χαρᾶς αὐτοῦ Mt 13:44; cp. Lk 24:41; Ac 12:14. ἀ. τοῦ φόβου κράζειν Mt 14:26, ἀ. φόβου καὶ προσδοκίας with fear and expectation Lk 21:26. Hence verbs of fearing, etc., take ἀ. to show the cause of the fear (s. above 1c) μὴ φοβεῖσθαι ἀ. τ. ἀποκτεννόντων τὸ σῶμα not be afraid of those who kill only the body Mt 10:28; Lk 12:4 (cp. Jdth 5:23; 1 Macc 2:62; 3:22; 8:12; En 106:4).
    to indicate the originator of the action denoted by the verb from (Trag., Hdt. et al.) ἀ. σοῦ σημεῖον ἰδεῖν Mt 12:38. γινώσκειν ἀπό τινος learn fr. someone Mk 15:45. ἀκούειν ἀ. τοῦ στόματός τινος hear fr. someone’s mouth, i.e. fr. him personally Lk 22:71 (Dionys. Hal. 3, 8 ἀ. στόματος ἤκουσεν); cp. Ac 9:13; 1J 1:5. τὴν ἀ. σοῦ ἐπαγγελίαν a promise given by you Ac 23:21 (cp. Ath. 2, 3 ταῖς ἀπὸ τῶν κατηγόρων αἰτίαις ‘the charges made by the accusers’). ἀφʼ ἑνὸς ἐγενήθησαν Hb 11:12. Prob. παραλαμβάνειν ἀ. τοῦ κυρίου 1 Cor 11:23 is to be understood in the same way: Paul is convinced that he is taught by the Lord himself (for direct teaching s. EBröse, Die Präp. ἀπό 1 Cor 11:23: StKr 71, 1898, 351–60; Dssm.; BWeiss; Ltzm.; H-DWendland. But for indirect communication: Zahn et al.). παραλαβὼν ἀπὸ τῶν θυγατέρων Φιλίππου, ὅτι Papias (11:2); opp. παρειληφέναι ὑπὸ τῶν θ. Φ. (2:9).—Of the more remote cause ἀπʼ ἀνθρώπων from human beings (as opposed to transcendent revelation; w. διʼ ἀνθρώπου; cp. Artem. 1, 73 p. 66, 11 ἀπὸ γυναικῶν ἢ διὰ γυναικῶν; 2, 36 p. 135, 26) Gal 1:1. ἀ. κυρίου πνεύματος fr. the Lord, who is the Spirit 2 Cor 3:18. ἔχειν τι ἀπό τινος have (received) someth. fr. someone 1 Cor 6:19; 1 Ti 3:7; 1J 2:20; 4:21.—In salutation formulas εἰρήνη ἀ. θεοῦ πατρός ἡμῶν peace that comes from God, our father Ro 1:7; 1 Cor 1:3; 2 Cor 1:2; Gal 1:3; Eph 1:2; cp. 6:23; Phil 1:2; Col 1:2; 1 Th 1:1 v.l.; 2 Th 1:2; 1 Ti 1:2; 2 Ti 1:2; Tit 1:4; Phlm 3. σοφία ἀ. θεοῦ wisdom that comes fr. God 1 Cor 1:30. ἔπαινος ἀ. θεοῦ praise fr. God 4:5. καὶ τοῦτο ἀ. θεοῦ and that brought about by God Phil 1:28. The expr. εἰρήνη ἀπὸ ‘ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος’ Rv 1:4 is quite extraordinary. It may be an interpretation of the name Yahweh already current, or an attempt to show reverence for the divine name by preserving it unchanged, or simply one more of the grammatical peculiarities so frequent in Rv (Meyer6-Bousset 1906, 159ff; Mlt. 9, note 1; cp. PParis 51, 33 ἀπὸ ἀπηλιότης; Mussies 93f, 328).
    to indicate responsible agents for someth., from, of
    α. the self, st. Gk. usage (Thu. 5, 60, 1; X., Mem. 2, 10, 3; Andoc., Orat. 2, 4 οὗτοι οὐκ ἀφʼ αὑτῶν ταῦτα πράττουσιν; Diod S 17, 56; Num 16:28; 4 Macc 11:3; En 98:4; TestAbr A 15 p. 95, 26 [Stone p. 38]; 18 p. 101, 6 [Stone p. 50]; Just., A I, 43, 8) the expr. ἀφʼ ἑαυτοῦ (pl. ἀφʼ ἑαυτῶν) of himself and ἀπʼ ἐμαυτοῦ of myself are common Lk 12:57; 21:30; 2 Cor 3:5, esp. so in J: 5:19, 30; 8:28; 10:18; 15:4.—7:17f; 11:51; 14:10; 16:13; 18:34. So also ἀπʼ ἐμαυτοῦ οὐκ ἐλήλυθα I did not come of myself (opp. the Father sent me) 7:28; 8:42.
    β. fr. others. W. verbs in the pass. voice or pass. mng. ὑπό is somet. replaced by ἀπό (in isolated cases in older Gk. e.g. Thu. 1, 17 et al. [Kühner-G. II/1 p. 457f]; freq. in later Gk.: Polyb. 1, 79, 14; Hero I 152, 6; 388, 11; Nicol. Dam.: 90 Fgm. 130, 130 Jac.; IG XII/5, 29, 1; SIG 820, 9; PLond III, 1173, 12 p. 208; BGU 1185, 26; PFlor 150, 6 ἀ. τῶν μυῶν κατεσθιόμενα; PGM 4, 256; Kuhring 36f; 1 Macc 15:17; Sir 16:4; ParJer 1:1 ᾐχμαλωτεύθησαν … ἀπὸ τοῦ βασιλέως; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 62; Just., A I, 68, 6 ἐπιστολὴν … γραφεῖσάν μοι ἀπὸ Σερήνου, D. 121, 3 ἀπὸ παντὸς [γένους] μετάνοιαν πεποιῆσθαι. See B-D-F §210; Rob. 820; GHatzidakis, Einl. in d. neugriech. Gramm. 1892, 211; AJannaris, An Histor. Gk. Grammar 1897, §1507). Yet just at this point the textual tradition varies considerably, and the choice of prep. is prob. at times influenced by the wish to express special nuances of mng. Lk 8:29b v.l. (ὑπό text); 43b (ὑπό v.l.); 10:22 D; ἀποδεδειγμένος ἀ. τ. θεοῦ attested by God Ac 2:22. ἐπικληθεὶς Βαρναβᾶς ἀ. (ὑπό v.l.) τ. ἀποστόλων named B. by the apostles 4:36. κατενεχθεὶς ἀ. τοῦ ὕπνου overcome by sleep 20:9. ἀθετούμενος ἀπὸ τῶν παραχαρασσόντων τὰ λόγια αὐτοῦ inasmuch as (Jesus) is being rejected by those who falsify his words AcPlCor 2:3. νεκροῦ βληθέντος ἀπὸ τῶν υἱῶν Ἰσραὴλ ἐπʼ αὐτά when a corpse was cast upon them (the bones of Elisha) 2:32. In such cases ἀπό freq. denotes the one who indirectly originates an action, and can be transl. at the hands of, by command of: πολλὰ παθεῖν ἀ. τ. πρεσβυτέρων suffer much at the hands of the elders Mt 16:21; cp. Lk 9:22; 17:25, where the emphasis is to be placed on παθεῖν, not on ἀποδοκιμασθῆναι. In ἀ. θεοῦ πειράζομαι the thought is that the temptation is caused by God, though not actually carried out by God Js 1:13. ἡτοιμασμένος ἀ. τοῦ θεοῦ prepared by God’s command, not by God in person Rv 12:6.
    In a few expr. ἀπό helps to take the place of an adverb. ἀπὸ μέρους, s. μέρος 1c.—ἡμέρᾳ ἀφʼ ἡμέρας day by day GJs 12:3.—ἀπὸ μιᾶς (acc. to Wlh., Einl.2 26, an Aramaism, min ḥădā˒=at once [s. MBlack, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 113]; but this does not explain the fem. gender, found also in the formulaic ἐπὶ μιᾶς Maxim. Tyr. 6, 3f En 99:9 [s. SAalen, NTS 13, ’67, 3] and in Mod. Gk. μὲ μιᾶς at once [Thumb §162 note 2]. PSI 286, 22 uses ἀπὸ μιᾶς of a payment made ‘at once’; on the phrase s. New Docs 2, 189. Orig. γνώμης might have been a part of the expr. [Philo, Spec. Leg. 3, 73], or ὁρμῆς [Thu. 7, 71, 6], or γλώσσης [Cass. Dio 44, 36, 2], or φωνῆς [Herodian 1, 4, 8]; cp. ἀπὸ μιᾶς φωνῆς Plut., Mor. 502d of an echo; s. B-D-F §241, 6) unanimously, alike, in concert Lk 14:18. Sim. ἀπὸ τ. καρδιῶν fr. (your) hearts, sincerely Mt 18:35.—Himerius, Or. 39 [=Or. 5], 6 has as a formula διὰ μιᾶς, probably = continuously, uninterruptedly, Or. 44 [=Or. 8], 2 fuller διὰ μιᾶς τῆς σπουδῆς=with one and the same, or with quite similar zeal.—M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἀπό

  • 10

    ὁ, ἡ, τό pl. οἱ, αἱ, τά article, derived fr. a demonstrative pronoun, ‘the’. Since the treatment of the inclusion and omission of the art. belongs to the field of grammar, the lexicon can limit itself to exhibiting the main features of its usage. It is difficult to set hard and fast rules for the employment of the art., since the writer’s style had special freedom of play here—Kühner-G. I p. 589ff; B-D-F §249–76; Mlt. 80–84; Rob. 754–96; W-S. §17ff; Rdm.2 112–18; Abel §28–32; HKallenberg, RhM 69, 1914, 642ff; FVölker, Syntax d. griech. Papyri I, Der Artikel, Progr. d. Realgymn. Münster 1903; FEakin, AJP 37, 1916, 333ff; CMiller, ibid. 341ff; EColwell, JBL 52, ’33, 12–21 (for a critique s. Mlt-H.-Turner III 183f); ASvensson, D. Gebr. des bestimmten Art. in d. nachklass. Epik ’37; RFink, The Syntax of the Greek Article ’53; JRoberts, Exegetical Helps, The Greek Noun with and without the Article: Restoration Qtly 14, ’71, 28–44; HTeeple, The Greek Article with Personal Names in the Synoptic Gospels: NTS 19, ’73, 302–17; Mussies 186–97.
    this one, that one, the art. funct. as demonstrative pronoun
    in accordance w. epic usage (Hes., Works 450: ἡ=this [voice]) in the quot. fr. Arat., Phaenom. 5 τοῦ γὰρ καὶ γένος ἐσμέν for we are also his (lit. this One’s) offspring Ac 17:28.
    ὁ μὲν … ὁ δέ the one … the other (Polyaenus 6, 2, 1 ὁ μὲν … ὁ δὲ … ὁ δε; PSI 512, 21 [253 B.C.]); pl. οἱ μὲν … οἱ δέ (PSI 341, 9 [256 B.C.]; TestJob 29:1) some … others w. ref. to a noun preceding: ἐσχίσθη τὸ πλῆθος … οἱ μὲν ἦσαν σὺν τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις, οἱ δὲ σὺν τοῖς ἀποστόλοις Ac 14:4; 17:32; 28:24; 1 Cor 7:7; Gal 4:23; Phil 1:16f. Also without such a relationship expressed τοὺς μὲν ἀποστόλους, τοὺς δὲ προφήτας, τοὺς δὲ εὐαγγελιστάς Eph 4:11. οἱ μὲν … ὁ δέ Hb 7:5f, 20f. οἱ μὲν … ἄλλοι (δέ) J 7:12. οἱ μὲν … ἄλλοι δὲ … ἕτεροι δέ Mt 16:14. τινὲς … οἱ δέ Ac 17:18 (cp. Pla., Leg. 1, 627a; 2, 658 B.; Aelian, VH 2, 34; Palaeph. 6, 5).—Mt 26:67; 28:17 οἱ δέ introduces a second class; just before this, instead of the first class, the whole group is mentioned (cp. X., Hell. 1, 2, 14, Cyr. 3, 2, 12; KMcKay, JSNT 24, ’85, 71f)= but some (as Arrian, Anab. 5, 2, 7; 5, 14, 4; Lucian, Tim. 4 p. 107; Hesych. Miles. [VI A.D.]: 390 Fgm. 1, 35 end Jac.).
    To indicate the progress of the narrative, ὁ δέ, οἱ δέ but he, but they (lit. this one, they) is also used without ὁ μέν preceding (likew. Il. 1, 43; Pla., X.; also Clearchus, Fgm. 76b τὸν δὲ εἰπεῖν=but this man said; pap examples in Mayser II/1, 1926, 57f) e.g. Mt 2:9, 14; 4:4; 9:31; Mk 14:31 (cp. Just., A II, 2, 3). ὁ μὲν οὖν Ac 23:18; 28:5. οἱ μὲν οὖν 1:6; 5:41; 15:3, 30.—JO’Rourke, Paul’s Use of the Art. as a Pronoun, CBQ 34, ’72, 59–65.
    the, funct. to define or limit an entity, event, or state
    w. nouns
    α. w. appellatives, or common nouns, where, as in Pla., Thu., Demosth. et al., the art. has double significance, specific or individualizing, and generic.
    א. In its individualizing use it focuses attention on a single thing or single concept, as already known or otherwise more definitely limited: things and pers. that are unique in kind: ὁ ἥλιος, ἡ σελήνη, ὁ οὐρανός, ἡ γῆ, ἡ θάλασσα, ὁ κόσμος, ἡ κτίσις, ὁ θεός (BWeiss [s. on θεός, beg.]), ὁ διάβολος, ὁ λόγος (J 1:1, 14), τὸ φῶς, ἡ σκοτία, ἡ ζωή, ὁ θάνατος etc. (but somet. the art. is omitted, esp. when nouns are used w. preps.; B-D-F §253, 1–4; Rob. 791f; Mlt-Turner 171). ἐν συναγωγῇ καὶ ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ J 18:20.—Virtues, vices, etc. (contrary to Engl. usage): ἡ ἀγάπη, ἡ ἀλήθεια, ἡ ἁμαρτία, ἡ δικαιοσύνη, ἡ σοφία et al.—The individualizing art. stands before a common noun that was previously mentioned (without the art.): τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους Lk 9:16 (after πέντε ἄρτοι vs. 13). τὸ βιβλίον 4:17b (after βιβλίον, vs. 17a), τοὺς μάγους Mt 2:7 (after μάγοι, vs. 1). J 4:43 (40); 12:6 (5); 20:1 (19:41); Ac 9:17 (11); Js 2:3 (2); Rv 15:6 (1).—The individ. art. also stands before a common noun which, in a given situation, is given special attention as the only or obvious one of its kind (Hipponax [VI B.C.] 13, 2 West=D.3 16 ὁ παῖς the [attending] slave; Diod S 18, 29, 2 ὁ ἀδελφός=his brother; Artem. 4, 71 p. 245, 19 ἡ γυνή=your wife; ApcEsdr 6:12 p. 31, 17 μετὰ Μωσῆ … ἐν τῷ ὄρει [Sinai]; Demetr. (?): 722 fgm 7 Jac. [in Eus., PE 9, 19, 4] ἐπὶ τὸ ὄρος [Moriah]) τῷ ὑπηρέτῃ to the attendant (who took care of the synagogue) Lk 4:20. εἰς τὸν νιπτῆρα into the basin (that was there for the purpose) J 13:5. ἰδοὺ ὁ ἄνθρωπο here is this (wretched) man 19:5. ἐκ τῆς παιδίσκης or ἐλευθέρας by the (well-known) slave woman or the free woman (Hagar and Sarah) Gal 4:22f. τὸν σῖτον Ac 27:38. ἐν τῇ ἐπιστολῇ 1 Cor 5:9 (s. ἐπιστολή) τὸ ὄρος the mountain (nearby) Mt 5:1; 8:1; 14:23; Mk 3:13; 6:46; Lk 6:12; 9:28 al.; ἡ πεισμονή this (kind of) persuasion Gal 5:8. ἡ μαρτυρία the (required) witness or testimony J 5:36.—The art. takes on the idea of κατʼ ἐξοχήν ‘par excellence’ (Porphyr., Abst. 24, 7 ὁ Αἰγύπτιος) ὁ ἐρχόμενος the one who is (was) to come or the coming one par excellence=The Messiah Mt 11:3; Lk 7:19. ὁ προφήτης J 1:21, 25; 7:40. ὁ διδάσκαλος τ. Ἰσραήλ 3:10 (Ps.-Clem., Hom. 5, 18 of Socrates: ὁ τῆς Ἑλλάδος διδάσκαλος); cp. MPol 12:2. With things (Stephan. Byz. s.v. Μάρπησσα: οἱ λίθοι=the famous stones [of the Parian Marble]) ἡ κρίσις the (last) judgment Mt 12:41. ἡ ἡμέρα the day of decision 1 Cor 3:13; (cp. Mi 4:6 Mt); Hb 10:25. ἡ σωτηρία (our) salvation at the consummation of the age Ro 13:11.
    ב. In its generic use it singles out an individual who is typical of a class, rather than the class itself: ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος Mt 12:35. κοινοῖ τὸν ἄνθρωπον 15:11. ὥσπερ ὁ ἐθνικός 18:17. ὁ ἐργάτης Lk 10:7. ἐγίνωσκεν τί ἦν ἐν τῷ ἀνθρώπῳ J 2:25. τὰ σημεῖα τοῦ ἀποστόλου 2 Cor 12:12. ὁ κληρονόμος Gal 4:1. So also in parables and allegories: ὁ οἰκοδεσπότης Mt 24:43. Cp. J 10:11b, 12. The generic art. in Gk. is often rendered in Engl. by the indef. art. or omitted entirely.
    β. The use of the art. w. personal names is varied; as a general rule the presence of the art. w. a personal name indicates that the pers. is known; without the art. focus is on the name as such (s. Dssm., BPhW 22, 1902, 1467f; BWeiss, D. Gebr. des Art. b. d. Eigennamen [im NT]: StKr 86, 1913, 349–89). Nevertheless, there is an unmistakable drift in the direction of Mod. Gk. usage, in which every proper name has the art. (B-D-F §260; Rob. 759–61; Mlt-Turner 165f). The ms. tradition varies considerably. In the gospels the art. is usu. found w. Ἰησοῦς; yet it is commonly absent when Ἰ. is accompanied by an appositive that has the art. Ἰ. ὁ Γαλιλαῖος Mt 26:69; Ἰ. ὁ Ναζωραῖος vs. 71; Ἰ. ὁ λεγόμενος Χριστός 27:17, 22. Sim. Μαριὰμ ἡ μήτηρ τοῦ Ἰ. Ac 1:14. The art. somet. stands before oblique cases of indecl. proper names, apparently to indicate their case (B-D-F §260, 2; Rob. 760). But here, too, there is no hard and fast rule.—HTeeple, NTS 19, ’73, 302–17 (synopt.).
    γ. The art. is customarily found w. the names of countries (B-D-F §261, 4; W-S. § 18, 5 d; Rob. 759f); less freq. w. names of cities (B-D-F §261, 1; 2; Rob. 760; Mlt-Turner 170–72). W. Ἰερουσαλήμ, Ἱεροσόλυμα it is usu. absent (s. Ἱεροσόλυμα); it is only when this name has modifiers that it must have the art. ἡ νῦν Ἰ. Gal 4:25; ἡ ἄνω Ἰ. vs. 26; ἡ καινὴ Ἰ. Rv 3:12. But even in this case it lacks the art. when the modifier follows: Hb 12:22.—Names of rivers have the art. ὁ Ἰορδάνης, ὁ Εὐφράτης, ὁ Τίβερις Hv 1, 1, 2 (B-D-F §261, 8; Rob. 760; Mlt-Turner 172). Likew. names of seas ὁ Ἀδρίας Ac 27:27.
    δ. The art. comes before nouns that are accompanied by the gen. of a pronoun (μοῦ, σοῦ, ἡμῶν, ὑμῶν, αὐτοῦ, ἑαυτοῦ, αὐτῶν) Mt 1:21, 25; 5:45; 6:10–12; 12:49; Mk 9:17; Lk 6:27; 10:7; 16:6; Ro 4:19; 6:6 and very oft. (only rarely is it absent: Mt 19:28; Lk 1:72; 2:32; 2 Cor 8:23; Js 5:20 al.).
    ε. When accompanied by the possessive pronouns ἐμός, σός, ἡμέτερος, ὑμέτερος the noun always has the art., and the pron. stands mostly betw. art. and noun: Mt 18:20; Mk 8:38; Lk 9:26; Ac 26:5; Ro 3:7 and oft. But only rarely so in John: J 4:42; 5:47; 7:16. He prefers to repeat the article w. the possessive following the noun ἡ κρίσις ἡ ἐμή J 5:30; cp. 7:6; 17:17; 1J 1:3 al.
    ζ. Adjectives (or participles), when they modify nouns that have the art., also come either betw. the art. and noun: ἡ ἀγαθὴ μερίς Lk 10:42; τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα 12:10; Ac 1:8; ἡ δικαία κρίσις J 7:24 and oft., or after the noun w. the art. repeated τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον Mk 3:29; J 14:26; Ac 1:16; Hb 3:7; 9:8; 10:15. ἡ ζωὴ ἡ αἰώνιος 1J 1:2; 2:25. τὴν πύλην τὴν σιδηρᾶν Ac 12:10. Only rarely does an adj. without the art. stand before a noun that has an art. (s. B-D-F §270, 1; Rob. 777; Mlt-Turner 185f): ἀκατακαλύπτῳ τῇ κεφαλῇ 1 Cor 11:5. εἶπεν μεγάλῃ τῇ φωνῇ Ac 14:10 v.l.; cp. 26:24. κοιναῖς ταῖς χερσίν Mk 7:5 D.—Double modifier τὸ πῦρ τὸ αἰώνιον τὸ ἡτοιμασμένον τῷ διαβόλῳ Mt 25:41. τὸ θυσιαστήριον τὸ χρυσοῦν τὸ ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου Rv 8:3; 9:13. ἡ πόρνη ἡ μεγάλη ἡ καθημένη 17:1.—Mk 5:36 τὸν λόγον λαλούμενον is prob. a wrong rdg. (B has τὸν λαλ., D τοῦτον τὸν λ. without λαλούμενον).—On the art. w. ὅλος, πᾶς, πολύς s. the words in question.
    η. As in the case of the poss. pron. (ε) and adj. (ζ), so it is w. other expressions that can modify a noun: ἡ κατʼ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις Ro 9:11. ἡ παρʼ ἐμοῦ διαθήκη 11:27. ὁ λόγος ὁ τοῦ σταυροῦ 1 Cor 1:18. ἡ ἐντολὴ ἡ εἰς ζωήν Ro 7:10. ἡ πίστις ὑμῶν ἡ πρὸς τὸν θεόν 1 Th 1:8. ἡ διακονία ἡ εἰς τοὺς ἁγίους 2 Cor 8:4.
    θ. The art. precedes the noun when a demonstrative pron. (ὅδε, οὗτος, ἐκεῖνος) belonging with it comes before or after; e.g.: οὗτος ὁ ἄνθρωπος Lk 14:30; J 9:24. οὗτος ὁ λαός Mk 7:6. οὗτος ὁ υἱός μου Lk 15:24. οὗτος ὁ τελώνης 18:11 and oft. ὁ ἄνθρωπος οὗτος Mk 14:71; Lk 2:25; 23:4, 14, 47. ὁ λαὸς οὗτος Mt 15:8. ὁ υἱός σου οὗτος Lk 15:30 and oft.—ἐκείνη ἡ ἡμέρα Mt 7:22; 22:46. ἐκ. ἡ ὥρα 10:19; 18:1; 26:55. ἐκ. ὁ καιρός 11:25; 12:1; 14:1. ἐκ. ὁ πλάνος 27:63 and oft. ἡ οἰκία ἐκείνη Mt 7:25, 27. ἡ ὥρα ἐκ. 8:13; 9:22; ἡ γῆ ἐκ. 9:26, 31; ἡ ἡμέρα ἐκ. 13:1. ὁ ἀγρὸς ἐκ. vs. 44 and oft.—ὁ αὐτός s. αὐτός 3b.
    ι. An art. before a nom. noun makes it a vocative (as early as Hom.; s. KBrugman4-AThumb, Griech. Gramm. 1913, 431; Schwyzer II 63f; B-D-F §147; Rob. 769. On the LXX Johannessohn, Kasus 14f.—ParJer 1:1 Ἰερεμία ὁ ἐκλεκτός μου; 7:2 χαῖρε Βαρούχι ὁ οἰκονόμος τῆς πίστεως) ναί, ὁ πατήρ Mt 11:26. τὸ κοράσιον, ἔγειρε Mk 5:41. Cp. Mt 7:23; 27:29 v.l.; Lk 8:54; 11:39; 18:11, 13 (Goodsp, Probs. 85–87); J 19:3 and oft.
    Adjectives become substantives by the addition of the art.
    α. ὁ πονηρός Eph 6:16. οἱ σοφοί 1 Cor 1:27. οἱ ἅγιοι, οἱ πλούσιοι, οἱ πολλοί al. Likew. the neut. τὸ κρυπτόν Mt 6:4. τὸ ἅγιον 7:6. τὸ μέσον Mk 3:3. τὸ θνητόν 2 Cor 5:4. τὰ ἀδύνατα Lk 18:27. τὸ ἔλαττον Hb 7:7. Also w. gen. foll. τὰ ἀγαθά σου Lk 16:25. τὸ μωρόν, τὸ ἀσθενὲς τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 1:25; cp. vs. 27f. τὸ γνωστὸν τοῦ θεοῦ Ro 1:19. τὰ ἀόρατα τοῦ θεοῦ vs. 20. τὸ ἀδύνατον τοῦ νόμου 8:3. τὰ κρυπτὰ τῆς αἰσχύνης 2 Cor 4:2.
    β. Adj. attributes whose noun is customarily omitted come to have substantive force and therefore receive the art. (B-D-F §241; Rob. 652–54) ἡ περίχωρος Mt 3:5; ἡ ξηρά 23:15 (i.e. γῆ). ἡ ἀριστερά, ἡ δεξιά (sc. χείρ) 6:3. ἡ ἐπιοῦσα (sc. ἡμέρα) Ac 16:11. ἡ ἔρημος (sc. χώρα) Mt 11:7.
    γ. The neut. of the adj. w. the art. can take on the mng. of an abstract noun (Thu. 1, 36, 1 τὸ δεδιός=fear; Herodian 1, 6, 9; 1, 11, 5 τὸ σεμνὸν τῆς παρθένου; M. Ant. 1, 1; Just., D. 27, 2 διὰ τὸ σκληροκάρδιον ὑμῶν καὶ ἀχάριστον εἰς αὐτόν) τὸ χρηστὸν τοῦ θεοῦ God’s kindness Ro 2:4. τὸ δυνατόν power 9:22. τὸ σύμφορον benefit 1 Cor 7:35. τὸ γνήσιον genuineness 2 Cor 8:8. τὸ ἐπιεικές Phil 4:5 al.
    δ. The art. w. numerals indicates, as in Il. 5, 271f; X. et al. (HKallenberg, RhM 69, 1914, 662ff), that a part of a number already known is being mentioned (Diod S 18, 10, 2 τρεῖς μὲν φυλὰς … τὰς δὲ ἑπτά=‘but the seven others’; Plut., Cleom. 804 [8, 4] οἱ τέσσαρες=‘the other four’; Polyaenus 6, 5 οἱ τρεῖς=‘the remaining three’; Diog. L. 1, 82 Βίας προκεκριμένος τῶν ἑπτά=Bias was preferred before the others of the seven [wise men]. B-D-F §265): οἱ ἐννέα the other nine Lk 17:17. Cp. 15:4; Mt 18:12f. οἱ δέκα the other ten (disciples) 20:24; Mk 10:41; lepers Lk 17:17. οἱ πέντε … ὁ εἷς … ὁ ἄλλος five of them … one … the last one Rv 17:10.
    The ptc. w. the art. receives
    α. the mng. of a subst. ὁ πειράζων the tempter Mt 4:3; 1 Th 3:5. ὁ βαπτίζων Mk 6:14. ὁ σπείρων Mt 13:3; Lk 8:5. ὁ ὀλεθρεύων Hb 11:28. τὸ ὀφειλόμενον Mt 18:30, 34. τὸ αὐλούμενον 1 Cor 14:7. τὸ λαλούμενον vs. 9 (Just., D. 32, 3 τὸ ζητούμενον). τὰ γινόμενα Lk 9:7. τὰ ἐρχόμενα J 16:13. τὰ ἐξουθενημένα 1 Cor 1:28. τὰ ὑπάρχοντα (s. ὑπάρχω 1). In Engl. usage many of these neuters are transl. by a relative clause, as in β below. B-D-F §413; Rob. 1108f.
    β. the mng. of a relative clause (Ar. 4, 2 al. οἱ νομίζοντες) ὁ δεχόμενος ὑμᾶς whoever receives you Mt 10:40. τῷ τύπτοντί σε Lk 6:29. ὁ ἐμὲ μισῶν J 15:23. οὐδὲ γὰρ ὄνομά ἐστιν ἕτερον τὸ δεδομένον (ὸ̔ δέδοται) Ac 4:12. τινές εἰσιν οἱ ταράσσοντες ὑμᾶς Gal 1:7. Cp. Lk 7:32; 18:9; J 12:12; Col 2:8; 1 Pt 1:7; 2J 7; Jd 4 al. So esp. after πᾶς: πᾶς ὁ ὀργιζόμενος everyone who becomes angry Mt 5:22. πᾶς ὁ κρίνων Ro 2:1 al. After μακάριος Mt 5:4, 6, 10. After οὐαὶ ὑμῖν Lk 6:25.
    The inf. w. neut. art. (B-D-F §398ff; Rob. 1062–68) is used in a number of ways.
    α. It stands for a noun (B-D-F §399; Rob. 1062–66) τὸ (ἀνίπτοις χερσὶν) φαγεῖν Mt 15:20. τὸ (ἐκ νεκρῶν) ἀναστῆναι Mk 9:10. τὸ ἀγαπᾶν 12:33; cp. Ro 13:8. τὸ ποιῆσαι, τὸ ἐπιτελέσαι 2 Cor 8:11. τὸ καθίσαι Mt 20:23. τὸ θέλειν Ro 7:18; 2 Cor 8:10.—Freq. used w. preps. ἀντὶ τοῦ, διὰ τό, διὰ τοῦ, ἐκ τοῦ, ἐν τῷ, ἕνεκεν τοῦ, ἕως τοῦ, μετὰ τό, πρὸ τοῦ, πρὸς τό etc.; s. the preps. in question (B-D-F §402–4; Rob. 1068–75).
    β. The gen. of the inf. w. the art., without a prep., is esp. frequent (B-D-F §400; Mlt. 216–18; Rob. 1066–68; DEvans, ClQ 15, 1921, 26ff). The use of this inf. is esp. common in Lk and Paul, less freq. in Mt and Mk, quite rare in other writers. The gen. stands
    א. dependent on words that govern the gen.: ἄξιον 1 Cor 16:4 (s. ἄξιος 1c). ἐξαπορηθῆναι τοῦ ζῆν 2 Cor 1:8. ἔλαχε τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι Lk 1:9 (cp. 1 Km 14:47 v.l. Σαοὺλ ἔλαχεν τοῦ βασιλεύειν).
    ב. dependent on a noun (B-D-F §400, 1; Rob. 1066f) ὁ χρόνος τοῦ τεκεῖν Lk 1:57. ἐπλήσθησαν αἱ ἡμέραι τοῦ τεκεῖν αὐτήν 2:6. ἐξουσία τοῦ πατεῖν 10:19. εὐκαιρία τοῦ παραδοῦναι 22:6. ἐλπὶς τοῦ σῴζεσθαι Ac 27:20; τοῦ μετέχειν 1 Cor 9:10. ἐπιποθία τοῦ ἐλθεῖν Ro 15:23. χρείαν ἔχειν τοῦ διδάσκειν Hb 5:12. καιρὸς τοῦ ἄρξασθαι 1 Pt 4:17. τ. ἐνέργειαν τοῦ δύνασθαι the power that enables him Phil 3:21. ἡ προθυμία τοῦ θέλειν zeal in desiring 2 Cor 8:11.
    ג. Somet. the connection w. the noun is very loose, and the transition to the consecutive sense (=result) is unmistakable (B-D-F §400, 2; Rob. 1066f): ἐπλήσθησαν ἡμέραι ὀκτὼ τοῦ περιτεμεῖν αὐτόν Lk 2:21. ὀφειλέται … τοῦ κατὰ σάρκα ζῆν Ro 8:12. εἰς ἀκαθαρσίαν τοῦ ἀτιμάζεσθαι 1:24. ὀφθαλμοὺς τοῦ μὴ βλέπειν 11:8. τὴν ἔκβασιν τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑπενεγκεῖν 1 Cor 10:13.
    ד. Verbs of hindering, ceasing take the inf. w. τοῦ μή (s. Schwyzer II 372 for earlier Gk; PGen 16, 23 [207 A.D.] κωλύοντες τοῦ μὴ σπείρειν; LXX; ParJer 2:5 φύλαξαι τοῦ μὴ σχίσαι τὰ ἱμάτιά σου): καταπαύειν Ac 14:18. κατέχειν Lk 4:42. κρατεῖσθαι 24:16. κωλύειν Ac 10:47. παύειν 1 Pt 3:10 (Ps 33:14). ὑποστέλλεσθαι Ac 20:20, 27. Without μή: ἐγκόπτεσθαι τοῦ ἐλθεῖν Ro 15:22.
    ה. The gen. of the inf. comes after verbs of deciding, exhorting, commanding, etc. (1 Ch 19:19; ParJer 7:37 διδάσκων αὐτοὺ τοῦ ἀπέχεσθαι) ἐγένετο γνώμης Ac 20:3. ἐντέλλεσθαι Lk 4:10 (Ps 90:11). ἐπιστέλλειν Ac 15:20. κατανεύειν Lk 5:7. κρίνειν Ac 27:1. παρακαλεῖν 21:12. προσεύχεσθαι Js 5:17. τὸ πρόσωπον στηρίζειν Lk 9:51. συντίθεσθαι Ac 23:20.
    ו. The inf. w. τοῦ and τοῦ μή plainly has final (=purpose) sense (ParJer 5:2 ἐκάθισεν … τοῦ ἀναπαῆναι ὀλίγον; Soph., Lex. I 45f; B-D-F §400, 5 w. exx. fr. non-bibl. lit. and pap; Rob. 1067): ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρων τοῦ σπείρειν a sower went out to sow Mt 13:3. ζητεῖν τοῦ ἀπολέσαι = ἵνα ἀπολέσῃ 2:13. τοῦ δοῦναι γνῶσιν Lk 1:77. τοῦ κατευθῦναι τοὺς πόδας vs. 79. τοῦ σινιάσαι 22:31. τοῦ μηκέτι δουλεύειν Ro 6:6. τοῦ ποιῆσαι αὐτά Gal 3:10. τοῦ γνῶναι αὐτόν Phil 3:10. Cp. Mt 3:13; 11:1; 24:45; Lk 2:24, 27; 8:5; 24:29; Ac 3:2; 20:30; 26:18; Hb 10:7 (Ps 39:9); 11:5; GJs 2:3f; 24:1.—The apparently solecistic τοῦ πολεμῆσαι Ro 12:7 bears a Semitic tinge, cp. Hos 9:13 et al. (Mussies 96).—The combination can also express
    ז. consecutive mng. (result): οὐδὲ μετεμελήθητε τοῦ πιστεῦσαι αὐτῷ you did not change your minds and believe him Mt 21:32. τοῦ μὴ εἶναι αὐτὴν μοιχαλίδα Ro 7:3. τοῦ ποιεῖν τὰ βρέφη ἔκθετα Ac 7:19. Cp. 3:12; 10:25.
    The art. is used w. prepositional expressions (Artem. 4, 33 p. 224, 7 ὁ ἐν Περγάμῳ; 4, 36 ὁ ἐν Μαγνησίᾳ; 4 [6] Esdr [POxy 1010 recto, 8–12] οἱ ἐν τοῖς πεδίοις … οἱ ἐν τοῖς ὄρεσι καὶ μετεώροις; Tat. 31, 2 οἱ μὲν περὶ Κράτητα … οἱ δὲ περὶ Ἐρατοσθένη) τῆς ἐκκλησίας τῆς ἐν Κεγχρεαῖς Ro 16:1. ταῖς ἐκκλησίαις ταῖς ἐν τῇ Ἀσίᾳ Rv 1:4. τῷ ἀγγέλῳ τῆς ἐν (w. place name) ἐκκλησίας 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14 (on these pass. RBorger, TRu 52, ’87, 42–45). τοῖς ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ to those in the house Mt 5:15. πάτερ ἡμῶν ὁ ἐν τ. οὐρανοῖς 6:9. οἱ ἀπὸ τῆς Ἰταλίας Hb 13:24. οἱ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ Ro 8:1. οἱ ἐξ ἐριθείας 2:8. οἱ ἐκ νόμου 4:14; cp. vs. 16. οἱ ἐκ τῆς Καίσαρος οἰκίας Phil 4:22. οἱ ἐξ εὐωνύμων Mt 25:41. τὸ θυσιαστήριον … τὸ ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου Rv 8:3; cp. 9:13. On 1:4 s. ref in B-D-F §136, 1 to restoration by Nestle. οἱ παρʼ αὐτοῦ Mk 3:21. οἱ μετʼ αὐτοῦ Mt 12:3. οἱ περὶ αὐτόν Mk 4:10; Lk 22:49 al.—Neut. τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ πλοίου pieces of wreckage fr. the ship Ac 27:44 (difft. FZorell, BZ 9, 1911, 159f). τὰ περί τινος Lk 24:19, 27; Ac 24:10; Phil 1:27 (Tat. 32, 2 τὰ περὶ θεοῦ). τὰ περί τινα 2:23. τὰ κατʼ ἐμέ my circumstances Eph 6:21; Phil 1:12; Col 4:7. τὰ κατὰ τὸν νόμον what (was to be done) according to the law Lk 2:39. τὸ ἐξ ὑμῶν Ro 12:18. τὰ πρὸς τὸν θεόν 15:17; Hb 2:17; 5:1 (X., Resp. Lac. 13, 11 ἱερεῖ τὰ πρὸς τοὺς θεούς, στρατηγῷ δὲ τὰ πρὸς τοὺς ἀνθρώπους). τὰ παρʼ αὐτῶν Lk 10:7. τὸ ἐν ἐμοί the (child) in me GJs 12:2 al.
    w. an adv. or adverbial expr. (1 Macc 8:3) τὸ ἔμπροσθεν Lk 19:4. τὸ ἔξωθεν Mt 23:25. τὸ πέραν Mt 8:18, 28. τὰ ἄνω J 8:23; Col 3:1f. τὰ κάτω J 8:23. τὰ ὀπίσω Mk 13:16. τὰ ὧδε matters here Col 4:9. ὁ πλησίον the neighbor Mt 5:43. οἱ καθεξῆς Ac 3:24. τὸ κατὰ σάρκα Ro 9:5. τὸ ἐκ μέρους 1 Cor 13:10.—Esp. w. indications of time τό, τὰ νῦν s. νῦν 2b. τὸ πάλιν 2 Cor 13:2. τὸ λοιπόν 1 Cor 7:29; Phil 3:1. τὸ πρῶτον J 10:40; 12:16; 19:39. τὸ πρότερον 6:62; Gal 4:13. τὸ καθʼ ἡμέραν daily Lk 11:3.—τὸ πλεῖστον at the most 1 Cor 14:27.
    The art. w. the gen. foll. denotes a relation of kinship, ownership, or dependence: Ἰάκωβος ὁ τοῦ Ζεβεδαίου Mt 10:2 (Thu. 4, 104 Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου [sc. υἱός]; Plut., Timol. 3, 2; Appian, Syr. 26 §123 Σέλευκος ὁ Ἀντιόχου; Jos., Bell. 5, 5; 11). Μαρία ἡ Ἰακώβου Lk 24:10. ἡ τοῦ Οὐρίου the wife of Uriah Mt 1:6. οἱ Χλόης Chloë’s people 1 Cor 1:11. οἱ Ἀριστοβούλου, οἱ Ναρκίσσου Ro 16:10f. οἱ αὐτοῦ Ac 16:33. οἱ τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Cor 15:23; Gal 5:24. Καισάρεια ἡ Φιλίππου Caesarea Philippi i.e. the city of Philip Mk 8:27.—τό, τά τινος someone’s things, affairs, circumstances (Thu. 4, 83 τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου; Parthenius 1, 6; Appian, Syr. 16 §67 τὰ Ῥωμαίων) τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, τῶν ἀνθρώπων Mt 16:23; 22:21; Mk 8:33; cp. 1 Cor 2:11. τὰ τῆς σαρκός, τοῦ πνεύματος Ro 8:5; cp. 14:19; 1 Cor 7:33f; 13:11. τὰ ὑμῶν 2 Cor 12:14. τὰ τῆς ἀσθενείας μου 11:30. τὰ τοῦ νόμου what the law requires Ro 2:14. τὸ τῆς συκῆς what has been done to the fig tree Mt 21:21; cp. 8:33. τὰ ἑαυτῆς its own advantage 1 Cor 13:5; cp. Phil 2:4, 21. τὸ τῆς παροιμίας what the proverb says 2 Pt 2:22 (Pla., Theaet. 183e τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου; Menand., Dyscolus 633 τὸ τοῦ λόγου). ἐν τοῖς τοῦ πατρός μου in my Father’s house (so Field, Notes 50–56; Goodsp. Probs. 81–83; difft., ‘interests’, PTemple, CBQ 1, ’39, 342–52.—In contrast to the other synoptists, Luke does not elsewhere show Jesus ‘at home’.) Lk 2:49 (Lysias 12, 12 εἰς τὰ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ; Theocr. 2, 76 τὰ Λύκωνος; pap in Mayser II [1926] p. 8; POxy 523, 3 [II A.D.] an invitation to a dinner ἐν τοῖς Κλαυδίου Σαραπίωνος; PTebt 316 II, 23 [99 A.D.] ἐν τοῖς Ποτάμωνος; Esth 7:9; Job 18:19; Jos., Ant. 16, 302. Of the temple of a god Jos., C. Ap. 1, 118 ἐν τοῖς τοῦ Διός). Mt 20:15 is classified here by WHatch, ATR 26, ’44, 250–53; s. also ἐμός b.
    The neut. of the art. stands
    α. before whole sentences or clauses (Epict. 4, 1, 45 τὸ Καίσαρος μὴ εἶναι φίλον; Prov. Aesopi 100 P. τὸ Οὐκ οἶδα; Jos., Ant. 10, 205; Just., D. 33, 2 τὸ γὰρ … [Ps 109:4]) τὸ Οὐ φονεύσεις, οὐ μοιχεύσεις κτλ. (quot. fr. the Decalogue) Mt 19:18; Ro 13:9. τὸ Καὶ μετὰ ἀνόμων ἐλογίσθη (quot. fr. Is 53:12) Lk 22:37. Cp. Gal 5:14. τὸ Εἰ δύνῃ as far as your words ‘If you can’ are concerned Mk 9:23. Likew. before indirect questions (Vett. Val. 291, 14 τὸ πῶς τέτακται; Ael. Aristid. 45, 15 K. τὸ ὅστις ἐστίν; ParJer 6:15 τὸ πῶς ἀποστείλης; GrBar 8:6 τὸ πῶς ἐταπεινώθη; Jos., Ant. 20, 28 ἐπὶ πείρᾳ τοῦ τί φρονοῖεν; Pel.-Leg. p. 20, 32 τὸ τί γένηται; Mel., Fgm. 8, 2 [Goodsp. p. 311] τὸ δὲ πῶς λούονται) τὸ τί ἂν θέλοι καλεῖσθαι αὐτό Lk 1:62. τὸ τίς ἂν εἴη μείζων αὐτῶν 9:46. τὸ πῶς δεῖ ὑμᾶς περιπατεῖν 1 Th 4:1. Cp. Lk 19:48; 22:2, 4, 23f; Ac 4:21; 22:30; Ro 8:26; Hs 8, 1, 4.
    β. before single words which are taken fr. what precedes and hence are quoted, as it were (Epict. 1, 29, 16 τὸ Σωκράτης; 3, 23, 24; Hierocles 13 p. 448 ἐν τῷ μηδείς) τὸ ‘ἀνέβη’ Eph 4:9. τὸ ‘ἔτι ἅπαξ’ Hb 12:27. τὸ ‘Ἁγάρ’ Gal 4:25.
    Other notable uses of the art. are
    α. the elliptic use, which leaves a part of a sentence accompanied by the art. to be completed fr. the context: ὁ τὰ δύο the man with the two (talents), i.e. ὁ τὰ δύο τάλαντα λαβών Mt 25:17; cp. vs. 22. τῷ τὸν φόρον Ro 13:7. ὁ τὸ πολύ, ὀλίγον the man who had much, little 2 Cor 8:15 after Ex 16:18 (cp. Lucian, Bis Accus. 9 ὁ τὴν σύριγγα [sc. ἔχων]; Arrian, Anab. 7, 8, 3 τὴν ἐπὶ θανάτῳ [sc. ὁδόν]).
    β. Σαῦλος, ὁ καὶ Παῦλος Ac 13:9; s. καί 2h.
    γ. the fem. art. is found in a quite singular usage ἡ οὐαί (ἡ θλῖψις or ἡ πληγή) Rv 9:12; 11:14. Sim. ὁ Ἀμήν 3:14 (here the masc. art. is evidently chosen because of the alternate name for Jesus).
    One art. can refer to several nouns connected by καί
    α. when various words, sing. or pl., are brought close together by a common art.: τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ γραμματεῖς Mt 2:4; cp. 16:21; Mk 15:1. ἐν τοῖς προφήταις κ. ψαλμοῖς Lk 24:44. τῇ Ἰουδαίᾳ καὶ Σαμαρείᾳ Ac 1:8; cp. 8:1; Lk 5:17 al.—Even nouns of different gender can be united in this way (Aristoph., Eccl. 750; Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 12 p. 37a οἱ δύο θεοί, of Apollo and Artemis; Ps.-Demetr., Eloc. c. 292; PTebt 14, 10 [114 B.C.]; En 18:14; EpArist 109) κατὰ τὰ ἐντάλματα καὶ διδασκαλίας Col 2:22. Cp. Lk 1:6. εἰς τὰς ὁδοὺς καὶ φραγμούς 14:23.
    β. when one and the same person has more than one attribute applied to him: πρὸς τὸν πατέρα μου καὶ πατέρα ὑμῶν J 20:17. ὁ θεὸς καὶ πατὴρ τοῦ κυρίου Ἰ. Ro 15:6; 2 Cor 1:3; 11:31; Eph 1:3; 1 Pt 1:3. ὁ θεὸς καὶ πατὴρ (ἡμῶν) Eph 5:20; Phil 4:20; 1 Th 1:3; 3:11, 13. Of Christ: τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν καὶ σωτῆρος 2 Pt 1:11; cp. 2:20; 3:18. τοῦ μεγάλου θεοῦ καὶ σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Tit 2:13 (PGrenf II, 15 I, 6 [139 B.C.] of the deified King Ptolemy τοῦ μεγάλου θεοῦ εὐεργέτου καὶ σωτῆρος [ἐπιφανοῦς] εὐχαρίστου).
    γ. On the other hand, the art. is repeated when two different persons are named: ὁ φυτεύων καὶ ὁ ποτίζων 1 Cor 3:8. ὁ βασιλεὺς καὶ ὁ ἡγεμών Ac 26:30.
    In a fixed expression, when a noun in the gen. is dependent on another noun, the art. customarily appears twice or not at all: τὸ πνεῦμα τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 3:16; πνεῦμα θεοῦ Ro 8:9. ὁ λόγος τοῦ θεοῦ 2 Cor 2:17; λόγος θεοῦ 1 Th 2:13. ἡ ἡμέρα τοῦ κυρίου 2 Th 2:2; ἡμ. κ. 1 Th 5:2. ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου Mt 8:20; υἱ. ἀ. Hb 2:6. ἡ ἀνάστασις τῶν νεκρῶν Mt 22:31; ἀ. ν. Ac 23:6. ἡ κοιλία τῆς μητρός J 3:4; κ. μ. Mt 19:12.—APerry, JBL 68, ’49, 329–34; MBlack, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 93–95.—DELG. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία >

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